This Week in Spring - July 5th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | July 05, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in rainy but beautiful Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo (come join me for a talk on Wednesday!), Osaka, and Hiroshima, Japan where I'll be doing a few meetups and talking to businesses of all shapes and sizes. If you're in either region, please hit me up!

This is my favorite time of year! As we lead to SpringOne Platform, there's so much good stuff being released that one can hardly keep up! I am really looking forward to this year's SpringOne Platform show, coming in early August. It's an amazing time to build applications, and…

Spring Boot 1.4.0.RC1 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | July 05, 2016 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that the release candidate of Spring Boot 1.4 is available now from the Spring milestone repository. This milestone concludes 6 months of work in the 1.4 line, closing over 140 issues and pull requests! Thanks to everyone that has contributed.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • Unified @EntityScan for JPA, MongoDB, Neo4j, Couchbase and Cassandra
  • Auto-configured RestTemplateBuilder
  • Support for pure rest client tests via @RestClientTest
  • Support for Jest (Elasticsearch rest client)
  • Upgrades to Spring Integration 4.3, Spring AMQP 1.6, Spring REST Docs 1.1, MongoDB Java Driver 3 and more

Spring for Apache Kafka 1.0 and Spring Integration Kafka 2.0 go GA

Releases | Artem Bilan | July 04, 2016 | ...

I’m pleased to announce that the spring-kafka (Spring for Apache Kafka) 1.0 GA and Spring Integration Kafka 2.0 GA are available finally!

The artifacts org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka:1.0.0.RELEASE and org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka-test:1.0.0.RELEASE are available in the Release repository and Maven Central, respectively.

In addition org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-kafka:2.0.0.RELEASE, fully based on the spring-kafka-1.0.0.RELEASE, is available at the same repositories as well.


Just after release we figured out a nasty bug with unacked offset commits for RECORD mode. Special thanks to Adam Dec! So, please, meet spring-kafka:1.0.1.RELEASE

Spring Framework 4.3.1 and 4.2.7 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | July 04, 2016 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that the Spring Framework 4.3.1 and 4.2.7 maintenance releases are available now.

The first maintenance release of the 4.3 line contains 40 fixes and improvements and is the base for the upcoming Spring Boot 1.4 release. The master branch has now switched to 5.0 and we'll start merging 5.0 features in preparation for 5.0.0.M1 later this month.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

For more details about Spring Framework 4.3, check Juergen Hoeller's session at SpringOne Platform, which is taking place in Las Vegas between August 1-4 this year. There are many other great talks so check the agenda and get your ticket

Spring Cloud Brixton.SR2 is available

Releases | Spencer Gibb | July 01, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce that Service Release 2 of the Spring Cloud Brixton Release Train is available today. The release can be found in our Spring Release repository and Maven Central.

This is primarily a bug fix release.

The following modules were updated as part of Brixton.SR2:

And, as always, we welcome feedback: either on GitHub, on gitter, on Stack Overflow, or on Twitter.

The Spring Cloud team will be talking about Spring Cloud at Spring One Platform, which will be taking place in Las Vegas between August 1-4 this year. There are many other great talks so check the agenda and get your ticket

Gradle Dependency Management Plugin 0.6.0 released

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | June 30, 2016 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Gradle dependency management plugin 0.6.0.RELEASE is now available from Maven Central, JCenter, and the Gradle Plugin Portal.

Gradle 3.0 compatibility

This new release is compatible with Gradle 3.0. At the time of writing it's tested against 3.0 M2 and the 0.6.x line will continue to track Gradle 3.0 development to maintain compatibility if at all possible.

Finer control over bom property overrides

Previously, an imported bom's properties could be overridden using project properties. This new release adds support for overriding a property as part of the import. bomProperty can be used to override properties one at a time (and can be used multiple times to override multiple…

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.4.0 GA released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | June 29, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.4.0 GA release.

In addition to version upgrades for Hadoop distros Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.4 adds the following improvements:

  • Add build support for HDP 2.4 [SHDP-557]
  • Create utils sub-project [SHDP-556]
  • Fix issue where NetworkUtils may find wrong default address [SHDP-546]
  • Missing trailing slash on spring.yarn.applicationDir path fails to localize [SHDP-562]

See the release changelog for details.

We continue to provide version specific artifacts with their respective transitive dependencies in the Spring IO milestone repository:

  • 2.4.0.RELEASE (default - Apache Hadoop stable 2.7.1)
  • 2.4.0.RELEASE-phd30 (Pivotal HD 3.0)
  • 2.4.0.RELEASE-cdh5 (Cloudera CDH 5.7)
  • 2.4.0.RELEASE-hdp23 (Hortonworks HDP 2.3)
  • 2.4.0.RELEASE-hdp24 (Hortonworks HDP 2.4)

This Week in Spring - June 28, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | June 28, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Munich and Wolfsburg, Germany, visiting with customers, then it's off to Seoul, South Korea, for customers and some user group talks.

This week we've got a lot of exciting Spring Cloud Data Flow news, coincident with the new Spring Cloud Data Flow RC1

  • The good Dr. Pollack, co-lead of the Spring Cloud Data Flow project, just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow RC1 which has updated deployers supporting deployments locally and to Apache YARN, Kubernetes, Mesos, and of course Cloud Foundry, an incredible integration of Spring Cloud Flo (a visualization for Spring Cloud Data Flow streams) into the Spring Cloud Data Flow Dashboard, improved OAuth support and so much more!
  • I really enjoyed Mark Paluch's excellent blog pulling back the veil of obscurity around the security secrets sensation sweeping the nation, Hashicorp Vault, and how Spring Cloud Vault works

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