Spring Boot 1.4 released

Releases | Phil Webb | July 28, 2016 | ...

One behalf of the Spring Boot team, and everyone that has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.4.0 has been released and is available now from repo.spring.io, Maven Central and Bintray. This release adds a significant number of new features and improvements and builds on the latest release of the Spring Framework. For full upgrade instructions and "new and noteworthy" features please see the release notes.

Here are some of the highlights of v1.4:

Startup failure message

Spring Boot will now perform analysis of common startup failures and provide useful diagnostic…

Reactive Programming with Spring 5.0 M1

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | July 28, 2016 | ...

As Juergen mentioned in his Spring Framework 5 M1 release announcement our Spring Reactive initiative has been merged into Spring Framework proper preserving all contributions and its full history over more than a year.

What is it?

In a nutshell reactive programming is about non-blocking, event-driven applications that scale with a small number of threads with backpressure as a key ingredient that aims to ensure producers do not overwhelm consumers. The Reactive Streams specification (also adopted in Java 9) enables the ability to communicate demand across layers and libraries from different…

Spring Data Release Train Ingalls M1 Released

Releases | Mark Paluch | July 27, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I’m happy to announce the first milestone of the Ingalls release train. The release ships 230 tickets fixed! The most noteworthy new features are:

  • Use of method handles for property access in conversion subsystem (Commons, MongoDB).
  • Upgrade to Cassandra 3.0 for Spring Data Cassandra (see the updated examples for details).
  • Support for declarative query methods for Cassandra repositories.
  • Support for Redis geo commands.
  • Any-match mode for query-by-example.
  • Support for XML and JSON based projections for REST payloads (see the example for details)

Find a curated change log in our release train wiki or skim through a full list of changes in JIRA

Spring Integration AWS 1.0.0 GA available now

Releases | Artem Bilan | July 26, 2016 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

It is my pleasure to announce that the Spring Integration AWS 1.0.0.RELEASE is available now.

As usual, thanks to the community for any feedback and contributions!

This release contains several critical bug fixes (mostly community driven) and aligns requirements of the upcoming Spring Cloud Stream Application Starters release.

We haven’t added any new features since the latest announcement and have concentrated mostly on improvements, bug fixes and integration testing, to deliver this product as soon as possible. For the next 1.1 version we would like to hear from you about priorities since there are still many Amazon features

Spring Integration 4.3.1, 4.2.9, 4.1.9, 4.0.9 are available

Releases | Artem Bilan | July 26, 2016 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I’m pleased to announce that a number of Spring Integration 4.x.x (4.3.1, 4.2.9, 4.1.9, 4.0.9) maintenance versions have been released. It’s strongly recommended for everyone to upgrade because these releases contain some important bug fixes and improvements.

We do not anticipate releasing more versions of the for 4.1.x and 4.0.x branches. If you use these in your projects, consider upgrading to 4.3.x as soon as possible.

While you can find all the changes for 4.3.1 in its Release Notes, here are some highlights:

  • It is a foundation for upcoming Spring Boot 1.4 GA;

  • Routers can now resolve channelKey as a Class<?> correctly. Previously such a configuration produced the following exception:

This Week in Spring - July 26th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | July 26, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week I'm mostly in San Francisco and Saint Louis, busily preparing for the big event next week!

This is my favorite time of year! As we lead to SpringOne Platform, there's so much good stuff being released that one can hardly keep up! I am really looking forward to this year's SpringOne Platform show, coming in early August. It's an amazing time to build applications, and SpringOne Platform is in a unique position to capture the larger discussion: why do we #devops, #cloud, #agile, or #microservice? Join the discussion August 1-…

Spring Cloud Contract 1.0.0.M1 Released

Engineering | Marcin Grzejszczak | July 25, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Cloud team it is my pleasure to announce the 1.0.0.M1 release of the new Spring Cloud project called Spring Cloud Contract. You can grab it from the Spring’s milestone repository or even better - go to start.spring.io and pick it from there.

Spring Cloud Contract

The microservice approach has plenty of benefits but also introduces complexity. This is an inevitable result of working with distributed systems: with increasing complexity inevitably more questions are posed. In this article we show how to test microservices and create a better API by using the Consumer…

Notes on Reactive Programming Part III: A Simple HTTP Server Application

Engineering | Dave Syer | July 20, 2016 | ...

In this article we continue the series on Reactive Programming, and the focus is less on learning the basic APIs and more on more concrete use cases and writing code that actually does something useful. We will see how Reactive is a useful abstraction for concurrent programming, but also that it has some very low level features that we should learn to treat with respect and caution. If we start to use these features to their full potential we can take control of layers in our application that previously were invisible, hidden by containers, platforms and frameworks.

Bridging from Blocking to…

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