Notes on Reactive Programming Part I: The Reactive Landscape

Engineering | Dave Syer | June 07, 2016 | ...

Reactive Programming is interesting (again) and there is a lot of noise about it at the moment, not all of which is very easy to understand for an outsider and simple enterprise Java developer, such as the author. This article (the first in a series) might help to clarify your understanding of what the fuss is about. The approach is as concrete as possible, and there is no mention of "denotational semantics". If you are looking for a more academic approach and loads of code samples in Haskell, the internet is full of them, but you probably don’t want to be here.

Reactive Programming is often…

Introducing Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry Service Broker

Releases | Scott Frederick | June 07, 2016 | ...

I am pleased to announce the newest addition to the Spring Cloud family. Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry Service Broker is a framework for building service brokers for the Cloud Foundry platform.

Cloud Foundry service brokers

Service brokers provide a means to extend Cloud Foundry with managed services that can be consumed by applications deployed to the platform. Managed services typically expose some sort of resource to an application, such as a database or other persistent store, a messaging system, or other supporting infrastructure. Service brokers publish a catalog of services and service…

Spring for Apache Kafka 1.0 Release Candidate 1 Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | June 07, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Integration and Spring Cloud Stream teams, I’m pleased to announce that the spring-kafka (Spring for Apache Kafka) Release Candidate for version 1.0 is now available.

The artifacts org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka:1.0.0.RC1 and org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka-test:1.0.0.RC1 are available in the Milestone repository.

First of all many thanks to everyone involved, to active community members, who provided feature requests and contributions. Special thanks to Martin Dam, who spent a lot of time helping us with the pause/resume algorithm to handle slow…

Spring Integration Kafka Support 2.0.0 Release Candidate is now available

Releases | Artem Bilan | June 07, 2016 | ...

I am pleased to announce that the spring-integration-kafka (Spring Integration Kafka Support) Release Candidate for version 2.0 is now available.

The artifact org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-kafka:2.0.0.RC1 is available in the Milestone Repository.

This version is based on the just released Spring for Apache Kafka release candidate 1.0.0.RC1.

There are not many changes since the previous Milestone 1. Just some general internal fixes and upgrades to accommodate recent Spring for Apache Kafka changes.

The Spring Integration Java DSL 1.2 and its Kafka09 Factory has also been…

This Week in Spring - June 7th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | June 07, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's already June! Where. Does. The. Time. GO?? This week I'm in Chicago, IL, for the Chicago Coder Conference, Boston and New Hampshire for customer visits, London, England for Devoxx UK and Talin, Estonia for Geekout EE. If you're around be sure to say hi! Now then, we've got a lot to cover this week so let's get to it!

Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.1.RELEASE is available

Releases | Marius Bogoevici | June 03, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce that Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.1.RELEASE is now available. The artifacts can be found in Spring Repository as well as Maven Central.

As a maintenance release it includes a number of fixes and improvements, such as:

  • additional configuration options for bindings;
  • the ability to create binder configurations that do not interfere with the user-created ones; this is a feature useful for libraries that include Spring Cloud Stream under the hood and wish to do so


The entire list of changes can be found here.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the project, and continue to do so either directly by opening pull requests or issues in GitHub issues, or asking Stack Overflow

Reactor guides deprecated

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | June 02, 2016 | ...

Greetings Spring community,

There has been a lot of buzz in the past six months over Spring 5 and Reactive Streams support. I personally witnessed the number of questions Rossen received during his Reactive Spring MVC talk at DevNexus back in March. And his reactive talk at Spring I/O conference more recently was VERY popular to attenders.

Based on the huge leaps and bounds Project Reactor has made in the past two years, we are taking two of our guides down:

  • Creating an Asynchronous, Event-Driven Application with Reactor

  • Uploading pictures with Reactor

Those guides are over two years old…

Spring AMQP 1.6 RELEASE available

Releases | Artem Bilan | June 01, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the Spring AMQP 1.6 GA (1.6.0.RELEASE) is now available in the spring release repo, as well as in the Maven Central.

First of all, thanks to everyone who contributed to the project any way: JIRAs, GitHub issues, Pull Requests, blog posts & articles and even just with simple StackOverflow questions!

You can find the full feature pack in the previous Spring AMQP 1.6 RC1 blog post. You can refer to the what’s new in the reference documentation as well as the closed JIRA Issues for the entire 1.6 version.

Nevertheless we encountered with the couple last minute…

Zero Downtime Deployment with a Database

This article will explain in depth how to tackle issues related to database compatibility and the deployment process. We will present what can happen with your production applications if you try to perform such a deployment unprepared. We will then walk through the steps in the lifecycle of an application that are necessary to have zero downtime. The result of our operations will be applying a backward incompatible database change in a backward compatible way.

If you want to work through the code samples below, you will find everything you need in GitHub.


Zero downtime deployment

What is this mythical zero downtime deployment? You can say that your application is deployed that way if you can successfully introduce a new version of your application to production without making the user see that the application went down in the meantime. From the user’s and the company’s point of view it’s the best possible scenario of deployment since new features can be introduced…

Spring REST Docs 1.1.0.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | May 31, 2016 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce the release of Spring REST Docs 1.1.0.RELEASE which is now available for Maven Central, JCenter and our release repository.


REST Assured

As an alternative to the lightweight server-less documentation generation offered by Spring Framework's MockMvc, you can now use REST Assured to test and document your RESTful services. This opens up Spring REST Docs to all four corners of the JVM and beyond, allowing you to document anything that you can access via HTTP.

The samples now include an app that is documented using REST Docs, built using Grails, and tested using Spock. A third-party sample that uses REST Docs to document an API implemented using Ratpack is also available. My thanks to Jenn Strater

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