This Week in Spring - December 22nd, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | December 22, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

It's December 22nd, 2020, as I write this and I can not believe we're smack dab in the middle of the week and only have two shopping days until Christmas! I don't know if it's just that time of year and I'm flush with the normal amount of warm-n-fuzzies or if it's just that, after a year like 2020, I'm very keen on savoring this precious reprieve. Either way, couldn't be happier. I've got a cold! I'm sick and sneezing and my nose is running, but at least it's not COVID-19, and at least I've got my family and my job, and - all things considered - I feel very, very, veery

Announcing Spring Cloud Stream Applications 2020.0.0 GA Release

Engineering | Soby Chacko | December 21, 2020 | ...

We are glad to announce the GA release of the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications - 2020.0.0.

We would like to use this release announcement as an opportunity to wrap up the blog series that we started in the summer. Therefore, consider this as part 15 of the blog series. In this blog, we are going to give a rundown of all the previous episodes in the series, but first, let us go through some release details.

Release Overview

2020.0.0 GA release contains the completely revamped functional foundation for the event-streaming applications. The old structure was based on an app starter model in which the critical logic for the applications is provided as part of a starter module. The starters then form the foundation for the applications. While it worked for the previous four generations of these app starters (Avogadro, Bacon, Celsius, Darwin, and Einstein), it deemed necessary to rewrite these starters as reusable functions so that they can be used for a wide array of use cases beyond what is required in the out of the box applications. Therefore, many of the old app starters were refactored and redesigned as functions, suppliers, and consumers. For the out of the box Spring Cloud Stream binder based applications, we take these functional components and use them as the base to build them. Other custom applications, even non-streaming use cases, can be designed using these functional components as a foundation. The functions can…

This Week in Spring - December 15th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | December 16, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe it's already December 15th? Me either! Another few weeks and this soul annhilating year will be over with and we'll be staring down 2021 filled with new hopes and possibilities! How are you? (Have you dipped into the eggnog yet?) I'm doing alright, thanks! I've been busy, as usual.

Most of that was fun stuff. But, some of that, I confess, was a mess of my own making. I spent Monday cleaning up a fire I'd set for myself. You see, I got a little sloppy with last week's podcast episode. Last week, I was…

Spring Tools 4.9.0 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | December 16, 2020 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 4.9.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.

major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

  • updated to Eclipse 2020-12 release (including support for Java 15)


  • the Eclipse-based distribution of the Spring Tools 4 requires a JDK11 (or newer) to run on
  • ships with an embedded JDK15 runtime, no need to install or configure a specific JDK to run the IDE on anymore

additional changes

  • (Spring Boot) new: show bean startup performance metrics in live hovers and code lenses (details in the user guide)
  • (Spring Boot) new: show basic request mapping performance metrics in live hovers and code lensses (details in the user guide)
  • (Spring Boot) new: provide content-assist for constructor-arg name in Spring XML config files (#562)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: language-server-internal exception happening when saving a file that has a space or other special characters in its name or path
  • (Eclipse)

Testing Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 1

Engineering | David Turanski | December 15, 2020 | ...

This post is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. This episode, presented in two parts, explores strategies for testing functions used to implement stream applications. We will pay special attention to functions that integrate with external resources, which presents additional testing challenges. Such is the case with most of the pre-packaged source and sink applications. To illustrate this, we will walk through a sample couchbase-sink application. Here in Part 1, we will focus on the core function on which the sink…

Testing Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 2

Engineering | David Turanski | December 15, 2020 | ...

This is Part 2 of Testing Stream Applications. In Part 1 we implemented and tested the core function needed for our sample couchbase-sink application. The tests at the function level covered expected success and error scenarios and relied on Testcontainers to provision a Couchbase cluster. This post assumes you have read Part 1 and continues where it left off.

Couchbase Sink

In Part 1 we verified that the function we wrote for upserting data into Couchbase works as expected. We can now use the function, exposed as a java.util.Consumer, to implement a sink to use in a data pipeline built with…

Spring Cloud 2020.0.0-RC1 (aka Ilford) Is Available

Releases | Ryan Baxter | December 15, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of the Spring Cloud 2020 Release Train is available today. You can find the release in the Spring Milestone repository. See the 2020 release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the 2020 Release Train

This release requires Spring Boot 2.4.0.

See the wiki for a list of all breaking changes in this release train.

See all of the included issues and pull requests at the Github project.

Spring Cloud Contract

The Gradle plugin creates a separate classpath when executing tasks.

Spring Cloud Kubernetes

Case Study: Change Data Capture (CDC) Analysis with CDC Debezium source and Analytics sink in Real-Time

Engineering | Christian Tzolov | December 14, 2020 | ...

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