Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.7.1 Released
Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 2.7.1.
2.7.1 is a maintenance release fixing following issues:
- UI bug fixes
- Cloudfoundry Java Client has been updated to 4.13.0 fixing its memory leak
- Using Spring Boot 2.3.7 and Cloud Hoxton.SR9
- Spring Cloud Task updated to 2.2.5
- Dataflow server contains fixes for docker, metrics and some endpoints
- More detailed list can be found from GitHub 2.7.1
There is also releases for GitHub 2.6.5 and GitHub 2.5.4 with updated Spring Cloud Task.
These releases fixes CVE-2020-5427.
We've switched Pre-packaged Applications in our import links to point to 3.x…