Hi, Spring fans! Happy new year! And welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Today is a significant installment because it marks a decade of This Week in Spring!
I started this roundup after a fun discussion with the legendarily nice guy and SpringSource co-founder Keith Donald in late 2010 over the holiday. Lo, the first week of January 2011, the first edition of this roundup went out the door on the old SpringSource.org blog.
It's been so much fun putting together this roundup, without fail, every Tuesday for the last decade. You wouldn't believe the lengths to which I went to get this out on Tuesday, well, my Tuesday, no matter where I was. I'd be on planes all the time and the original blog software on SpringSource.org didn't support scheduling posts, so I'd either publish it a little early or - if I was going to be on a plane for the entirety of the useful day - I'd have my then manager Adam Fitzgerald post it for me. He reviewed the content for the first few years of the blog, too…