Spring Data Graph 1.0 with Neo4j support released
Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that the first release (1.0.0.RELEASE) of the Spring Data Graph 1.0 project with Neo4j support is now available! This marks the first in a series of releases of the Spring Data subprojects over the next few months.
The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.
A guest blog post detailing the release has been published on the SpringSource Blogs.
The Graph Neo4j module provides integration with the Neo4j graph database. Back in 2010, Rod Johnson and Emil Eifrem started brainstorming about Spring and Neo4j integration including transparent persistence and cross-store support. After an initial prototype it has been further developed in close cooperation between the VMware…