Spring GemFire 1.1.0.M1 Released for Java

Releases | Costin Leau | July 20, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce the first milestone release of the Spring GemFire 1.1 project is now available! The Spring GemFire project aims to make it easier to build Spring-powered highly scalable applications using GemFire as distributed data management platform.

The new milestone updates include:

  • Native support for the upcoming GemFire 6.6
  • CacheServer support
  • GemFire implementation for Spring 3.1 cache abstraction
  • Support for queries with variable parameters

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring GemFire homepage.

Download it now: Spring GemFire for Java | Spring GemFire for .NET

We look forward to your feedback!

Spring Data Redis 1.0.0.M4 Released

Releases | Costin Leau | July 18, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the forth milestone release of the Spring Data Redis 1.0 project is now available!

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

This release introduces several new features such as:

  • Spring 3.1 cache implementation for Redis
  • Simplified pub-sub namespace

Additionally, with this release the Spring Data Key Value project has been split into Spring Data Redis and Spring Data Riak.

For more information on Redis and Spring Redis, attend the upcoming webinar presented by Salvatore Sanfilippo (Redis author) and Costin Leau (Spring Redis lead).

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker

Spring Roo 1.1.5 Released

Releases | Stefan Schmidt | July 12, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We’re happy to announce the availability of Spring Roo 1.1.5 (download here). Spring Roo is a rapid application development tool for Java, allowing you to create full enterprise applications in just minutes.

The new release features over 95 improvements and bug fixes since the 1.1.4 release. The next release of Roo will be 1.2.0.RC1 where new features such as application layering support and a new JSF UI option will be introduced.

Also, please check out the Vaadin Plugin for Spring Roo tutorial.

The reference guide is also included in the download ZIP.

Spring Roo has a very active community and responsive development team, so if you have any questions on this new release, please feel free to ask the Spring Roo engineering team on the Community Forum. You'll also find us on Twitter - either follow @SpringRoo

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.1 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | July 12, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce a minor update 2.7.1 of the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

The update provides:

  • support for Spring Roo 1.1.5
  • ships with Spring Roo 1.1.5
  • Roo Shell colors customizable

More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available.

As always downloads are available from the STS download page.

STS Cloud Foundry Integration 2.7.0.M3 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | July 12, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce a new milestone release 2.7.0.M3 of the Cloud Foundry Integration for the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

Among the highlights for this release:

  • improved synchronization between tooling and Cloud Foundry
  • support for changing the password
  • server connection status
  • improved handling of user credentials and password prompting

Installation instructions and a quick guide for the tooling is available from the SpringSource Team Blog: Using Cloud Foundry from STS.

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.0 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | July 05, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We're pleased to announce the new release 2.7.0 of the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

Some highlights from this release:

  • Ships on top of Eclipse Indigo (3.7)
  • Includes Mylyn 3.6 and EGit 1.0
  • Updated template projects
  • Support for Grails 1.4.M1
  • Grails-aware rename type refactoring
  • Groovy-Eclipse 2.5.1, which includes support for Groovy 1.8 and DSL IDE support (DSLDs)
  • Support for Gradle

More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available.

As always downloads are available from the STS download page.

Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0 GA Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | June 28, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the 1.5.0 GA release of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

This release includes just a few bug-fixes needed since the release candidate. To recap from the previous milestone releases, the major features included in 1.5.0 are:

  • Enhanced AMF serialization support, with proper handling of Hibernate lazy properties and collections, the option to use direct field mapping instead of property-based mapping, and support for specifying alternate constructors to default no-arg constructor.

  • A major refactoring of the Spring Security support, resulting in easier integration of Flex apps with various Spring Security features such as Remember Me, Session Fixation Protection, and Concurrent Session Control.

  • Easier customization and namespace-supported configuration of framework-provided services such as the LoginCommand and MessageInterceptors.

  • Support for reading and writing AMF content with RESTful Spring MVC @Controllers. This serves as a nice alternative to the direct RPC approach of the Remoting Service, reducing duplication of effort in applications that need to support multiple client types. (See the updated Test Drive for usage examples.)

  • Upgraded minimum dependencies to Spring 3.0, BlazeDS 4.0, Spring Security 3.0, and Spring Integration 2.0

  • A complete revision of the Maven-based Test Drive samples, including an update across the board to use Flex 4, and a new sample to demonstrate the RESTful programming model.

As always, I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the release and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira. We continually get great feedback from people having success with Spring BlazeDS Integration in their projects, and we look forward to hearing more about your experiences.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring Flex Lead

Spring AMQP for Java 1.0 RC2

Releases | Josh Long | June 27, 2011 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring AMQP for Java 1.0 RC2 is now available.

For details about the changes since RC1, please review the Release Notes here

In addition to a few bug fixes, this release provides the following:

  • Support for Exchange-to-Exchange bindings as well as custom Exchange types
  • Improved re-connection support
  • Added ChannelListener callback
  • Clarified Binding builder API semantics
  • Added a MessageProperties conversion strategy interface
  • Improved namespace coverage (e.g. <rabbit:template>)
  • Upgraded to RabbitMQ client version 2.5.0

Since this is intended to be our final pre-GA release, please take some time to try it out. In fact if you have a chance, really try to push the limits so that we know we're ready for prime time.

The Spring AMQP Team

Spring Social 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | June 23, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the first release candidate of the Spring Social project is now available!

The Spring Social project allows you to connect your Java applications to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.

This release includes:

  • Additions to the Facebook API binding such as photo and video upload, Facebook page support, and Facebook search.
  • Expansion of the Twitter API binding to include mobile notifications, blocking, and geo location operations.
  • Implicit sign up support enabling automatic sign up of a user from a connection.
  • A new quickstart showing how to get up and running quickly.
  • Numerous bug fixes and other improvements based on user feedback (see the changelog for details).

Also, with this release we have extracted the provider modules (Twitter, Facebook, etc) into their own projects so they can progress at a separate schedule from the main Spring Social project. Coinciding with the release of Spring Social 1.0.0.RC1, Spring Social Twitter and Facebook 1.0.0.RC1 are also now available.

To get the software, download the release distribution (Core | Facebook | Twitter) or simply add the maven artifacts to your project. To see it live, run through the quickstart and spin up the showcase app (recently updated for 1.0.0.RC1). Supplement as you go with information from the reference manual.

Spring Social requires Spring Framework 3.0.5 or > to run. We recommend Spring 3.1 for new applications to take advantage of the latest advances in the core framework. See the reference manual for a full description of dependencies.

It is awesome to see the community interest in extending Spring Social to work with numerous SaaS providers. Check out Matt Wright's work on Instagram and Foursquare and Morten Andersen-Gott's Yammer extension. Work on LinkedIn, Github, TripIt, and Gowalla has also started. We're committed to working with the community to build an ecosystem of quality Spring Social extensions. If you're integrating a SaaS API into your application, consider contributing to the Spring Social project. Have a look at our guide to extending Spring Social and discuss with the development team at our forum.

As we push toward a GA release, we would like to hear you think of the RC1 release. Participate in the forum or, if you have any suggestions or find any bugs, post them in the issue tracker. We hope you enjoy using Spring Social!

Spring Data Graph 1.1.0.M1 with Neo4j support Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | June 14, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that a new milestone release (1.1.0.M1) of the Spring Data Graph project with Neo4j support is now available!

The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.

The Graph Neo4j module provides integration with the Neo4j graph database. Back in 2010, Rod Johnson and Emil Eifrem started brainstorming about Spring and Neo4j integration including transparent persistence and…

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