Spring GemFire 1.0.0.RC1 Released for Java and .NET

Releases | Costin Leau | December 21, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce the first release candidate of the Spring GemFire 1.0 project is now available for both Java and .NET! The Spring GemFire project aims to make it easier to build Spring-powered highly scalable applications using GemFire as distributed data management platform.

The RC updates include:

  • Upgrades to the latest Spring, Spring.NET and Gemfire releases
  • Documentation improvements

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring GemFire homepage.

Download it now: Spring GemFire for Java | Spring GemFire for .NET

We look forward to your feedback!

Spring.NET 1.3.1 Released

Releases | sbohlen | December 14, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring .NET 1.3.1 is now available.

Download | Support | Documentation | Community

This release contains the following new major features:

  • Namespace parser for WCF integration
  • Initial ASPNET MVC 2 Integration for core DI capabilites
  • Support for DI using WCF's WebServiceHostFactory
  • Native .NET 4 compilation assemblies
  • Support for switching among multiple databases at runtime when using NHibernate
  • Support for NHibernate 3.0 GA release
  • Upgrade of Quartz.NET support to version 1.0.3
  • Upgrade of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ support to version 1.4.1
  • Over 100 bug fixes and other improvements

Please refer to the changelog for additional details.

Spring Data - Redis Support 1.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Costin Leau | December 13, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the very first milestone release of the Spring Data - Redis Support 1.0 project is now available! The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services. The Redis modules provides integration with Redis key-value store.

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Data Homepage.

The features in 1.0.0 M1 include:

  • Connection package as low-level abstraction across multiple drivers
  • Configuration support for Redis Jedis and JRedis drivers/connectors
  • Exception translation to Spring's portable Data Access exception hierarchy for Redis driver exceptions
  • Generified RedisTemplate for exception translation and serialization support
  • Various serialization strategies
  • Atomic counter support classes
  • JDK Collection implementations on top of Redis

Spring Mobile 1.0.0.M2 Released

Releases | Keith Donald | December 09, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the second milestone release of the Spring Mobile project is now available!

Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. The defining feature of the 1.0.0.M2 release is a "site switcher" that switches mobile users to your mobile site unless they have indicated a preference for your normal site. This is useful in applications that aim to provide a separate site for mobile users.

For more details on the site switching algorithm, see the Change Log.

To see the site-switcher in action, check out the lite-showcase sample application and watch its supporting screencast:

Spring Mobile 1.0.0.M2 Screencast

This milestone is the second in an exciting road ahead. We invite you to get involved in Spring Mobile development and look forward to your feedback!

* The Spring Mobile 1.0.0.M2 screencast contains free music by the band The Smashing Pumpkins. The screencast is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Smashing Pumpkins.

Spring GemFire 1.0.0.M2 Released for Java and .NET

Releases | Costin Leau | December 08, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce the second milestone release of the Spring GemFire 1.0 project is now available for both Java and .NET! The Spring GemFire project aims to make it easier to build Spring-powered highly scalable applications using GemFire as distributed data management platform.

The new milestone updates include:

  • Native support for GemFire 6.5 (besides 6.0)
  • Extensive namespace support for configuring all the major GemFire components: cache, replicated, partitioned and client regions and many more
  • New configuration option for region lookup-only
  • More documentation (twice the size of the previous release)

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring GemFire homepage.

Download it now: Spring GemFire for Java | Spring GemFire for .NET

We look forward to your feedback!

Spring LDAP 1.3.1 released

Releases | Ulrik Sandberg | November 30, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring LDAP version 1.3.1 has been released. This is an update release that adds a new LDIF parsing library, an Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) framework, and fixes a few problems that were in 1.3.0. Download | ChangeLog

A summary of the more important changes:

  • Added an Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) framework for annotation-based mapping between LDAP and Java objects; much like Hibernate or JPA, but for LDAP. Thanks to Paul Harvey for this contribution. (Docs)
  • Added an LDIF parsing library with an optional integration with Spring Batch. Thanks to Keith Barlow for this contribution. (Docs)
  • Added an extension to ContextMapperCallbackHandler that can provide the associated mapper with an indication that the response is different for each search result. (LDAP-185)
  • DIGEST-MD5 SASL authentication mechanism is now supported. Contributed by Marvin S. Addison. (LDAP-173)
  • AbstractTlsDirContextAuthenticationStrategy now provides a setter for customizing SSLSocketFactory used for TLS negotiation. (LDAP-180)
  • Added authentication methods that provide a possible authentication exception through an AuthenticationErrorCallback. (LDAP-192)

Get the latest Spring LDAP releases here

Ulrik Sandberg and Mattias Hellborg-Arthursson, Jayway
Spring LDAP Team


Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate. The framework relieves the user of common chores, such as looking up and closing contexts, looping through results, encoding/decoding values and filters, and more.

The LdapTemplate class encapsulates all the plumbing work involved in traditional LDAP programming, such as creating a DirContext, looping through NamingEnumerations, handling exceptions and cleaning up resources. This leaves the programmer to handle the important stuff - where to find data (DNs and Filters) and what do do with it (map to and from domain objects, bind, modify, unbind, etc.), in the same way that JdbcTemplate relieves the programmer of all but the actual SQL and how the data maps to the domain model.

In addition to this, Spring LDAP provides transaction support, a pooling library, an Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) framework, an LDIF parsing library with Spring Batch integration, exception translation from NamingExceptions to a mirrored unchecked Exception hierarchy, as well as several utilities for working with filters, LDAP paths and Attributes.

Spring LDAP requires J2SE 1.4 or higher to run, and works with Spring Framework 2.0.x, 2.5.x as well as 3.0.x. J2SE 1.4 or higher is required for building the release binaries from sources. For release 1.2.1, an installation of JavaCC 4.0 is also required when building from source. That is not necessary for release 1.3.x, since it uses Maven2, which handles all such dependencies behind the scenes.

Where to start

Download the distribution from the link above. The distribution contains extensive JavaDoc documentation as well as full reference documentation and a sample application illustrating different ways to use Spring LDAP.


Support is available on the Spring LDAP support forum
Bug reports, enhancement requests and patches should be submitted to the JIRA issue tracker


Sources are available in the Spring Framework Subversion repository:
http://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-ldap/trunk (latest sources)
http://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-ldap/tags/spring-ldap-1.3.1.RELEASE (1.3.1 sources)

Maven Users

Artifacts for all production releases will be available from the central Maven repository. Alternatively, you can specify the SpringSource release repository:


The dependencies in 1.3.1.RELEASE are:


Release candidates and milestones are available from the Spring Source milestone repository:


Nightly snapshots are available from the Spring Source snapshot repository:


The dependencies for 1.3.2.CI-SNAPSHOT are:

Maven Configuration for Spring Integration

Releases | Mark Fisher | November 30, 2010 | ...


Add the following within the <dependencies> section of your POM:


That will make the "spring-integration-core" module available to your project (the "core" includes the Messaging API and Enterprise Integration Patterns support). If you want to use any of the adapters or support for XML, Groovy, and/or Spring Security, you can instead add one or more of the following as the "artifactId" value:

  • spring-integration-event
  • spring-integration-feed
  • spring-integration-file
  • spring-integration-ftp
  • spring-integration-groovy
  • spring-integration-http
  • spring-integration-ip
  • spring-integration-jdbc
  • spring-integration-jms
  • spring-integration-jmx
  • spring-integration-mail
  • spring-integration-rmi
  • spring-integration-security
  • spring-integration-sftp
  • spring-integration-stream
  • spring-integration-test
  • spring-integration-twitter
  • spring-integration-ws
  • spring-integration-xml
  • spring-integration-xmpp

NOTE: Any of the modules listed above will bring the "core" module in as a transitive dependency, so you do not need to include it in the POM if you are using at least one from that list. Also, some…

Spring Integration 2.0 GA Released (11/2010)

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | November 29, 2010 | ...

Just in case you missed it, last week Mark Fisher announced that Spring Integration 2.0 is now GA. There is a "What's new in Spring Integration 2.0?" section in the reference manual that serves as a great starting point for existing 1.0 users and provides several links to the relevant sections within the manual where the new features are explained in detail. Mark's blog also covers the appropriate Maven POM entries and a sample application for the community to try.

There is also a recent webinar entitled Message-Driven Architecture with Spring that includes a fairly broad overview of Spring's support for ApplicationEvents, JMS, AMQP, Task Execution, and Scheduling. Also covered is a demo showing many adapters: REST, SOAP, email, XMPP, and Twitter. The webinar is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn as much as they can, in just one hour, about Spring Integration and how it fits within the Spring platform.

Download | Reference Manual | Webinar | Forum | Issue Tracker

Spring Android 1.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | November 20, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the first milestone release of the Spring Android project is now available!

Spring Android supports usage of the Spring Framework in a Android environment. The defining feature of the 1.0.0.M1 release is RestTemplate support that provides a robust REST client to use in native Android applications.

To get you started, Keith has posted a Spring into Mobile Application Development blog, which provides insight into the project.

This milestone is the first in an exciting road ahead. If you're building native Android applications that communicate with Spring web apps, we invite you to join us in the development of the Spring Android project!

Spring Mobile 1.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | November 19, 2010 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the first milestone release of the Spring Mobile project is now available!

Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. The defining feature of the 1.0.0.M1 release is support for server-side device detection.

To get you started, Keith has posted a Spring into Mobile Application Development blog, which provides insight into the project.

This milestone is the first in an exciting road ahead. We invite you to get involved in Spring Mobile development and look forward to your feedback!

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