Spring .NET 1.1.1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | April 07, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring .NET 1.1.1 has been released.  

Download | SiteDocumentation | Changelog

This is primarily a bugfix and enhancement release but some minor new features were introduced:

  • ParameterValidationAdvice to validate method arguments.
  • A Required attribute and RequiredObjectFactoryPostProcessor for enforcing the configuration of required properties.
  • ASP.NET Panel control to disable DI on…

Spring Batch 1.0.0.FINAL Released

Releases | Dave Syer | April 01, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 1.0.0.FINAL has been released!

Downloads | Site | Changelog | Announcement

There are no significant high-level changes since rc1, except some updates to the reference documentation. The main functional changes were that retry and skip can now be used in the same step, and there are some extra configuration options for fatal exceptions in the step factory beans.

Spring Security 2.0.0 RC1 Released

Releases | Ben Alex | April 01, 2008 | ...

Spring Security 2.0.0 RC1 is now available.

| Changelog | Announcement

Over 65 issues have been addressed, including OpenID integration, a new "protect-pointcut" for AspectJ expressions, dynamic retrieval of method authorization metadata, support for method authorization on all method types (interface, class, bridge, generic, superclass), restful URI authorization, namespace improvements, dependency updates and much more!

SpringSource Application Management Suite (AMS) Released

Engineering | Jennifer Hickey | March 31, 2008 | ...

It has been a busy few months since SpringSource partnered with Hyperic to bring our Application Management Suite (AMS) product to market. I am pleased to announce that the SpringSource AMS beta release is now available to all. Please take a moment to evaluate the software and post your thoughts on the beta forum. We are committed to providing the best application management experience possible for Spring-powered applications, and your feedback is much appreciated!

Those who expressed an interest in SpringSource AMS at The Spring Experience in December received an email announcing the beta…

What's New in Spring Web Services 1.5?

Engineering | Arjen Poutsma | March 29, 2008 | ...

After being in the works for about six months, I'm happy to announce that Spring Web Services 1.5.0 has been released! In this post, I'd like to go over some of the major new features.

New Transports

The 1.5 release includes two new transports: JMS and email. Using these new transports requires no Java code changes: just add a bit of configuration, and you're off! The JMS transport integrates nicely with Spring 2's Message-Driven POJO model, as indicated by the following piece of configuration taken from the airline sample application:

<jms:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory">

Spring Web Services 1.5.0 Final Released

Releases | Arjen Poutsma | March 28, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring community,
I'm pleased to announce that Spring Web Services 1.5.0 has been released!

Downloads | Site | Changelog | Announcement

This final release candidate the following new features over 1.0.3:

  • Two new transports: JMS and email, both for client and server,
  • WSS4J-based WS-Security implementation, which allows for WS-Security on non-SUN JDKs (i.e. WebSphere) and JDK 1.4,
  • WS-Addressing support for both client and server, supporting the August 2004 and final versions of the specification,
  • Native support for Java 6, including JAXP 1.4, and the bundled SAAJ 1.3 and JAXB 2.0,
  • Two new Spring namespaces, which drastically decrease the amount of XML required to configure marshallers and typical Spring-WS constructs,
  • Spring-WS jars are now OSGi bundles,
  • A new, client-side interception mechanism, including WS-Security support,
  • @Endpoints are now @Components, so they are automatically picked up when using Spring 2.5 component scanning
  • A new and improved XSD-to-WSDL generator that inlines included and imported XSDs
  • Support for Spring Security
  • Support for the Java 6 HTTP Server
  • Two new samples, showing Plain Old XML usage and WS-Addressing with the Java 6 HTTP server

and many small improvements and bug fixes. Check the changelog for more details.

We recommend upgrading to Spring Web Services 1.5 from all previous versions, in order to benefit from these new features!

The 1.5 series is 95% backwards compatible, though support for Java 1.3 has been dropped, in favor of Java 1.6.


Arjen Poutsma
Spring Web Services Lead

Spring Java Configuration - What's New in M3

Engineering | Chris Beams | March 27, 2008 | ...

Today marks the third milestone release of the Spring Java Configuration project (JavaConfig for short). The release contains numerous bug fixes and new features - I'll highlight a few of the most interesting changes below, but first let me give a quick refresher as to what JavaConfig is all about.

If you have any experience with Spring, the following snippet of XML configuration will likely be familiar. Let's assume we're looking at a file named application-config.xml:

	<bean id="orderService" class="com.acme.OrderService"/>
		<constructor-arg ref="orderRepository"/>

Spring For JavaServerFaces - TSSJS Slides and Demos

Engineering | Keith Donald | March 27, 2008 | ...

Today I am delivering a presentation entitled Spring for Java Server Faces at TSSJS in Las Vegas. The presentation looks at how JSF and Spring fit together, and walks the audience through approaches to integrating these two technologies.

The slides are available for your viewing pleasure, and for you to use as you see fit.

In the presentation, I outline two approaches to integrating JSF and Spring. The first approach is what I call "JSF-centric", which is the integration approach most folks with a traditional JSF background employ today. The second approach is what I call "Spring-centric…

Using a Hybrid Annotations & XML Approach for Request Mapping in Spring MVC

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | March 24, 2008 | ...

In Spring 2.5 it is possible to use annotations to configure all parts of a web application. Seeing annotations applied is particularly interesting in the Web layer where developers traditionally rely on the SimpleFormController and the MultiActionController for form page handling. The introduction of annotations has created a third option, one that does not require a base class while still offering the flexibility of previous approaches.

While it is easy to see the elegance in using annotated POJOs to implement Controllers, the benefit is not as clear in the area of URL-to-Controller…

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