Spring Tool Suite 3.8.4 released
Dear Spring Community,
I am happy to announce the 3.8.4 release of the Spring Tool Suite, our Eclipse-based tooling.
Highlights from this release include:
- updated to Eclipse Neon.3
- completely revamped wizard for direct access to start.spring.io
- boot dashboard: support for local Spring Cloud CLI services
- boot dashboard: support for routes when deploying apps to CF
- fixed font rendering on main STS dashboard
- added support for Buildship 2.0
- improved reliability for boot dashboard when showing status of running boot apps
- issue tracking moved to GitHub Issues
To download the distributions, please go visit:
- Spring Tool Suite: https://spring.io/tools/sts/all
STS 3.9.0 is scheduled to be released on top of Eclipse Oxygen 4.7 in early July 2017.