Spring Tips: The Wavefront Observability Platform
speaker: Josh Long (@starbuxman)
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of Spring Tips! In this installment, we'll revisit two topics that we've addressed in two previous videos (distributed tracing and metrics collection) in terms of the superb Tanzu Wavefront observability platform.
The first video of the two videos, as mentioned above, dating way back in early 2017, looked at distributed tracing with spring cloud sleuth and openzipkin. Spring Cloud Sleuth is an abstraction for capturing the flow of messages from one node to another. It's useful to help you see how messages move through a system. Spring cloud sleuth integrates with all the usual ingress and egress points in a Spring Boot application. Make an HTTP request using either the Restteplat
or the reactive WebClient
or Spring Cloud Feign? It works. Receive an HTTP request to a traditional (Servlet-based) or…