Spring Data Neumann goes GA
Dear Spring community,
On behalf of the Spring Data team and many contributors, it is my pleasure to announce that Spring Data Neumann is generally available from repo.spring.io as well as Maven Central! This release ships with over 650 features, bugfixes and improvements containing numerous major version and driver upgrades.
This very tightly curated overview summarizes the most significant changes:
- Repository support for Kotlin Coroutines.
- Upgrade to MongoDB Driver 4.
- Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.
- Upgrade to Couchbase SDK 3
- Upgrade to Querydsl 4.3
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7 and fully revise Template API for consistent Elasticsearch usage.
- Inclusion of Spring Data R2DBC into the release train.
- Merge of Spring Data for Apache Geode and Spring Data GemFire into a single Spring Data Geode module.
- Joda-Time and ThreeTenBackport support deprecated. …