A Bootiful Podcast: SpringOne 2020, Josh's book "Reactive Spring," and Microsoft Java Architect and fellow Java Champion Jonathan Giles

Engineering | Josh Long | September 04, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of a Bootiful Podcast! In this episode Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks about the massive, virtual SpringOne 2020 event (tens of thousands of people in attendance!), his just-completed book "Reactive Spring", and then talks to Microsoft's Jonathan Giles (@jonathangiles) .

Spring Tools 4.7.2 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | September 03, 2020 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 4.7.2 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.

Highlights from this release include:

  • (Eclipse) new: this releases introduces a completely new wizard in Eclipse to add Spring Boot starter modules to existing projects. Take a look at the user guide section about it to learn all about this new and way more flexible way to add modules to your Spring Boot projects.
  • (Eclipse) new: this releases introduces an experimental early version of support for the Spring Boot OCI image building support in combination with…

This Week in Spring (SpringOne 2020 Edition) - September 1st, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | September 02, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another action-packed installment of This Week in Spring. Normally, I spend my time in these blogs looking at the week that was but I confess, as much as I love all the interesting stuff that's come out in the last week, my heart's just not in it! My mind instead is SpringOne 2020, which starts Wednesday, tomorrow, at 6 AM PST. There's going to be so much good stuff, my friends. Obviously, there's no better place to tackle the goings-on of the Spring community. But this show doesn't stop there! There's also going to be content around diversity and social justice…

Hello, Azure Spring Cloud

Engineering | Josh Long | September 02, 2020 | ...

NOTE: This blog was drafted in cooperation with members of the Spring team and Microsoft Azure Spring Cloud team, including Josh Long, Julien Dubois, Sean Li, Kylie Liang, Jonathan Giles, Asir Selvasingh, and the rest of the Microsoft Azure Spring Cloud and VMware Spring teams.

Hi, Spring fans! It is with extreme delight that today we announce the general availability of Azure Spring Cloud. Azure Spring Cloud is a platform for deploying and managing Spring Boot and Spring Cloud-powered services and software built on Microsoft Azure. It is jointly built, operated, and supported by Microsoft…

Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR8 has been released

Releases | Spencer Gibb | August 28, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 8 (SR8) of the Spring Cloud Hoxton Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the Hoxton release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Hoxton Release Train

This was primarily a bug fix and documentation release.

See all of the included issues and pull requests at the GitHub project. Hoxton.SR8 is compatible with Spring Boot 2.3.x and 2.2.x.

Spring Cloud Netflix

Added support for TLS configuration to Eureka Client.

Spring Cloud Config

Added support for…

A Bootiful Podcast: Soby Chacko and Dave Turanski on Messaging in Spring, Spring Cloud Stream App Starters and More

Engineering | Josh Long | August 27, 2020 | ...

Hi Spring fans! In this episode Josh Long (@starbuxman) looks at the week that was and then talks to Spring team members Soby Chacko (@sobychacko) and Dave Turanski (@dturanski) about messaging in Spring, Spring Cloud, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud Stream, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Spring Cloud Stream App Starters.

Case Study: Reading from a file and writing to MongoDB

Engineering | Soby Chacko | August 25, 2020 | ...

This article is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. In this episode, we are taking a deeper look into the file supplier and its Spring Cloud Stream file source counterpart. We will also see a MongoDB consumer and its corresponding Spring Cloud Stream sink. Finally, we will demonstrate how the File source and the MongoDB sink can be orchestrated together on Spring Cloud Data Flow as a pipeline.

Here are all the previous parts of this blog series.

This Week in Spring - August 25th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | August 25, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been an insane week since we last spoke and things are only going to get nuttier between now and then! I've been heads down in my preparations for my SpringOne talks - one on Azure with Julien Dubois (@JulienDubois) and another on incorporating asynchronicity with Mario Gray (@MarioGray). I've been heads down working on my book Reactive Spring.

A few upcoming events worth noting:

  • I'll be streaming on Twitch tomorrow (Wednesday), noon, PST. Follow me on Twitter @starbuxman for the link.
  • I'll be presenting at the September edition of the Denver JUG to introduce RSocket. RSVP.

Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire 1.4.0-M2 and 1.3.3.RELEASE Available

Releases | John Blum | August 22, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the Spring, Apache Geode and VMware Tanzu GemFire communities, is it is my pleasure to announce the release of Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SBDG) 1.4.0-M2 & 1.3.3.RELEASE.

SBDG 1.4.0-M2 builds on:

  • Spring Boot 2.4.0-M2

  • Spring Framework 5.3.0-M2

  • Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SDG) 2020.0.0-M2 (Ockham-M2/2.4.0-M2)

  • Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SSDG) 2020.0.0-M1 (2.4.0-M1)

  • Spring Test for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (STDG) 0.0.18.RELEASE

SBDG 1.3.3.RELEASE builds on:

  • Spring Boot 2.3.3.RELEASE

  • Spring Framework 5.2.8.RELEASE

  • Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SDG) Neumann-SR3 (2.3.3.RELEASE)

  • Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SSDG) Dragonfruit-RELEASE (2.3.0.RELEASE)

  • Spring Test for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (STDG) 0.0.18.RELEASE

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