Spring Framework 5.3 goes RC1

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | September 15, 2020 | ...

Dear Spring community,

On behalf of the development team, it is my pleasure to announce that a feature-complete Spring Framework 5.3 release candidate is available from our milestone repository now! Check out the list of new features and upgrade notes on our GitHub wiki, including several deprecation notes.

As the last feature branch of the 5.x generation, we are preparing the 5.3.x line for general availability in late October - with an extended maintenance phase up until 2024. While we strongly encourage appropriate migration steps, all of our deprecated packages are going to remain in place…

Spring Vault 2.3 M1 available

Releases | Mark Paluch | September 15, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the community, I’d like to announce the availability of the first Spring Vault milestone release 2.3.0-M1 of the 2.3 development line.

Most notable changes in this release are:

  • Support for Vault’s Transform secrets backend. Please note that this is an enterprise feature.

  • A ReactiveVaultEndpointProvider for non-blocking lookup of VaultEndpoint that can be used for reactive service discovery.

  • VaultKeyValueMetadataOperations for Key-Value metadata interaction.

  • Updates to our documentations specifically on how to use Vault’s various secret backends with Spring Vault.

For a complete list of changes see the 2.3.0-M1 changelog

You spoke, we listened: State of Spring 2020 report is here!

Engineering | Ben Wilcock | September 11, 2020 | ...


Back in July the Spring team asked for your input on a range of Spring-related topics. And wow! What a response!

Thank you to the 1024 developers, architects, and managers across the globe that took time out of their day to complete the survey. We’ve crunched the numbers, filtered & mashed up the results to distill the most compelling insights into the State of Spring 2020 report.


Thanks to everyone that completed the survey. We look forward to making this report an annual event, following the growth, success, and evolution of our community.

Download your copy of 'The State Of Spring 202…

Spring Security 5.4 goes GA

Releases | Josh Cummings | September 10, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the community, it is my pleasure to announce the general availability of Spring Security 5.4. This release is the result of the work that went into 5.4.0-M1, 5.4.0-M2, 5.4.0-RC1, and 5.4.0. In combination, they close 250+ tickets.

You can find the highlights of 5.4 in the What’s new section of the Spring Security reference.

As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback!

Project Site | Reference | Help

Case Study: Relational Database Source and File Sink

Engineering | Soby Chacko | September 10, 2020 | ...

This article is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. In this episode, we are exploring the JDBC supplier and the source based on Spring Cloud Stream. We will see how we can export data from a relational database and dump it into a file using a File Consumer and the corresponding Spring Cloud Stream File sink. We will look at a few different ways in which we can run JDBC Source and send the data to a file.

Here are all the previous parts of this blog series.

This Week in Spring - September 8th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | September 09, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans!

Last week was SpringOne. It was absolutely bonkers. The videos are coming sooner rather than later. In the meantime, some of them are already up on the Spring YouTube channel.

Also, I announced that my new book Reactive Spring is now available for sale! I'm proofing the printed version as we speak :-) Meanwhile, you can pre-order the Kindle version or - preferably! - get the digital version over on Leanpub.

Did I mention that last week was SpringOne? Seriously. There's no way I can hope to cover all that happened. But I do hope you'll listen to the latest installment of my…

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