Spring Security 3.2.8 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | July 23, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 3.2.8.RELEASE. This release focusses on fixing major issues. For complete details on the release, refer to the Change Log.

While we will continue to support the 3.2.x line for some time, we encourage everyone to update to 4.x. To make this transition easy, we have a very detailed migration guide complete with sample migrations and a diff. If you have any problems migrating, create a StackOverflow question with the spring-security tag. If you don't get a response within a reasonable amount of time feel free to ping me at @rob_winch or in…

Spring Roo 2.0.0.M1 refactors addons, structures for collaboration

Releases | Pieter Humphrey | July 20, 2015 | ...

On behalf on the Spring Roo team at DISID Corporation, I am pleased to announce that Spring Roo 2.0.0.M1 has been released!

This first release of Spring Roo 2.0 is a large refactoring of Spring Roo project. We have moved Roo to be a smaller and easier to maintain project:

  • The OSGi container has been upgraded to OSGi R5.
  • Spring Roo has defined its runtime. The Roo runtime contains everything that is needed to execute addons and it doesn't contain any addon. By not containing any addons it is easier to keep the Roo runtime more stable and backward compatible.
  • Today, Spring Roo is centered in Spring technologies - so addons like GWT and JSF have been moved to their own projects in order to be maintained by the Roo community.
  • The user guide has been migrated to ASCIIdoc.

Spring Framework 4.2 RC3 released / GA on July 30

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | July 15, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

Spring Framework 4.2 is not going GA today quite yet, but it's almost there: RC3 is available from repo.spring.io now, as a last release candidate before we reach GA on the 30th of July. This release includes 50 fixes and improvements over RC2, waiting for you to try them!

We decided to do another release candidate for several reasons: e.g. our continued wait for Jackson 2.6 final and Hibernate ORM 5.0 final but also our recent build upgrade to Gradle 2.5 and some last-minute refinements within our 4.2 web story (based on RC1/RC2 feedback).

I'm pleased to announce that this is in fact the first release of Spring which builds fine not only on JDK 8 but also on current JDK 9 snapshots! Our master build…

Spring Boot 1.3.0.M2 Available Now

Releases | Phil Webb | July 10, 2015 | ...

Spring Boot v1.3.0.M2 is available now from the Spring milestone repository. This release closes a whopping 73 issues and merges 59 pull-requests! Thanks to everyone that has contributed.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • Auto-configuration support for jOOQ.
  • Hypermedia support for actuator endpoints.
  • Support for ANSI color banner.txt files.
  • An improved way to access ApplicationArguments.
  • New /flyway, /liquibase and /logfile actuator endpoints.
  • Auto-configuration support for Spring Session with Redis.
  • Property based configuration of Spring's "resource chains".
  • New logback <springProfile> and <springProperty> tags.
  • Support for Apache Artemis (following the donation of HornetQ to Apache).
  • A new AntLib module to help create executable jars from Apache Ant.

Spring Integration 4.2 Milestone 2 is Available (and 4.1.6)

Releases | Gary Russell | July 07, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the second milestone for the upcoming 4.2 release of Spring Integration is now available. In addition to those features in milestone 1 this release includes:

##Zookeeper Support

Several components have been added that use zookeeper, including a LockRegistry and MetadataStore but probably the most significant is the ability to assign endpoints to a leadership Role, with the endpoint lifecycle being controlled by the leadership status. When an application context is granted leadership, all endpoints in the corresponding role are started automatically. Similarly…

Spring Data Fowler SR 1 released

Releases | Christoph Strobl | July 01, 2015 | ...

Hot on the heels of the final service updates for the release trains Dijkstra and Evans, the first service release for the Spring Data release train Fowler has just been shipped to repo.spring.io and Maven Central. The Fowler SR1 maintenance release includes a total of 119 issues solved and is a recommended upgrade for all users.

Final Spring Data Service Releases Evans SR3 and Dijkstra SR6 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | July 01, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I'd like to announce the availability of the final service release of the Spring Data release trains Evans and Dijkstra. Evans SR3 ships 114 tickets fixed, Dijkstra SR6 has 56 bugs squashed.

Dijkstra is the last release train compatible with Spring 3.2 and picks up the latest service release of that as well. Evans has been superseded by Fowler (currently in use in Spring Boot 1.2) which saw a first service release today as well. The service releases are basically considered a conclusion of the branches and upgrading to Fowler is recommended to all users.

Hibernate, Jackson, Jetty etc support in Spring 4.2

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | July 01, 2015 | ...

Spring is well-known to actively support the latest versions of common open source projects out there, e.g. Hibernate and Jackson but also common server engines such as Tomcat and Jetty. We usually do this in a backwards-compatible fashion, supporting older versions at the same time - either through reflective adaptation or through separate support packages. This allows for applications to selectively decide about upgrades, e.g. upgrading to the latest Spring and Jackson versions while preserving an existing Hibernate 3 investment.

With the upcoming Spring Framework 4.2, we are taking the…

Spring Framework 4.1.7 & 3.2.14 released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | June 30, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that the Spring Framework 4.1.7 and 3.2.14 maintenance releases are available now. Aside from fixing various minor issues across the framework, these releases also address an XML parsing vulnerability through disabling DTD processing by default when parsing untrusted XML input in Spring MVC endpoints.

Note that Spring Framework 3.2.x has its End-of-Life scheduled for December 31, 2016. Based on demand and vulnerability reports, further maintenance releases will be made available up until then. At the same time, we strongly recommend a migration to Spring Framework 4.1.7 or the upcoming 4.2

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