Spring XD 1.2 M1 and 1.1.2 released
On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce the first milestone release of Spring XD 1.2 and the 1.1.2 maintenance release.
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You can also install using brew and rpm
The full list of issues fixed for 1.1.2 is available in JIRA. Of note the 1.1.2 release provides PHD 3.0 support.
The 1.2 M1 release includes bug fixes as well and several new features and enhancements:
- PHD 3.0 support
- MongoDB Source, a community contribution from Abhinav Gandhi
- Module registry backed by HDFS
- Greenplum gpload as provided batch job. This allows for efficient loading from CSV files into Greenplum DB/HAWQ.
- gpfdist sink that adheres to the gpfdist protocol. This allows for streaming data in parallel into Greenplum DB/HAWQ.
- Zookeeper distributed queue based deployment for streams and jobs.
- Improved error handling for RabbitMQ with Dead Letter Queue and durable queue support for pub/sub named channels (tap: and topic:)
- Sqoop integration improvements…