Spring Framework moves to GitHub

Engineering | Chris Beams | December 21, 2011 | ...

Today we're happy to announce that the Spring Framework has moved to GitHub!

spring-framework on github

As you've probably noticed, nearly every other Spring project has already made the move, and those that haven't will soon.

Git helps us with many of the challenges of managing a large codebase like the Spring Framework, but what's most exciting is what GitHub means for the Spring community. Many readers will already know the virtues of watching and forking repositories, pull requests, forking and editing, and the many other features that GitHub adds to the already excellent world of Git. If you're new to this stuff, be sure to check out the great materials at help.github.com

Spring Python 1.1.1, 1.2.1, and 1.3.0.RC1 are released!

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | December 20, 2011 | ...

Amidst the flurry of Spring releases this month, Spring Python has it's own.

Versions 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 are maintenance releases that patch some bugs. Version 1.3.0.RC1 is the first release of 1.3.0.

In this release we have commits from team members, and have also merged pull requests through github. If you want to make contributions to this project, don't forget to sign the contributor license agreement.


The Spring Python team

Release Notes - Version 1.1.1

Release Notes - Version 1.2.1

  • [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-159] - Add DatabaseTemplate argument checks to execute that are like the ones used in query operations
  • [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-161] - Add installation steps to Spring Python's documentation

Release Notes - Version 1.3.0.RC1

  • [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-159] - Add DatabaseTemplate argument checks to execute that are like the ones used in query operations
  • [SESPRINGPYTHONPY-161] - Add installation steps to Spring Python's documentation

This Week in Spring, December 20th, 2011 (Holiday Edition)

Engineering | Josh Long | December 20, 2011 | ...
<IMG src = "http://www.springsource.org/files/rod-holidays.png" width = "300" style = " float : right;  margin-left : 10px;  " />
		Well, it's that time of the year again!  

The holiday season is upon us and many people will be celebrating! No matter what holiday you're celebrating (or if you're celebrating at all), let me wish you a wonderful week and the happiest of holidays.
To tide you over we've packed this week's roundup to the brim.

  1. Santa's elves could learn a thing or two from the SpringSource engineers! Alan Stewart announced Spring Roo 1.2.0 GA on Saturday. This version of Roo has caught the attention of a lot of people. While there are many new features, some of my favorites are the multi-module Maven project support (which lets you, for example, build your model classes in a separate project from your web application), support JSF / PrimeFaces scaffolding (as opposed to just GWT, Spring MVC, Vaadin, and Flex), support for services / repositories (using Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB; this is in addition to the Active record style data-access objects…

Spring Roo 1.2.0.RELEASE available

Engineering | Alan Stewart | December 17, 2011 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that Spring Roo 1.2 GA has just been released. This release represents a significant amount of engineering effort by the Roo team and includes all the most popular features that the Roo user community have requested as well as many performance and usability improvements. The new features of Roo 1.2.0 are:

  • Apache 2.0 licensed
  • Multi-module Maven project support
  • JSF / PrimeFaces scaffolding
  • Services / repositories (using Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB)
  • Database reverse engineering multi-schema support
  • Flexible GWT support
  • Shell usability improvements
In my next blog coming soon, I will detail the new commands available to use these exciting new features.

Alan Stewart Spring Roo Project Lead

Web Development Evolved: Grails 2.0 Released!

Engineering | Graeme Rocher | December 15, 2011 | ...

After nearly a year in development, we are extremely excited to announce the GA release of Grails 2.0 - the second major revision of the web framework that is changing the face of web development on the JVM.

This release brings a greatly enhanced user experience. Everything from the command line, to the test reports, to the UIs that Grails generates for you have been rethought and reinvented. Some of the exciting features available in Grails 2.0 include:

  • A new console UI incorporating tab completion and coloured output
  • A better and more reliable reloading mechanism, resulting in far fewer server restarts
  • Enhanced error reporting and problem diagnosis
  • The latest and greatest libraries: Groovy 1.8, Spring 3.1, Hibernate 3.6 and Servlet 3.0
  • A powerful framework for static resources (CSS, Javascript, etc.)
  • New APIs for link generation and page rendering
  • New GORM features: detached criteria, Where queries, multiple data sources, and more
  • Standard plugins for database migrations and reverse engineering
  • New unit testing API with full GORM emulation
  • … plus hundreds of smaller improvements

All of these new features are covered in great detail in the “What’s new in Grails 2.0?” section of the user guide. Also be sure to check out the Grails 2.0 webinar and the “Countdown to Grails 2.0” blog…

This Week in Spring, December 13, 2011 (Spring 3.1 Edition)

Engineering | Josh Long | December 14, 2011 | ...

Today saw the release of the Spring framework, version 3.1, the next step in enterprise Java development.

  	There is a <EM>lot</EM> of other stuff to talk about this week, but we'll
  	forego them for next week, because there's quite simply too much to look at with Spring 3.1.  

  	Take a look at the following content, and don't forget to download (<A href="http://www.springsource.com/download/community?project=Spring%20Framework&version=3.1.0.RELEASE">direct</a> or <a href="http://www.springsource.org/spring-core#download">maven</a>) and try out the latest and greatest bits today! 

And, of course, for all the gritty details of what's new, check out the Spring Framework 3.1 release notes.

Among my favorite new features in this release:

<ul> <LI>
Comprehensive Java-based application configuration</LI>
</LI> <lI>New caching abstraction

Countdown to Grails 2.0: User experience

Engineering | Peter Ledbrook | December 14, 2011 | ...

Welcome to this final Countdown to Grails 2.0 post: the final release is imminent! I'm not really going to say much here because some of the most interesting new features of Grails 2.0 are much better seen. For that reason, I've created a screencast so you can see exactly what awaits you when you install Grails 2.0 for the first time:


The key aspects are:

  • a whole new interactive console;
  • better automatic class reloading, including support for domain classes and Java files;
  • enhanced error reporting;
  • new HTML 5 scaffolding; and
  • new test reports.

As shown in the screencast, the new interactive console comes with: auto-completion on commands; execution of external applications using "bang" (!) commands; a command history buffer; and easy access to test and dependency reports. This is backed up by a much improved reloading mechanism for Grails classes. You don't need to restart run-app

Spring Framework 3.1 goes GA

Engineering | Juergen Hoeller | December 13, 2011 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that Spring Framework 3.1 becomes generally available today! This release delivers several key features that make Spring ready for the challenges of 2012 and beyond:

  • The environment abstraction and the associated bean definition profiles, along with centrally configurable property sources for placeholder resolution.

  • Java-based application configuration based on @Enable* annotations on configuration classes, allowing for convenient container configuration: e.g. using @EnableTransactionManagement to activate declarative transaction processing.

  • The cache abstraction with our declarative caching solution (@Cacheable etc) on top, focusing on convenient interaction between application code and cache providers.

  • The Servlet 3.0 based WebApplicationInitializer mechanism for bootstrapping a Spring web application without web.xml! This is a key piece in Spring's web configuration story, providing a rich alternative to XML-based bootstrapping.

Spring Integration Scripting Support - Part 1

Engineering | David Turanski | December 08, 2011 | ...

Spring Integration scripting support, available in the 2.1 release, builds upon the Groovy scripting support introduced in 2.0.  If you are familiar with Spring Integration, consider scripting support as another tool in your toolbox that you will find useful in certain situations.  If you have existing code written in languages such as Groovy, Python, Ruby, or Javascript and need to integrate them with each other or into a Java application,  Spring Integration provides a simple way to do this.  Whatever the case, this post covers the basics to get you started using your favorite scripting…

This Week in Spring, December 6th, 2011

Engineering | Josh Long | December 07, 2011 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring.

     We're in December, folks. I just can't believe that it's already December. 

Um, OK, ignore me.
Just astonished. Let's get into the roundup because there is a lot of new content this week.

  1. Did you miss SpringOne? Well, that's a shame. You missed out on a lot. However, don't fret, our friends at InfoQ are riding to the rescue with a steady stream of videos from the different talks at SpringOne2GX. The first two talks on the docket? The opening keynote with SpringSource CTO Adrian Colyer, SpringOne 2Gx Keynote - Spring, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
    		On day two, <a href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3322">Ben Alex lead the SpringOne 2GX technical keynote</a>, a procession of 
    		  demonstrations and thought provoking insights into next generation application development with Spring and on the cloud.
    		<LI> <a href = "http://www.twitter.com/ramnivas">Ramnivas Laddad</a>, all around great guy and one of the brilliant, mad…

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