This Week in Spring, May 15th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | May 16, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This week in Spring!. We've got a lot to cover this week, as usual. So, onward!

  1. Rossen Stoyanchev has just released part two and three of his blog series introducing Spring MVC 3.2's new features. In the first installment, Rossen introduces how to make a Spring MVC @Controller asynchronous. In the second post, Rossen introduces how to add long polling to an existing web application. Long polling is useful in any number of scenarios where you want to simulate server-side push with client-side applications.
  2. <LI>  The video for <a href= "">Oleg Zhurakousky</A>'s followup webinar introducing <a href ="">More Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration</A> has just been posted. Check it out! </LI> 
     <LI> <A href ="">Roy Clarkson</A>  just announced that <a href = "">Spring Mobile 1.0.0 has  been released</A>!  </LI>
    <LI>  SpringSource and Cloud Foundry rockstar  <a  href  ="http://blog.springsource…

Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Chat Sample

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 16, 2012 | ...

Last updated on November 5th, 2012 (Spring MVC 3.2 RC1)

In previous blog posts I introduced the Servlet 3 based async capability in Spring MVC 3.2 and used the spring-mvc-showcase and the Spring AMQP stocks sample to demonstrate it. This post presents a chat sample where the external events are not AMQP messages but rather HTTP POST requests with chat messages. In the second part of the post, I'll switch to a distributed chat where the events are Redis notifications.

Chat is not a common requirement for web applications. However it is a good example of a requirement that can only be met with real-time notifications. It is more sensitive to time delays than email or status alerts and it is not that uncommon to chat in a browser with a friend, or with a colleague during a webinar, or with a live person on a shopping site. You can imagine other types of online collaboration.

The Sample

The spring-mvc-chat sample is available on Github. Although not the focus of this blog post, the client side uses Thymeleaf, knockout.js, and jQuery. Thymeleaf is an excellent alternative to JSPs that enables clean HTML templates with support for previews allowing a designer to double-click an HTML template and view it unlike a JSP that requires a Servlet container. knockout.js is a client-side MVC framework that's very handy for attaching behavior to HTML elements. To get an idea about it quickly, follow one of its excellent tutorials. jQuery is used for DOM scripting and Ajax requests.


The ChatController exposes operations to get and post chat message. Here is the method to get messages:

public DeferredResult<List<String>> getMessages(@RequestParam int messageIndex) {

  final DeferredResult<List<String>> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<List<String>>(null, Collections.emptyList());
  this.chatRequests.put(deferredResult, messageIndex);

  deferredResult.onCompletion(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

  List<String> messages = this.chatRepository.getMessages…

Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Adding Long Polling to an Existing Web Application

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 14, 2012 | ...

Last updated on November 5th, 2012 (Spring MVC 3.2 RC1)

In my last post I discussed how to make a Spring MVC controller method asynchronous by returning a Callable which is then invoked in a separate thread by Spring MVC.

But what if async processing depended on receiving some external event in a thread not known to Spring MVC -- e.g. receiving a JMS message, an AMQP message, a Redis pub-sub notification, a Spring Integration event, and so on? I'll explore this scenario by modifying an existing sample from the Spring AMQP project.

The Sample

Spring AMQP has a stock trading sample where a QuoteController sends trade execution messages via Spring AMQP's RabbitTemplate and receives trade confirmation and price quote messages via Spring AMQP's RabbitMQ listener container in message-driven POJO style.

In the browser, the sample uses polling to display price quotes. For trades, the initial request submits the trade and a confirmation id is returned that is then used to poll for the final confirmation. I've updated the sample to take advantage of the Spring 3.2 Servlet 3 async support. The master branch has the code before and the spring-mvc-async branch has the code after the change. The images below show the effect on the frequency of price quote requests (using the Chrome developer tools):

Before the change: traditional polling

After the change: long poll

As you can see with regular polling new requests are sent very frequently (milliseconds apart) while with long polling, requests can be 5, 10, 20, or more seconds apart -- a significant reduction in the total number of requests without the loss of latency, i.e. the amount of time before a new price quote appears in the browser.

Getting Quotes

So what changes were required? From a client perspective traditional polling and long polling are indistinguishable so the HTML and JavaScript did not change. From a server perspective requests must be held up until new quotes arrive. This is how the controller processes a request for quotes:

// Class field
private Map<String, DeferredResult> suspendedTradeRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DeferredResult>();


public DeferredResult<List<Quote>> quotes(@RequestParam(required = false) Long timestamp) {

  final DeferredResult<List<Quote>> result = new DeferredResult<List<Quote>>(null, Collections.emptyList());
  this.quoteRequests.put(result, timestamp);

  result.onCompletion(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Making a Controller Method Asynchronous

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 10, 2012 | ...

Last updated on November 5th, 2012 (Spring MVC 3.2 RC1)

In previous posts I introduced the Servlet 3 based async capability in Spring MVC 3.2 and discussed techniques for real-time updates. In this post I'll go into more technical details and discuss how asynchronous processing fits into the Spring MVC request lifecycle.

As a quick reminder, you can make any existing controller method asynchronous by changing it to return a Callable. For example a controller method that returns a view name, can return Callable<String> instead. An @ResponseBody that returns an object called Person can return Callable<Person> instead. And the same is true for any other controller return value type.

A central idea is that all of what you already know about how a controller method works remains unchanged as much as possible except that the remaining processing will occur in another thread. When it comes to asynchronous execution it's important to keep things simple. As you'll see even with this seemingly simple programming model change, there is quite a bit to consider.

The spring-mvc-showcase has been updated for Spring MVC 3.2. Have a look at CallableController. Method annotations like @ResponseBody and @ResponseStatus apply to the return value from the Callable as well, as you might expect. Exceptions raised from a Callable are handled as if they were raised by the controller, in this case with an @ExceptionHandler method. And so on.

If you execute one of the CallableController methods through the "Async Requests" tab in the browser, you should see output similar to the one below:

08:25:15 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] DispatcherServlet - DispatcherServlet with name 'appServlet' processing GET request for [...]
08:25:15 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] RequestMappingHandlerMapping - Looking up handler method for path /async/callable/view
08:25:15 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] RequestMappingHandlerMapping - Returning handler method [...]
08:25:15 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] WebAsyncManager - Concurrent handling starting for GET [...]
08:25:15 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] DispatcherServlet - Leaving response open for concurrent…

Using Cloud Foundry Workers with Spring

Engineering | Josh Long | May 09, 2012 | ...

You've no doubt read Jennifer Hickey's amazing blog posts introducing Cloud Foundry workers, their application in setting up Ruby Resque background jobs, and today's post introducing the Spring support.

Key Takeaways for Spring Developers

  1. You need to update your version of vmc with gem update vmc.
  2. Cloud Foundry workers let you run public static void main jobs. That is, a Cloud Foundry worker is basically a process, lower level than a web application, which maps naturally to many so-called back-office jobs.
  3. You need to provide the command that Cloud Foundry will run. You could provide the java incantation you'd like it to use, but it's far simpler to ship a shell script, and have Cloud Foundry run that shell script for you, instead. The command you provide should employ $JAVA_OPTS, which Cloud Foundry has already provided to ensure consistent memory usage and JVM settings.
  4. There are various ways to automate the creation of a Cloud Foundry deployable application. If you're using Maven, then the org.codehaus.mojo:appassembler-maven-plugin plugin will help you create a startup script and package your .jars for easy deployment, as well as specifying an entry point class.
  5. Everything else is basically the same. When you do vmc push on a Java .jar project, Cloud Foundry will ask you whether the application is a standalone application. Confirm, and it'll walk you through the setup from there.

So, let's look at a few common architectures and arrangements that are easier and more natural with Cloud Foundry workers. We'll look at these patterns in terms of the Spring framework and two surrounding projects, Spring Integration and Spring Batch, both of which thrive in, and outside of, web applications. As we'll see, both of these frameworks support decoupling and improved composability. We'll disconnect what happens from when it happens, and we'll disconnect what happens from where it happens, both in the name of freeing up capacity on the front end.

I've got a Schedule to Keep!

One common question I get is: How do I do job scheduling on Cloud Foundry? Cloud Foundry supports Spring applications, and Spring of course has always supported enterprise grade scheduling abstractions like Quartz and Spring 3.0's @Scheduled annotation. @Scheduled is really nice because it is super easy to add into an existing application. In the simplest case, you add @EnableScheduling to your Java configuration or <task:annotation-driven/> to your XML, and then use the @Scheduled annotation in your code. This is a very natural thing to do in an enterprise application - perhaps you have an analytics or reporting process that needs to run? Some long running batch process? I've put together an example that demonstrates using @Scheduled to run a Spring Batch Job. The Spring Batch job itself is a worker thread that works with a web service whose poor SLA make it unfit for realtime use. It's safer, and cleaner, to handle the work in Spring Batch, where its recovery and retry capabilities pick up the slack of any network outages, network latency, etc. I'll refer you to the code example for most of the details, we'll just look at the the entry point and then look at deploying the application to Cloud Foundry.

// set to every 10s for testing.
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 10 * 1000)
public void runNightlyStockPriceRecorder() throws Throwable {
	JobParameters params = new JobParametersBuilder()
		.addDate("date", new Date())
	JobExecution jobExecution =, params);
	BatchStatus batchStatus = jobExecution.getStatus();
	while (batchStatus.isRunning()) {"Still running...");
	}"Exit status: %s", jobExecution.getExitStatus().getExitCode()));
	JobInstance jobInstance = jobExecution.getJobInstance…

Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Techniques for Real-time Updates

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 08, 2012 | ...

Last updated on November 5th, 2012 (Spring MVC 3.2 RC1)

In my last post I introduced the new Servlet 3 based, async support in Spring MVC 3.2 and talked about long-running requests. A second very important motivation for async processing is the need for browsers to receive real-time updates. Examples include chatting in a browser, stock quotes, status updates, live sports results, and others. To be sure not all examples are equally delay-sensitive but all of them share a similar need.

In standard HTTP request-response semantics a browser initiates a request and the server sends a response, which means the server can't send new information until it has a request from the browser. Several approaches have evolved including traditional polling, long polling, and HTTP streaming and most recently we have the WebSocket protocol.

Traditional Polling

The browser keeps sending requests to check for new information and the server responds immediately each time. This fits scenarios where polling can be done at reasonably sparse intervals. For example a mail client can check for new messages every 10 minutes. It's simple and it works. However, the approach becomes inefficient when new information must be shown as soon as possible in which case polling must be very frequent.

Long Polling

The browser keeps sending requests but the server doesn't respond until it has new information to send. From a client perspective this is identical to traditional polling. From a server perspective this is very similar to a long-running request and can be scaled using the technique discussed in Part 1.

How long can the response remain open? Browsers are set to time out after 5 minutes and network intermediaries such as proxies can time out even sooner. So even if no new information arrives, a long polling request should complete regularly to allow the browser to send a new request. This IETF document recommends using a timeout value between 30 and 120 seconds but the actual value to use will likely depend on how much control you have over network intermediaries that separate the browser from server.

Long polling can dramatically reduce the number of requests required to receive information updates with low latency, especially where new information becomes available at irregular intervals. However, the more frequent the updates are the closer it gets to traditional polling.

HTTP Streaming

The browser sends a request to the server and the server responds when it has information to send. However, unlike long polling, the server keeps the response open and continues to send more updates as they arrive. The approach removes the need for polling but is also a more significant departure from typical HTTP request-response semantics. For example the client and server need to agree how to interpret the response stream so that the client will know where one update ends and another begins. Furthermore, network intermediaries can cache the response stream which thwarts the intent of the approach. This is why long polling is more commonly used today.

WebSocket Protocol

The browser sends an HTTP request to the server to switch to the WebSocket protocol and the server responds by confirming the upgrade. Thereafter browser and server can send data frames in both directions over a TCP socket.

The WebSocket protocol was designed to replace the need for polling and is specifically suited for scenarios where messages need to be exchanged between browser and server at a high frequency. The initial handshake over HTTP ensures WebSocket requests can go through firewalls. However, there are also significant challenges since a majority of deployed browsers do not support WebSockets and there are further issues with getting through network intermediaries.

WebSockets revolves around the two way exchange of text or binary messages. It leads to a significantly different approach from a RESTful, HTTP-based architecture. In fact there is a need for some another protocol on top of WebSockets, e.g. XMPP, AMQP, STOMP, or other and which one(s) will become predominant remains to be seen.

The WebSocket protocol is already standardized by the IETF while the WebSocket API is in the final stages of being standardized by W3C. A number of Java implementations have become available including servlet containers like Jetty and Tomcat. The Servlet 3.1 spec will likely support the initial WebSocket upgrade request while a separate JSR-356 will define a Java-based WebSocket API.

Coming back to Spring MVC 3.2, the Servlet 3 async feature can be used for long-running requests and also for HTTP streaming, techniques Filip Hanik referred to as "the server version of client AJAX calls". As for WebSockets, there is no support yet in Spring 3.2 but it will most likely be included in Spring 3.3. You can watch SPR-9356 for progress updates.

The next post turns to sample code and explains in more detail the new Spring MVC 3.2 feature.

Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Introducing Servlet 3, Async Support

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 07, 2012 | ...

Last updated on November 5th, 2012 (Spring MVC 3.2 RC1)


Spring MVC 3.2 introduces Servlet 3 based asynchronous request processing. This is the first of several blog posts covering this new capability and providing context in which to understand how and why you would use it.

The main purpose of early releases is to seek feedback. We've received plenty of it both here and in JIRA since this was first posted after the 3.2 M1 release. Thanks to everyone who gave it a try and commented! There have been numerous changes and there is still time for more feedback!

At a Glance

From a programming model perspective the new capabilities appear deceptively simple. A controller method can now return a java.util.concurrent.Callable to complete processing asynchronously. Spring MVC will then invoke the Callable in a separate thread with the help of a TaskExecutor. Here is a code snippet before:

// Before
public String processUpload(final MultipartFile file) {
    // ...
    return "someView";

// After
public Callable<String> processUpload(final MultipartFile file) {

  return new Callable<String>() {
    public Object call() throws Exception {
      // ...
      return "someView";

A controller method can also return a DeferredResult (new type in Spring MVC 3.2) to complete processing in a thread not known to Spring MVC. For example reacting to a JMS or an AMQP message, a Redis notification, and so on. Here is another code snippet:

public DeferredResult<String> quotes() {
  DeferredResult<String> deferredResult…

This Week in Spring, May 1, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | May 01, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I'm writing the back of the room during Adrian Colyer's amazing keynote at SpringOne On The Road - London event.

  1. Did you guys miss Oleg Zhurakousky's webinar, Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration? Have no fear, the video is available online.

    Also, be sure to check out part 2, this Wednesday, May 3rd for both Europe and North America!

    	<LI> <a href = "">Roy Clarkson</A> has announced the <a href = "">latest release of Spring Mobile</A>.  
    		 The release has several enhancements including more refined resolution, and improved site switching behavior. 
    		<LI>  <a href = "">Jonathan Brisbin</A> just announced <a href="…

This Week in Spring - April 24th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | April 24, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As I compile this, I'm eagerly waiting for Costin Leau to begin his talk on NOSQL with Spring here in sunny, and beautiful Kiev, Ukraine, the first stop in the European leg of the Cloud Foundry Open Tour. The turnout for this event's been staggering! If you're reading this, then you've already missed out on the chance to attend the Kiev event, but be sure to register for the upcoming Moscow and London events.

  1. In this SpringOne 2GX 2011 session, Mark Fisher and Thomas Risberg transform a monolithic enterprise application by changing its relational DB with a NoSQL one, introducing modularity, adding polyglot support and incorporating message queuing and event driven request processing using common enterprise integration patterns.
  2. Did you guys notice that the final edition of the excellent Spring Roo in Action has just been published?
        This book is, as Ben Alex (Spring Roo project founder) put it, "an insightful and comprehensive treatment." I (personally) can't recommend it enough. Ken Rimple and Srini Penchikala, as long time readers of this roundup will know, are frequent Spring community bloggers and 

    routinely provide amazing content on all things Spring.

  3. 			 <LI>  
    		Blogger Billy Sj&ouml;berg on DZone has a great post on how <a href = "">to bridge JMS and RabbitMQ</A>. 
    		 This example uses <a href = "http://www.springsource…

This Week in Spring: April 17th, 2012

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | April 17, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. This week is the last chance to sign up for the SpringOne on the Road events in London, Kiev and Moscow so be sure to register. Let's dive into it!

  1. Chris Richardson's webinar recording on NoSQL options for the Java developer is online in the SpringSourceDev YouTube Channel.
  2. Shekhar Gulati's excellent introduction to Spring Roo continues over on IBM's developerWorks portal. The latest installment introduces writing advanced (and wrapper) Spring Roo addons.
  3. <LI>  This article, which introduces how to use <a href = "">Spring to assemble  JavaFX 2 components</a> is short and to the point.  I'd probably use Spring's Java configuration option to fully exploit all the custom components, however. The nice thing about the approach outlined (over using FXML, directly, is that beans configured this way benefit from all the services that Spring provides, including dependency injection and AOP). Nice post, Andy!  </LI>
    <LI>Blogger <EM>Rob Gordon</EM> has a nice post introducing <a href ="…

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