This Week in Spring - February 10th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | February 10, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

If you're in the bay area this week, I'll be speaking at the Netflix OSS meetup in Los Altos talking about Spring Cloud on Wednesday and at Pivotal San Francisco's Open-Source Hub on the amazing Spring Session project on Thursday. I hope you'll join me for either or both! It's sure to be fun!

As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. My pal (and Spring Boot co-founder!) Phil Webb and I gave the introduction to Spring Boot lesson at SpringOne2GX 2014 - check it out! Hopefully you'll have as much fun as we did! :)
  2. DZone have published two nice Developers of the Week profiles, one for the good Dr. Dave Syer and one for Spring Batch lead Michael Minella
  3. Adib Saikali put together a really nice article on InfoQ introducing the ways that Java 8 and Spring 4 win.
  4. Readers of this roundup will know that I love me some JHipster, and so I am super excited to have JHipster founder Julien Dubois

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Gradle and Jenkins

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | February 10, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Peter Niederwieser

G&G Special Topics


Getting software from a developer's machine to a production environment without a fully automated process is time-consuming and error-prone. Continuous Delivery enables building, testing and deploying of software through build pipelines with well-defined quality gates. In this session, we will discuss how to build such a pipeline with the help of Gradle and Jenkins. With Jenkins as the centerpiece of our build pipeline, we will model our way from build to deployment. We will start by introducing an examplary application and learn how to build it with Gradle. Step by step, we will touch on topics like automating unit, integration and functional tests, incorporating popular code quality tools, as well as packaging, publishing and deploying the deliverable.

SSO with OAuth2: Angular JS and Spring Security Part V

Engineering | Dave Syer | February 03, 2015 | ...

Note: the source code and test for this blog continue to evolve, but the changes to the text are not being maintained here. Please see the tutorial version for the most up to date content.

In this article we continue our discussion of how to use Spring Security with Angular JS in a "single page application". Here we show how to use Spring Security OAuth together with Spring Cloud to extend our API Gateway to do Single Sign On and OAuth2 token authentication to backend resources. This is the fifth in a series of articles, and you can catch up on the basic building blocks of the application or build it from scratch by reading the first article, or you can just go straight to the source code in Github. In the last article we built a small distributed application that used

Introducing Spring Social Slideshare

Engineering | Josh Long | February 03, 2015 | ...

This post is a guest post by community member Tadaya Tsuyukubo (@ttddyy), creator of the Spring Social Slideshare project. Thanks Tadaya! I'd like to see more of these guest posts, so - as usual - don't hesitate to ping me! -Josh

Spring Social Slideshare is one of the community modules in Spring Social ecosystem. It is a Java binding built on top of the Spring Social framework to interact with the SlideShare REST API.

Spring Social modules provide an implementation of the ApiBinding interface that binds Java interfaces and concrete implementation classes to a REST API. By convention, an interface is named as target service, e.g. GitHub, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. The implementation class is of the form *Template, e.g.: GitHubTemplate, LinkedInTemplate, and FacebookTemplate. In Spring Social Slideshare, there is a Slideshare interface and SlideshareTemplate implementation class. You can use spring to inject the SlideshareTemplate to your service. Or, if you choose to, you can directly instantiate

This Week in Spring - February 3rd, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | February 03, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! We've got a lot to cover, so without further ado, let's get to it!

  1. Spring XD co-lead Dr. Mark Pollack's just announced that Spring XD 1.1 RC1 is now available! Now's the time to get the bits, try it out and see if there any gaps!
  2. If you've been reading the amazing Dr. Syer's blogs of late, you'll know that he's been introducing people to how to use expose and secure REST services for a UI client. The fourth post looks at how to insert an API gateway between the clients and the backend service. The fifth post then introduces OAuth as a drop-in replacement for the bespoke authentication session tokens being used. If you're not following this series, do go back and reread them. This series treats a subject that I get asked…

Spring Roo 1.3.1.RELEASE now available

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | February 02, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Roo Team at Disid Corp, we are pleased to announce the 1.3.1.RELEASE is out!

Spring Roo 1.3.1.RC2 was closed without new reported issues.

Spring Roo jar files have been published to Maven Central.

It is recommended that all Spring Roo users upgrade to this version. For full details on the changes made in the release, please refer to the Spring Roo 1.3.1.RC1 Release Notes and Spring Roo 1.3.1.RC2 Release Notes in JIRA.

Thanks to all awesome users who came up with useful bug reports and suggestions, currently we are working on defining final points of Spring Roo 2.0 Roadmap and it will be published as soon as possible.

For more specific information about Spring Roo project please see the Project Page or GitHub. As always, you'll also find Roo on Twitter - either follow @SpringRoo or just include #SpringRoo in your tweets. Stay tuned to Spring Roo news!

Why 12 Factor Application Patterns, Microservices and CloudFoundry Matter

Engineering | Tim Spann | January 30, 2015 | ...

It seems like a lifetime ago, but a few short years ago I was leading a $100 million government project for a large system integrator that involved 50+ developers, 20+ testers, 15+ managers, 5+ ops and a cast of characters. Once a week we had to do our deploy.

Despite using Scrum, Cruise Control, SVN, Java, Eclipse, Guava, Google Guice, UML, JUnit, PMD, Findbugs, Checkstyle, MDD, TDD, eclEmma and mostly modern tools; our deploy process was a fragile, long, manual, person intensive process. Each Friday night we started. A long email thread began the process with a text check list that we…

Spring XD 1.1 RC1 released

Engineering | Mark Pollack | January 29, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce that the Spring XD 1.1 Release Candidate is now available for download.

The 1.1 RC1 release includes several new features as well as bug fixes.

One theme in the 1.1 release is around Stream processing. The 1.1 M2 version introduced support for Reactor’s Stream API in processing modules. The 1.1 RC1 release adds support for stream processing using RxJava’s Observable API and Spark Streaming alongside the existing Spark job support. By providing a range of options, you can pick the functional programming model that best suits the…

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