Using Google Protocol Buffers with Spring MVC-based REST Services

Engineering | Josh Long | March 22, 2015 | ...

This week I'm in São Paulo, Brazil presenting at QCon SP. I had an interesting discussion with someone who loves Spring's REST stack, but wondered if there was something more efficient than plain-ol' JSON. Indeed, there is! I often get asked about Spring's support for high-speed binary based encoding of messages. Spring's long supported RPC encoding with the likes of Hessian, Burlap, etc., and Spring Framework 4.1 introduced support for Google Protocol Buffers which can be used with REST services as well.

From the Google Protocol Buffer website:

Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages...

Spring Boot Support in Spring Tool Suite 3.6.4

Engineering | Kris De Volder | March 18, 2015 | ...

Spring Boot STS Tutorial

Spring Tool Suite 3.6.4 was just released last week. This blog post is a tutorial demonstrating some of the new features STS provides to create and work with Spring Boot applications.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to:

  • create a Simple Spring Boot Application with STS
  • launch and debug your boot application from STS
  • use the new STS Properties editor to edit configuration properties.
  • use @ConfigurationProperties in your code to get the same editor support for your own configuration properties.

Creating a Boot App

We use the "New Spring Starter" wizard to create a…

This Week in Spring - March 17th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | March 17, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I've been busily preparin for a workshop I'll be giving at QCon São Paulo next week. If you're at the show, I hope you'll come out to say hi, ask questions and we'll talk Spring and Cloud Foundry. Obrigado!

  1. The replay on my humble webinar introducing Spring Session is online, check it out!
  2. Janne Valkealahti has just announced the latest release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC1, packed with new features and now - at long last!! - near GA! Go Janne and team, go!
  3. Spring and Groovy & Grails Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert just announced STS and GGTS 3.6.4.
  4. I put together a post on getting started with Spring Data Couchbase
  5. Spring XD ninjas Marius Bogoevici and Dr. Mark Pollack are going to be giving a webinar on April 28th that introduces using Spring XD and Apache Kafka

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spring Data Couchbase

Engineering | Josh Long | March 16, 2015 | ...

This blog was inspired by a talk that Laurent Doguin, a developer advocate over at Couchbase, and I gave at Couchbase Connect last year. Merci Laurent!

This is a demo of the Spring Data Couchbase integration. From the project page, Spring Data Couchbase is:

The Spring Data Couchbase project provides integration with the Couchbase Server database. Key functional areas of Spring Data Couchbase are a POJO centric model for interacting with Couchbase Buckets and easily writing a Repository style data access layer.

What is Couchbase?

Couchbase is a distributed data-store that enjoys true horizontal scaling. I like to think of it as a mix of Redis and MongoDB: you work with documents that are accessed through their keys. There are numerous client APIs for all languages. If you're using Couchbase for your backend and using the JVM, you'll love Spring Data Couchbase

This Week in Spring - March 10, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | March 10, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I am at DevNexus in Atlanta, GA along with a handful of Spring team members and Spring community luminaries. I'll be presenting a talk on getting started with Spring Boot and I hope you'll join me, or one of the many other talks on Spring team:

Getting started with Activiti and Spring Boot

Engineering | Josh Long | March 08, 2015 | ...

This post is a guest post by Activiti co-founder and community member Joram Barrez (@jbarrez) who works for Alfresco. Thanks Joram! I'd like to see more of these community guest posts, so - as usual - don't hesitate to ping me (@starbuxman) with ideas and contributions! -Josh


Activiti is an Apache-licensed business process management (BPM) engine. Such an engine has as core goal to take a process definition comprised of human tasks and service calls and execute those in a certain order, while exposing various API's to start, manage and query data about process instances for…

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Resource Handling in Spring MVC 4.1

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | March 03, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Brian Clozel, Rossen Stoyanchev


Web / JavaScript Track

As the complexity of web and mobile apps increases, so does the importance of ensuring that your client-side resources load and execute in an optimal and efficient manner. Differences in resource loading, transforming, and fingerprinting techniques can have a dramatic impact on performance and caching. These techniques can dictate whether your users have a joyful or frustrating experience. Attend this talk to learn the SpringMVC performance techniques aimed at keeping your users happy.

This Week in Spring - March 3, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | March 03, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Kansas City, Kansas, hanging out with my pal and Spring Security lead Rob Winch. This week, I'm speaking at the local User Group and the Spring User Group, and I'll be talking to Cerner and a few other large businesses about Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

As usual, we've got a lot of great stuff to talk about, so let's go to it!

  1. Spring Boot co-lead Phil Webb just announced Spring Boot 1.2.2 and Spring Boot 1.1.11. Both releases are recommended upgrades, and Spring Boot 1.2.2 even includes new support for the Mustache templating library. Nice!
  2. Check out John Hann's SpringOne2GX 2014 talk, introducing Rave.js, which brings Spring Boot-concepts to JavaScript
  3. I put together a blog on building applications that use the Servlet HTTP session in a scalable manner and in a portable way - from application server, web server, and cloud - with ease.
  4. Chris Beams's SpringOne2GX 2014 talk, The Revolution will not be Centralized

The Portable, Cloud-Ready HTTP Session

Engineering | Josh Long | March 01, 2015 | ...

A Framework for all Seasons (and Architectures)

Spring walks an interesting line. It provides a lot of value no matter where you run it, and - because it's built on dependency injection layer - it offers a natural piece of indirection between the underlying layer and the applications that run on top of it. This indirection promotes code portability through decoupling: your application code is ignorant of where the javax.sql.DataSource (or whatever) handle it's using comes from, be it a JNDI lookup, environment variables, or a simple new'd-up bean provided by Spring. This decoupling and the…

Spring Security 4.0.0.RC2 Released

Engineering | Rob Winch | February 26, 2015 | ...

We are please to announce the release of Spring Security 4.0.0.RC2.

We were very keen on doing a GA release, but due to community feedback we decided that another RC was necessary. Ultimately, this release resolved nearly 50 tickets.

A summary of changes can be seen below:

Assuming everything goes smoothly, the plan is to do a GA release in approximately two weeks. In the meantime, make sure to try…

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