This Week in Spring - January 6th, 2015
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I hope your holiday and new year was awesome! It's the beginning of a new year (I almost typed "2014"!), and we've got a lot of great stuff coming this year! Let's see what the internet has been doing this last week in the Spring community.
- Our friend Petri Kainulainen is back, and he's completely revamped his Spring Data JPA CRUD tutorial! Check it out! We've linked to it before in this roundup, but it's always worth re-reading!
- I really like this post that looks at introducing multitenancy into an application in terms of a JHipster-based sample.
- Inforworld has an interesting post, Why 2015 will be the year of the micro service
- Our pals in Spain are putting on their Spring IO (the conference) conference again this year! It's…