This Week in Spring - December 11, 2018
Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I've been in Seattle, WA and now I'm off to Toronto, Canada for the epic SpringOne Tour Toronto edition, the last SpringOne Tour for the year, too! (Can you believe we're now less than 22 days from 2019? Time sure flies when you're having fun!)
- Spring Tips is back! And what a season have we planned for you! Last week we introduced the first new video, this one looking at the Spring support for Microsoft Azure. As always, you can see the whole playlist at the Spring Tips YouTube Playlist and you should check back on this very blog every Wednesday for the next few months for new installments.
- Spring Data Moore M1 released
- Spring REST Docs 2.0.3.RELEASE
- Spring REST Docs 1.2.6.RELEASE
- RabbitMQ Best Practices
- Reactive Programming and Relational Databases
- Spring IO Platform Cairo-SR6
- Spring Tools 4.0.2 released
- I liked this StackOverflow question and the subsequent answer from JUnit 5 and Spring Test Framework lead Sam Brannen on how to get the effect of