This Week in Spring - January 15th, 2019
Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. I've just returned from Montreal, Canada and tomorrow I'm off to Dallas, Texas for customer visits. This time of year is marked by pronounced climate changes and the optimism for a new year ahead. I love it. That optimism is certainly visible in today's roundup. We've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!
- You know, I never know what people will find interesting in our wonderful community! It's for this reason that I try to cover as many topics as possible in the Spring Tips series. The latest installment has proven to be popular! Almost 100 likes no YouTube as of this writing. In it, I look at business process management with the Apache 2 licensed Flowable BPMN and CMMN engine
- The Spring Framework team just migrated from JIRA to Github issues. It was not easy. Read here to learn about what happened and how it happened
- Spring Session Bean-SR2, Apple-SR8, and 1.3.5 Released
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