Introducing Spring Cloud App Broker

Engineering | Roy Clarkson | May 30, 2019 | ...

We recently announced the general availability of Spring Cloud Services 3.0, which involved a major redesign of the previous architecture used in that project. As detailed in the related blog post, Spring Cloud Services has moved to the latest versions of Spring Framework and Spring Boot, and is now built on a Reactive programming model and Spring WebFlux. Two key components of this redesign are offered as open source Spring Cloud projects.

The first project is Spring Cloud Open Service Broker. This project has been available for some time; however, the recent 3.0.0 release has itself been…

This Week in Spring - May 28, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | May 28, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! What a week it's been since we last spoke! I was in Zurich, Switzerland; then Paris, France; then Minsk, Belarus; and now I'm in Barcelona, Spain for the epic JBCN show. I've recorded a few episodes for the podcast (✅), gave a talk (✅) and now have a workshop to deliver on Wednesday (✅). Fun week by the beach! Don't worry about me, I'll pull through..

Spring en la primavera

....And I'm not going anywhere until Thursday when I'll fly home to San Francisco, USA to see our kid graduate middle school! I'm so proud of her. What a legend.

Anywho, lot's to cover this week, so let's get to it!

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is 5 years old, here’s how it changed my life...

Engineering | Ben Wilcock | May 21, 2019 | ...

Josh Long often says that “production is the best place on the Internet.” But where I used to work, developers needed to negotiate with operations, networks, and security before their code could go anywhere near this promised land.

Understandably, each of these disciplines seemed to have the same hidden agenda: change is bad. Experience had taught us that change was difficult and error-prone, so as a company we’d become risk-averse and cautious about our deployments. Releases were infrequent and large. There was plenty that could go wrong.

In spite of this, every six months or so developers would bundle up their code changes into a release, write the release notes, create a rollback plan, and wait around until midnight on a Saturday to deploy it. The deployment would be done manually, and not by developers, but by someone in operations. Developers were strictly passengers on this particular release-train (after all, we’re “the people who write all the bugs” as my friend Coté

This Week in Spring - May 21, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | May 21, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! It's been quite a crazy week! I was in Spring I/O last week in Barcelona, Spain and there was a deluge of interesting news to come out of the show! I loved the show - a sort of mini SpringOne - and am chomping at the bit to see what comes next. I'm now beginning a small tour starting in Zurich, Switzerland; then I'm off to the paradise-like Paris, France for the epic SpringOne Tour event there, then I'm off to Minsk, Belarus; then off to Barcelona, Spain for JBCN, and then - finally - home for the middle school graduation of my kid at the end of the month. So much exciting…

A Bootiful Podcast: Community Member Nicolas Frankel on Testing, Security, and More

Engineering | Josh Long | May 17, 2019 | ...

HI Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Nicolas Frankel (@nicolas_frankel) about integration testing, blogging, Kotlin, application security, living on the French/Swiss border, blogging consistently, and much more. It's an interview with one of my favorite voices in the community.

Reactive Transactions with Spring

Engineering | Mark Paluch | May 16, 2019 | ...

Back in 2016, our reactive journey started with Spring Framework 5 accompanied by a couple of reactive integrations. Throughout our journey, other projects joined the reactive movement. With R2DBC, we now also provide a reactive integration for SQL databases. With the growth of transaction-capable integrations, we constantly got asked:

Does Spring Framework support Reactive @Transaction?

At the time our journey began, we had no reactive form of transactional integrations, so this question was simple to answer: There’s no need for reactive transaction management.

Over time, MongoDB started to support multi-document transactions with MongoDB Server 4.0. R2DBC (the specification for reactive SQL database drivers) started to emerge, and we decided to pick up on R2DBC with Spring Data R2DBC. Both projects wanted to expose transactional behavior, so they eventually provided inTransaction(…)

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