Getting Started with Spring Cloud Gateway

Engineering | Ben Wilcock | June 18, 2019 | ...

Microservice architectures are great, but as your application programming interfaces (APIs) start to grow, so do the challenges related to their maintenance.

For example, as an existing API matures and adds new features it will need to take its clients along with it on the journey. When the details of an API change, clients need to adjust in order to work with these changes. This process takes time and can really slow your APIs evolution and interfere with your ability to iterate quickly.

Offering multiple APIs brings with it its own set of challenges. How do you route requests and responses…

This Week in Spring - June 18, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | June 18, 2019 | ...

Announcing nohttp

Engineering | Rob Winch | June 10, 2019 | ...

I’m pleased to announce the nohttp project, which lets users find, replace, and prevent the usage of http://.


Today, Jonathan Leitschuh published a blog titled Want to take over the Java ecosystem? All you need is a MITM!. The blog demonstrates that hundreds of Java libraries are downloading dependencies over HTTP. This opens the projects up to potential MITM (man in the middle) attacks.

Unfortunately, there were multiple Spring projects that were using HTTP to download dependencies. Fortunately, we uncovered no signs of a successful MITM attack. We have also addressed the issue to…

This Week in Spring - June 11th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | June 10, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Can you believe it? We're already almost halfway through June! Summer's nearly here! It's 97 Fahrenheit / 37 Celsius in San Francisco! That's nuts! I'm glad I'm in beautiful Amsterdam and Eindhoven, NL, beating the heat, though. What a privilege. We've got a busy week, as always, to get to so let's get to it!

This Week in Spring - June 4, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | June 04, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in.... I'm home! Look at that! I'm home for the epic SpringOne Tour San Francisco event. I'm super excited to be here in this amazing weather with an amazing community. It's been a busy week though! Last week I returned from Spain for my kid's graduation, and I am still so so proud. Tomorrow I fly to Cork, Ireland for the Cork JUG and then it's off to London for a wedding. So, lot of travel, but a bit of a lighter load :-)

We've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

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