Grails 1.2 Released

Engineering | Graeme Rocher | December 23, 2009 | ...

Continuing the release train, today we are excited to announce the general availability of Grails 1.2 final. Representing the most stable and performant Grails release yet, Grails 1.2 is a significant new release of the premier dynamic language framework for the JVM.

As well as featuring all of the goodness of Spring 3, this release has a number of significant new features for Grails users:

  • Dependency Resolution DSL: Based on Ivy, Grails users now have full control over JAR dependencies including those inherited from the framework and any installed plugins.
  • Better Spring Integration: As well as supporting component scanning, Grails now allows you to implement controllers as regular MVC @Controller instances.
  • Named Query Support: It is now possible to define named, reusable criteria queries in GORM that can be combined with regular dynamic finders making querying a lot more DRY
  • Improved Performance & Memory Consumption: The performance of Grails' view layer (GSP) has been significantly improved resulting in up to 2-3 times throughput. We've also improved Grails' memory consumption and the need for additional PermGen by implementing precompilation of GSP views.
  • Named URL Mappings: It is now possible to name an individual URL mapping which allows you to create more explicit and expressive links inside GSPs
  • Refactored Testing Infrastructure: Grails' testing infrastructure is now completely pluggable to new providers. The default JUnit provider is still present, but new testing providers can be implemented that can be run in specific phases (such as 'unit', 'integration' and 'functional' phases). There is already a Spock plugin that takes advantage of this new infrastructure, allowing BDD style testing.
  • Pluggable Web Containers: Grails now allows different development time containers to be installed and plugins for both Tomcat and Jetty are available.
In addition to these headliners there are literally hundreds of bug fixes and small improvements some of which are described in much more detail in the release notes. Grails 1.2 can be downloaded from the Grails site at the usual place.

As well as the continued, significant contributions to the release from the community, one of the most enjoyable aspect about this release has been the active collaboration amongst the Spring, Tomcat…

Groovy 1.7 released

Engineering | Guillaume Laforge | December 22, 2009 | ...

The Groovy development team and SpringSource are very pleased to announce the final release of Groovy 1.7, the most popular and successful dynamic language for the JVM! After two betas and two release candidates, we're are happy to deliver this new and very important milestone to our ever-growing user base.

Over the years, the Groovy project has managed to grow a community, but not only that, a very rich and active ecosystem of Groovy-related projects: the Grails web stack, the Griffon swing application framework, the Gant and Gradle build solutions, the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit for Google App Engine, the Gpars parallel system, the Spock testing frameworks and the GMock mocking library, the CodeNarc and GMetrics quality tools, and many more! With all…

Configuration Simplifications in Spring 3.0

Engineering | Chris Beams | December 22, 2009 | ...

Second in a series of posts on "Spring 3 Simplifications" started yesterday by Keith, I'd like to provide a very brief and hands-on introduction to Spring's new @Configuration annotation and related support.

As those that followed the Spring JavaConfig project will know, a @Configuration-annotated class serves much the same role as a Spring XML file. It provides a code-centric way of declaring Spring bean definitions using nothing more than methods and annotations. You might call it Plain Old Configuration* :) This means that for simple situations, no XML will be required!

Let's get started. To demonstrate @Configuration functionality, I've created a very simple project in the new spring-samples SVN repository. You may want to sync up and…

MVC Simplifications in Spring 3.0

Engineering | Keith Donald | December 21, 2009 | ...

As Juergen and Arjen have mentioned, Java developers everywhere have a smooth upgrade with Spring 3.0. Now that Spring 3 is out, I'd like to take you through some of the new MVC features you may not know about. I hope you find these features useful and can start putting them to work in your web applications immediately.

This is also the start of a series on "Spring 3 Simplifications", so expect more posts like these in the coming days and weeks.

Configuration Simplification

Spring 3 introduces a mvc namespace that greatly simplifies Spring MVC setup. Along with other enhancements, it has never been easier to get Spring web applications up and running. This can be illustrated by the mvc-basic

Now Available: SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | December 18, 2009 | ...

To assist all developers with their upgrade to Spring 3.0 GA, SpringSource has released an update to SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring, Groovy and Grails powered enterprise applications. The new version (2.3.0) is now available for download and includes:

Download | ChangeLog | New & Noteworthy | JIRA

We hope you enjoy using STS and please use the community forum to give your feedback and ask questions.

dm Server 2.0 RC1 released

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | December 18, 2009 | ...

Hot on the heels of Spring 3.0 and Spring DM 1.2.1, I'm delighted to announce that dm Server 2.0 RC1 is now available. RC1 is feature complete and, barring any major problems being found, will be the final 2.0 release early in the new year. So, please download the RC and give us your feedback: it's your last chance to shape the 2.0 release!

If you're interested in what's changed since M6, please take a look at the release notes.

Thank you for all of the feedback that we've had during the development of 2.0. Please keep it coming as we move towards the final release.

Feature overview

There's a lot of great…

Spring.NET 1.3.0 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | December 17, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring .NET 1.3.0 is now available.  

Download | SupportDocumentation |  Community

This release contains the following new major features:

Spring 3.0.0 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | December 16, 2009 | ...

It's here just in time for the holidays! Arjen Poutsma has just announced that Spring 3.0.0 is now final and Juergen Hoeller has blogged about the features in the release.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

Congratulations to Juergen, Arjen and all the other SpringSource engineers that worked so hard on the release. Also a huge thank you to all of the dedicated community members that have given feedback and identified issues along the way. Please keep up the good work so that we can continue to make all the Spring projects better and better.

Spring Framework 3.0 goes GA

Engineering | Juergen Hoeller | December 16, 2009 | ...

After a long ride, it is my pleasure to announce that Spring 3.0 GA (.RELEASE) is finally available (download page)! All of SpringSource is celebrating - join the party :-)

For some very recent news, Spring 3.0 GA is compatible with Java EE 6 final in terms of runtime environments now (e.g. on GlassFish v3 as released last week) and supports JPA 2.0 final already (e.g. using EclipseLink 2.0). We also support the newly introduced @ManagedBean (JSR-250 v1.1) annotation for component scanning now, which nicely complements our @Inject (JSR-330) support for annotation-driven dependency injection.

VI Java API and CloudTools

Engineering | Charles Lee | December 08, 2009 | ...

Steve Jin, the creator of The Virtual Infrastructure Java API or vSphere API, recently contributed the work he had done for the VMworld 2009 keynote sessions to the CloudTools repository.  CloudTools is the open source project that provides the core infrastructure provisioning and application deployment functionalities to Cloud Foundry.  Steve's code not only demonstrates how a Java application can be deployed through the Cloud Foundry user-interface to a vSphere infrastructure, it also shows how easily one can add an adaptor to CloudTools to enable Java application deployments to different…

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