Spring Framework 3.2 M1 Released
The first milestone release toward Spring 3.2 is now available from the SpringSource repository at http://repo.springsource.org. See here for a quick tutorial on resolving these artifacts via Maven.
This release includes:
- initial support for asynchronous @Controller methods
- early support for JCache-based cache providers
- significant performance improvements in autowiring of non-singleton beans
- initial delay support for @Scheduled and <task:scheduled>
- ability to choose between multiple executuors with @Async
- enhanced bean profile selection using the not (!) operator
- 48 bugs fixed, 8 new features and 36 improvements implemented
This is also the first release since our move to GitHub and using our new Gradle build. A special thanks to the authors of the many pull requests submitted and merged during 3.2 M1! Keep them coming!
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