Spring Mobile 1.0.2 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | August 06, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are happy to announce the release of Spring Mobile 1.0.2! Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. This release includes the following:

  • Firefox OS now detected as mobile device
  • Kindle devices are now detected as tablets
  • Kindle Fire devices are detected as tablet if they are in Silk Desktop mode or Android WebView, and as mobile when in Silk Mobile mode
  • Additional bug fixes and improvements

See the changelog and reference manual for more information.

To retrieve the software, download the release distribution, or add the maven artifacts to your project. Sample apps are available to help you get started. If you are building a mobile web app, we encourage you try Spring Mobile 1.0.2 and collaborate with us on the next iteration of the project.

Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | August 06, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are happy to announce the release of Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1! Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. This release includes the following:

  • Firefox OS now detected as mobile device
  • Corrected an issue with redirects and forwards when using LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver
  • Additional bug fixes and improvements

See the changelog and reference manual for more information.

To retrieve the software, download the release distribution, or add the maven artifacts to your project. Sample apps are available to help you get started. If you are building a mobile web app, we encourage you try Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1 and collaborate with us on the next iteration of the project.

Spring Data Redis 1.1 M2 and 1.0.6 Released

Releases | Jennifer Hickey | August 06, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the second milestone release of Spring Data Redis 1.1!

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

Highlights include:

  • Significant enhancements to pipelining functionality
  • Data type conversion and deserialization of Redis transaction results
  • High level support for Redis 2.6 scripting through RedisTemplate
  • Modified API for adding or removing multiple List, Set, and Hash elements in one call
  • Support for using RedisTemplate without serialization

There is also a new GA release, Spring Data Redis 1.0.6!

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

Spring Data Redis 1.0.6 is a maintenance release containing a few bug fixes and minor enhancements. See the Changelog for more information.

For more information about Spring Data Redis please see the home page for a live sample and webinar recording.

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker. We hope to see you at the upcoming SpringOne conference in Santa Clara, CA. Checkout the schedule

Spring Boot – Simplifying Spring for Everyone

Engineering | Phil Webb | August 06, 2013 | ...

(This blog post was written jointly by Phil Webb and Dave Syer).

We are pleased to announce the first milestone release of a new project called Spring Boot.

Spring Boot aims to make it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with minimum fuss. It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform so that new and existing users can quickly get to the bits they need. You can use it to create stand-alone Java applications that can be started using 'java -jar' or more traditional WAR deployments. We also provide a command line tool that runs 'spring scripts'.


Spring Data Babbage RC1 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | August 05, 2013 | ...

I am pleased to announce the first and final release candidate of the Babbage episode of the Spring Data release train. I consists of the following modules:

The release forms a significant milestone towards the GA releases expected around SpringOne this year. We added support for the MongoDB Aggregation Framework and improved the execution of polymorphic queries. On the JPA side of things we introduced support to use SpEL expressions in manually defined queries, improved the handling of entities using @IdClass and now allow to define the Date binding for repository query parameters using @TemporalType. The Neo4j module added support for countBy(…) queries and type safe query execution for repositories. You can find a more detailed list of features at the wiki page summarizing the Babbage content.

This release is the perfect time to play with the new features and report back your experiences before we turn it to a GA release in a few weeks. We'd be happy to hear your opinions in the forums or in the bug tracker in case you run into any issues.

If you want to learn more about Spring Data or the Spring eco-system in general, the upcoming SpringOne conference in Santa Clara, CA is the perfect time and place to be. Checkout the schedule and register!

Webinar Replay: Spring with Cucumber for Automation

News | Pieter Humphrey | August 04, 2013 | ...
Speaker: Hemant Joshi

Learn how Spring and Cucumber integrate to make test automation easier. Cucumber is a framework for Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD), a refinement of TDD (Test-Driven-Development). Its intent is to enable developers to write high-level use cases in plain text that can be verified by non-technical stakeholders, and turn them into executable tests, written in a language called Gherkin. Using Spring, Cucumber, WebDriver2, Hemant Joshi will show you how to use Spring & Cucumber to do BDD with elegance and joy.

About the speaker

Hemant Joshi

Hemant currently works at Visa Europe on automation framework technical arhcitect. Spring, Cucumber, Java for Visa worldwide.

Webinar Replay: Functional Programming without Lambdas

News | Pieter Humphrey | August 01, 2013 | ...

Speakers: Mattias Severson & Johan Haleby, Jayway Inc You've probably heard the buzz about functional programming and you may have glanced at the new Lambda features in Java 8. What is less known is that it's actually possible to leverage some of the functional-style techniques even in older Java versions. This means that you can program in a functional style, even if your organization has not updated to Java 8. In this session, you'll learn about real-world experiences with functional frameworks such as LamdaJ, Functional Java and Guava. What should you consider before adopting them? How do they compare against one another? If you are stuck with a legacy Java version and want to be prepared for the functional future of Java 8, make sure to attend this session.

About the speakers

Mattias Severson

Mattias Severson, Jayway, Inc

With a background in the hardware and embedded area, Mattias has shifted his focus to Java and the enterprise domain. He is a clean code proponent who appreciates Test Driven Development and Agile methodologies. Mattias has experience from many different environments, including everything between big server solutions for multinational companies down to flashing LEDs by using small micro controllers. He is curious, open-minded and believes in continuous improvement on all levels.

Johan Haleby, Jayway, Inc

Johan Haleby is a Swedish developer, speaker, and writer with a profound interest in software engineering and testability in particular. He has founded and contributed to numerous open source projects such as PowerMock, REST Assured and Awaitility and has spoken at several conferences and user groups such as Öredev and Devoxx.

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This Week in Spring - July 30, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | July 31, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it. Don't forget that SpringOne 2GX 2013 early bird expires August 9th, so hurry to secure the discounted rate!

  1. Spring framework committer Rossen Stoyanchev has a great post on Spring Framework 4.0 M2's support for WebSocket Messaging Architectures.
  2. Spring Shell lead Dr. Mark Pollack has announced that Spring Shell 1.0.1.M1 has just been released.
  3. Spring Batch 2.2.1.RELEASE is now available. This release is mostly bug fixes and documentation improvements.
  4. I don't know if you've been following along, but we're starting to really flesh out the SpringOne2GX 2013 schedule! I'm looking forward to both seeing, and presenting, at many different talks this year. One talk I'd like to see is Thymeleaf: improving your Spring view layer with natural templates. I expect this year will be a very exciting year for a number of reasons, and I hope you'll share the experience with us.
  5. We've added some more SpringOne talks recently:
  6. Our pal Tobias Flohre has put together a nice post comparing how the JSR 352 API compares to the Spring Batch. Spring Batch 3.0 will be fully JSR 352 API compliant this fall by SpringOne, but was the inspiration for the JSR in the first place -- Spring Batch 1.0 was released in 2008 and has been gathering steam ever since.
  7. Want to learn more about Spring Scala? Watch Spring Scala lead talk about it at ScalaDays New York.
  8. As I mentioned last week, you'd do well to also follow This Week in Cloud Foundry, which has a lot of great content following last week's large announcement of a partnership between Pivotal and IBM.
  9. The Reactor project lead by John Brisbin has just announced support for a @EnableReactor annotation for Spring Java configuration.
  10. ..Speaking of Thymeleaf (the open source, Spring MVC, HTML5 and Tiles-friendly view and templating engine), version 2.1 will have parameterizable fragments. Do you want to test them? Try the 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT version when specifying your Maven repository-compatible coordinates.
  11. Our friend Johnathan Mark Smith is at it again, this time with a video on using Spring Data MongoDB. Definitely worth a look.
  12. Check out a webinar next month taming coupling & cohesive problems with modularity and Spring with Param Rengaiah.

Spring Shell 1.1.0.M1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | July 26, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the first milestone release Spring Shell 1.1. Spring Shell is an interactive shell that can be easily extended with commands using a Spring based programming model. This release adds support for testing of commands as well as several bug fixes and general improvements. Many thanks to to those who submitted pull-requests

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker.

Spring Batch 2.2.1.RELEASE is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | July 26, 2013 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 2.2.1.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the SpringSource download repository. This release addresses a number of bugs and documentation updates. Many thanks to all of those who submitted the many pull requests that went into this release.

Spring Batch Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

We look forward to your feedback in the forum and issue tracker.

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