Spring Batch 2.2.3.RELEASE is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | November 22, 2013 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 2.2.3.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the SpringSource download repository. This is the 3rd maintenance release for the 2.2.x branch of Spring Batch and addresses a number of bugs and documentation updates. Many thanks to all of those who submitted the many pull requests that went into this release.

Spring Batch Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

We look forward to your feedback in the forum and issue tracker.

Spring Best Practices & Cloud Foundry Event in Bangalore

News | Mark Baars | November 21, 2013 | ...

We are glad to announce that we will host a free conference about Spring and Cloud Foundry on Sunday November 24th at the office of SpringPeople in Bangalore, from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

You can register by clicking here, make sure to register in time since we have limited seats available for this free event.

The event sessions include:

  • Cloud Foundry: Using Spring to Deploy your Apps to the Cloud by Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman is a Senior Consultant within our Australian service delivery division, where he undertakes consulting, training and mentoring of our clients across Asia-Pacific. He…

First milestone of Spring Data release train Codd released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | November 21, 2013 | ...

I am happy to announce the first milestone of the next Spring Data release train named Codd. We welcome two new members to the train: the Spring Data Solr community project as well as Spring Data REST. We've fixed 109 tickets for this first milestone. The full list of participating modules looks as follows:

Nighthacking at Devoxx 2013: Interview with Josh Long on Spring Boot

News | Chloe Jackson | November 20, 2013 | ...

Presenter: Josh Long, Pivotal

A brief (20 minute) interview with Josh Long doing some live hacking with Spring Boot, Spring MVC and Groovy. Check out the live hack - creating a simple, paramaterized RESTful service. Check out Josh as he struggles (and wins) versus a UK-layout to secure the service endpoints, adds basic monitoring and metrics, and accesses the remote service via SSH.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/s7u4lvbxbK4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

QCon SF 2013 Session Replay: Introducing Spring XD

News | Chloe Jackson | November 20, 2013 | ...

Presented at QCon 2013 in San Francisco, CA

Speaker: Mark Pollack

Slides: http://qconsf.com/system/files/presentation-slides/Introducing%20Spring%20XD.pdf

Developing Big Data applications is a relatively new art and developing a comprehensive solution can be challenging. Some of the key challenges arise from bringing together complex domains such as stream analysis, batch workflow orchestration and data import and export. Several open source projects that address developing big data applications have emerged in the past few years but each project typically only address one of these domains. Furthermore, being distinct independent projects they have different configuration and extensibility models. Spring XD is a new project that aims to tackle big data complexity. It builds upon proven Spring technologies and provides a scalable runtime environment that is easily configured and assembled via a simple DSL. Come discover how easy it is to create big data applications in this introduction to Spring XD.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3Wycvyqn0n4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

Webinar Replay: Dynamic routing at 1 million per second with Spring Integration

News | Chloe Jackson | November 20, 2013 | ...

Presenter: Josh Long, Pivotal and John Davies, C24

While some of today's systems can hit μSec performance it usually take a lot of good design and optimization. The solution is often hard-baked and inflexible and the end user still wants the flexibility promised by ESBs with dynamic routing based on runtime rules with transformations from one format to another. Josh and John will walk you through the latest in high performance message handling with Spring Integration covering non-XML (binary and CSV) data, code generation, on-the-fly compilation, dynamic routing and in-memory queries - an hour well spent.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VHqlYExenfA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

Processing Big Data with Hadoop and Pivotal HD

Engineering | Mark Baars | November 19, 2013 | ...

For 2014 Pivotal is launching a new training around Apache Hadoop and Pivotal HD. Pivotal HD Enterprise offers the capabilities of Apache Hadoop in a fully supported, enterprise-ready distribution. This new comprehensive training will provide competent Java Developers with the skills necessary to exploit the extended Capabilities of Pivotal HD, “The world’s most powerful Apache Hadoop distribution”. The training commences with a grounding in the relevant core technologies:

  • Big/Fast data, NoSQL, and their role in modern Business applications
  • Background on Hadoop and the significance of the Pivotal HD distribution
  • Introduction to GemFire and SQLFire, distributed cache technologies

This Week in Spring - November 19th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | November 19, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another edition of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

I want to encourage everyone to join me on the 21st (this Thursday!) for my webinar, Have You Seen Spring Lately?. If you haven't been paying very deep attention to everything that's happening in the wide world of Spring since we became part of the Pivotal adventure, this is the one to watch! And even if you have, I'll bet you'll learn about something new and exciting, anyway. :) C'ya there!

  1. We published an article - Have You Seen Spring Lately? - to accompany the webinar today on the Pivotal blog.
  2. Mark Baars has just announced that we've just added Big Data with Hadoop and Pivotal HD to our training. Awesome!
  3. Spring Data ninja Thomas Risberg has just announced that the 1.0.2.GA release of Spring for Apache Hadoop is now available!
  4. Spring XD ninja Gunnar Hillert has just announced that Spring XD 1.0.0.M4 has just been released. The new release is packed with a lot of new things, so definitely check this release out!
  5. Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke and Spring Data Couchbase lead Michael Nitschinger have just announced the availability of milestone two for the Spring Data Couchbase module! Michael also followed up with an initial, but promising, pull request for Spring Boot support for Spring Data Couchbase, too! :)
  6. Excited about the recent Reactor 1.0 release and want to learn more? Check out the upcoming webinar featuring Reactor lead Jon Brisbin on December 3, 2013! I'll be there, eagerly listening, and I hope to see you there, too.
  7. Spring and Cloud Foundry ninja Matt Stine's doing a webinar on December 10th called Spring with Immutability that will introduce how Spring can help with item #15 in Josh Bloch's canonincal Effective Java book: minimize mutability.
  8. The replay for the SpringOne2GX2013 session from New Relic: Troubleshooting Live Java Web Applications is now available online.
  9. Spring Data GemFire 1.3.3 has been released!. Don't quite have a release note for it, yet, though.
  10. Check out this demo of Pivotal CF - the turnkey Cloud Foundry in a box for on-premises deployment - in action.
  11. Using Redis? We love Redis! We found this great post from a few years ago with various uses cases readily solved with Redis. Enjoy!
  12. Pinterest just launched their first web API. There's nothing Spring-related about this mention, yet, but I'm just throwing this out there because I'm taking bets on how soon we'll see someone in the community create a Spring Social Pinterest binding! :)
  13. Friendly reminder: you can get a lot of cool Spring / Pivotal stuff from Homebrew to flesh out your Java stack:

    $ brew tap pivotal/tap; $ brew install springboot springxd rest-shell maven groovy redis rabbitmq tomcat

  14. I really enjoyed this sort of look behind the curtain with Spring team engineer Greg Turnquist.
  15. The Spring Exchange, put on by our friends at Skills Matter, took place in in London recently. There were many great talks, and most (all?) of it has been recorded and put online! Enjoy!

Spring Data Couchbase 1.0 M2 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | November 18, 2013 | ...

On behalf of module lead Michael Nitschinger, I am pleased to announce the availability of milestone two of the Spring Data module for Couchbase.

This new release brings both feature enhancements and bugfixes, taking the library full steam to a release candidate soon. Highlights of this release are custom @View annotations on repository finder methods and better marshaling support for dates, enums and class types. Also, the underlying Couchbase Java Client has been updated to the latest 1.2.2 versions, bringing better rebalance stability and performance improvements. This M2 release is available from the Spring IO milestone repository

Spring Time Training Discount for December Schedule

News | Mark Baars | November 15, 2013 | ...

The final month of the year is coming and you might still have some training budget left to start the year 2014 off as a Spring master. To help you out we have made a discount available for all of our developers. Simply use the code springtime in the referral code field when registering for a Spring training* to get a 20% discount on the list price. Our full schedule for December is:

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