JSR-352, Spring Batch and You

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 03, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013 in Santa Clara, CA.

Speaker: Michael Minella

JSR-352 is billed as bringing a standardized batch programming model to Java. What does the spec provide, what does it not, and what does it mean for Spring Batch applications? We will address all of these questions as well as provide insight into how Spring Batch will work with the JSR in a real world example.

Learn more about Spring Batch at http://projects.spring.io/spring-batch/

..and you may find this informative: http://www.infoq.com/news/2013/06/ee7-spring-batch

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Migrating from Spring Framework 3.2 to 4.0.1

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | January 30, 2014 | ...

After this week's 4.0.1 release, I'd like to take the opportunity to point out our recently revised migration guide on GitHub: That document contains a lot of detailed system requirements etc for your migration to the Spring Framework 4 line. If you haven't already, now is a great time to give this a try, since the 4.0.1 release contains fixes for all known production-impacting issues that have been reported against the 4.0 GA release.

I'd particularly like to invite all WebSphere users to give the upgrade a try. We carefully designed Spring Framework 4 to be compatible with WebSphere 7.0.0.…

Spring Framework 4.0.1 & 3.2.7 released - and 3.1.x retired

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | January 28, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring community,

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring Framework 4.0.1 is finally available now, accompanied by a 3.2.7 release. Both releases come with significant bug fixes and improvements over their immediate predecessors and are strongly recommended for an upgrade. Please see JIRA for details on the issues addressed in each release.

Note that the 3.2.7 release officially turns the Spring Framework 3.2.x line into maintenance mode. A 3.2.8 release is planned for later this year; however, it will only contain bug fixes and is intended to be the last regular 3.2.x release. Further…

Spring Data Redis 1.1.1 Released

Releases | Thomas Darimont | January 28, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce release of Spring Data Redis 1.1.1! This maintenance release contains some bugfixes and improvements, especially in the handling of connections, threads and the test harness setup.

This version is tested against Java 6, 7 and 8, for compatibility with Redis 2.4, 2.6 and 2.8 as well as Spring Framework 4.0.

Run this Jira Query for a complete list of changes.

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker.

This Week in Spring - January 28th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | January 28, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

A quick reminder: I'll be co-presenting a webinar introducing how to use Spring and Vaadin, the rich internet application framework, together with some folks from Vaadin. We'll present some common integration options and a few not so common ones, too! Stay tuned, and I hope to see you there!

Also, I'm starting to flesh out my speaking agenda for the next few months. So far, I know I'll be at the Great Indian Developer Summit in Bangalore, India from April 22-25, and at be at Geecon in Krakow, Poland from 14 May - 16 May. If you're in either of those regions, I'd love to see you. If you host a JUG or a UG or have a large development team and audience, I'd love to have a chance to talk with you and your group, as well. Ping me.

As usual, we've got a lot to get through, so let's get started!

  1. Spring lead Juergen Hoeller has announced today a double feature release: both Spring 4.0.1 and Spring 3.2.7 have been released! Check it out.
  2. Phil Webb has just announced the first release candidate for Spring Boot 1.0.0!
  3. Join Apache Committer Stuart Williams and Daniel Mikusa for Introduction to Apache Tomcat 8 - Feb 8th, 2014. Reserve your seat now as this is likely to be another popular topic.
  4. Webinar Feb 18th! Don't miss Oliver Gierke and Thomas Darimont as they tell us about Best Practices with Spring Data Repositories.
  5. Did you miss Spring lead Juergen Hoeller's epic webinar introducing Spring 4 (which he gave twice, once for EMEA and once for NorAm timezones?) Did you also miss the two encore performances he gave a week later because the first webinar overwhelmed the web conference and left thousands of participants unable to access it? Then have no fear, you can now watch it online!
  6. Along those lines, Greg Turnquist just announced that all the guides on spring.io have been upgraded to the recently released Spring Boot 1.0.0.RC1!
  7. Nice! Spring MVC ninja Rossen Stoyanchev just announced an updated cut of Spring Web Flow, 2.3.3. It supports Spring 4 and JSF 2.2.
  8. Over on the All and Sundry blog, Biju Kunjummen has put together a nice post introducing how to use Spring's `` - an implementation of the super type token - to correctly marshal REST API responses back and forth over the wire using generic types that would otherwise lose their generic component at runtime due to erasure. He uses the example code from the Spring REST Stack, which I developed for a talk with a lot of help from fellow Spring team members Rob Winch, Roy Clarkson, Craig Walls, Rossen Stoyanchev, Arjen Poutsma, etc.
  9. Last November, I gave a talk, Have You Seen Spring Lately?. I had some trouble converting the talk from Keynote '09 to Keynote 7, and finally managed to get all that squared away. I've just uploaded the full deck (complete with extra content that some versions of this talk didn't include for want of time). I uploaded the deck on Sunday. You can find a link to the video there, as well. Enjoy!
  10. Readers of this column know that I love me some good package management, and OS X's Homebrew ain't half bad. Did you know that you can install Pivotal GemFire and tcServer using Homebrew? Once you've installed the pivotal tap (brew tap pivotal/tap), simply issue brew install tcserver gemfire. Easy as that!
  11. There's a deck for a talk on Spring for Apache Hadoop by Kailash Kutti.
  12. Blogger Sudhir Dharmadhikari really seems to like Spring Data, and even proposes a very flattering rename for the project. To learn about why, check out his blog.
  13. Spring Data ninja Thomas Darimont has just announced that Spring Data Redis 1.1.1 is now available.
  14. Greg Turnquist has penned a very nice blog post explaining how you, too, can contribute to the Getting Started guides.
  15. Meanwhile, over on the Pivotal blog, there's a nice post on how to use window functions in (SQL-based) data analytics. Ok, Ok, I know it has nothing to do with Spring, but it's just so darned useful. Besides, building smarter, data-centric applications will help you build smarter Spring applications!
  16. Pivotal Labs Canada engineering head Farhan Thawar has a nice post on the top 5 myths of mobile application development, which line up with what we've been talking about with our mobile technologies here on the Spring team at Pivotal. Check it out, then take a look at our getting started guides to learn how Spring can help you improve your mobile offerings!
  17. JHipster 0.8.0 is now out! The new release builds heavily on Spring Boot, and packs quite a whallop! Check it out!
  18. Hey, have you tried out the Getting Started guides, by the way? They're dead simple! My pal and colleague Pieter Humphrey sat down and narrated his run through of some of the guides. Check it out! These two videos demonstrate useful, working code, all in about 6 minutes each!
  19. BTW, I wanted to make sure people saw some of the great data- and Spring- centric posts on the GoPivotal blog from the last year. Here is one, _Adding Years to Your RDBMS by Scaling with Spring and NoSQL, another on How to Run Multiple Big Data Applications at Once with GemFire, and yet another on How to Migrate Spring applications to real time Data Grids.
  20. Speaking of Gemfire, there was just recently a very nice post on how the Chinese railroad system is using GemFire to beef up its capacity in advance of the January 31st Chinese new year (or "Spring festival"). If you're reading this from China, happy new year - year of the horse - to you! You might also check out this post I put together last year on Spring at China Scale.
  21. Check out this authorative guide on how Thymeleaf supports various templating styles. Templating and design can be a very important part of a site's utility, as this article - Why Simple WebSites are Scientifically Superior - explains!
  22. Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke has a very nice couple of posts on Stack Overflow. The first explains how to correctly use the PagedResourceAssembler with Spring Data, and the second answers the question, are you supposed to have one repository per table in JPA?
  23. There's a very good - both philosophically and technically deep - look at how to prevent unbounded queues with RabbitMQ.

It's easier than ever to create or contribute to a Getting Started Guide

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | January 23, 2014 | ...

Greetings Spring community!

We keep receiving feedback that Spring's Getting Started Guides are smash hit.

So far, we've migrated these guides to Asciidoctor. We have also grown our guides to include client-oriented ones. More are coming!

The final link in the chain of making these guides work in the long term are the navigational links in the sidebar of each guide. We are now using metadata to tag and link various guides together while also connecting them to relevant projects.

For example, if you visit Consuming a RESTful Web Service with AngularJS, you will see a sidebar that contains:

Webinar Replay: Introduction to Spring Framework 4.0

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 23, 2014 | ...

Speaker: Juergen Hoeller

The Spring Framework re-invented enterprise Java in the last decade. Together with the rest of the upcoming Spring IO micro platform, a new Spring Framework generation will power the next decade of JVM-based innovation. Join Juergen Hoeller and the Spring Team to learn about Spring Framework 4.0, its refined annotation-based component and configuration model, and how it relates to Java 8, Java EE 7, Groovy, WebSockets, as well as Spring Boot and Spring Integration.

Learn more about Spring Framework at http://projects.spring.io/spring-framework

Check out the slides on speakerdeck:


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This Week in Spring - January 21st, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | January 22, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's dive into it!

Quick reminder: if you're in the San Francisco bay area, be sure to join me tomorrow evening at the Oakland JUG where I'll be speaking about Spring and Spring Boot!

  1. Join us on February 11th for a webinar introducing what's coming in Apache Tomcat 8.
  2. Join Spring Data engineers Oliver Gierke and Thomas Darimont on February 18 for a webinar introducing Spring Data repositories best-practices
  3. Check out the replay of Spring MVC ninja Rossen Stoyanchev's talk from SpringOne2GX 2013 on WebSocket Applications with Spring Framework 4.0.
  4. Check out the replay of Spring Security lead Rob Winch's webinar introducing Spring Security 3.2
  5. Check out Mattias Severson's SpringOne 2013 session replay reviewing Spring MVC test APIs.
  6. Spring Security lead Rob Winch has a nice post on how cookies can be exploited if not properly secured.
  7. Meanwhile, over on the Pivotal blog, C24 Founder and CTO John Davies gives us a look at how C24 is delivering high scalability for large financial-services companies with Spring, RabbitMQ, Pivotal, and GemFire.
  8. Les Cast Codeurs, a French language coding podcast (though, fairly well dominated by JVM technologies), interviewed Grails and Reactor committer Stephane Maldini, check it out!
  9. The Squadron blog has a nice post on how to use TLS (and the instructions are basically the same for SSL). This post is not specific to Spring, but if you're looking at Spring Security's X.509 support, then this article will be very useful.
  10. Mkyong is back with another post, this time on using TestNG with Spring.
  11. The Blas from the Pas blog has a nice post on how to use Thymeleaf and Spring MVC. You might also check out our guide on the subject.
  12. Andriy Redko has a nice post on how to use the Scala language sbt build tool with a simple Spring application. The thrust of this post is to introduce sbt, which is an alternative build tool to things like Maven or Gradle.
  13. The Develop and Conquer blog has a nice post on using Spring 4's websocket support.
  14. Our pal Xavier Padró is back, this time with a look at how to migrate XML-configured web applications to the recently released Spring 4.0
  15. Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke's talk from Geecon, Data Access 2.0? Please welcome Spring Data!, is now available online to watch. Enjoy!
  16. Jakub Kubrynski has a nice post on using Spring's Java-centric web configuration options.
  17. The Remove duplications and fix bad names blog has a nice post on unit-testing with Spring and Mockito.
  18. The Isos Tech blog has a post on the subject of using two JPA EntityManagers in one Spring application.

Spring Boot 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Phil Webb | January 22, 2014 | ...

We are pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring Boot v1.0.0. This release contains a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous milestone.

Binaries have been published to the Spring Maven Repository, please take a look at the project page for download instructions and Maven/Gradle co-ordinates.

Please raise an issue if you find any problems, or want to suggest some future improvements.

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