SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Spring your apps into the cloud with a PaaS

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 10, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Grant Shipley, RedHat

Developing for the Cloud Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-your-apps-into-the-cloud-with-a-paa-s

Whether you have one or a million visitors accessing your Spring web app, they are all going to demand a great user experience regardless of what it takes for you to deliver it. This invariably means quick page loads and fast response times every single time. When things go south, you just throw more hardware at the problem and increase your caches and buffers, right? Wrong. Toss in an infrastructure that resides on the cloud and now you’ve got a really interesting problem on your hands. I’ll leave the marketecure slides at the door, this is a hands-on technical talk in which we’ll deploy an application to the cloud and then turn up the heat by leveraging the right mix of elasticity and auto-scaling.

Getting started with Activiti and Spring Boot

Engineering | Josh Long | March 08, 2015 | ...

This post is a guest post by Activiti co-founder and community member Joram Barrez (@jbarrez) who works for Alfresco. Thanks Joram! I'd like to see more of these community guest posts, so - as usual - don't hesitate to ping me (@starbuxman) with ideas and contributions! -Josh


Activiti is an Apache-licensed business process management (BPM) engine. Such an engine has as core goal to take a process definition comprised of human tasks and service calls and execute those in a certain order, while exposing various API's to start, manage and query data about process instances for…

Spring Data Release Train Fowler RC1 Available

Releases | Christoph Strobl | March 05, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the availability of the first and final release candidate of the Spring Data release train named Fowler. The release ships 149 tickets fixed. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Support for Java 8 Stream as return type in JPA and MongoDB.
  • Enhanced support for JSR-310 and the ThreeTen back port types.
  • Dedicated GeoJSON types for the MongoDB module.
  • Compatibility with MongoDB 3.0 and the new MongoDB Java driver (current beta3).
  • Auto-populate the last modified header for audited entities in Spring Data REST.
  • @Score annotation for Solr.
  • Support for suggestions in Elasticsearch.

Spring Cloud 1.0.0 Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | March 04, 2015 | ...

Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RELEASE is available now in Maven Central (and repo.spring.io). Not too many changes since RC3 but we did find a few bugs, thanks largely to community involvement, so thanks to all who tried it out up to now. Here is a reminder of the goals of Spring Cloud:

Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, one-time tokens, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions, cluster state…

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Caching with Spring: Advanced Topics and Best Practices

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 03, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Michael Plod

Core Spring Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-one2gx-caching-with-spring

Caching is relevant for a wide range of business applications and there is a huge variety of products in the market ranging from easy to adopt local heap based caches to powerful distributed data grids. This talk addresses advanced usage of Spring’s caching abstraction such as integrating a cache provider that is not integrated by the default Spring Package. In addition to that I will also give an overview of the JCache Specification and it’s adoption in the Spring ecosystem. Finally the presentation will also address various best practices for integrating various caching solutions into enterprise grade applications that don’t have the luxury of having "eventual consistency“ as a non-functional requirement. This talk comes with many live demos, some of them are demoed on a distributed cache cluster on Raspberry Pis and Lego Mindstorms robots (running Spring).

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: The Revolution Will Not Be Centralized

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 03, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Chris Beams

Data / Integration Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/the-revolution-will-not-be-centralizedhow-to-build-a-blockchain-using-spring-to-develop-a-bitcoinlike-virtual-currency

Massive government-run data dragnets. Advertising-based "free" cloud services working against the best interests of their users. Giant, unreadable end user license agreements. It seems that everywhere we turn, the walls are closing in on individual privacy and autonomy. The situation is complex. Out of confusion and frustration, many users have already given up. Common refrains are "privacy is dead" and "I've got nothing to hide". But revolution is in the air. The internet and the web are decentralized by design. Protocols like DNS, SMTP and HTTP assume a network of peers, but during the last 15 years—our adolescence with these technologies—we have unintentionally centralized much of the internet's infrastructure. This hasn't been for nefarious purposes; it's been done out of convenience. Having a GMail account is simply much easier than running your own mail server; storing everything in the cloud is easier than maintaining your own backups. As an unintended consequence, we've made surveillance much easier and made invasive ad-based business models the norm. A growing number of technologists are working to re-decentralize the net in surprising and profound ways. Free software and innovative peer-to-peer networks play an important role in this effort, but what may prove to be the most important tool is a new one: cryptocurrency. With bitcoin, we now have a natively digital money; a cash for the web; a currency that is as decentralized and flexible as the rest of the internet was designed to be. At a glance, bitcoin may look like just another payment option, a fad, or a speculative bubble. On closer inspection, one begins to see that it can enable new business models by facilitating previously impossible economic incentives between peers. Once one grasps the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, one sees that its long-term implications and possibilities are as broad and deep as the internet itself. And just like the internet, bitcoin is not a panacea. It is rife with its own problems and faces its own existential threats. In this talk, Chris Beams will share his findings from over two years of research into bitcoin and related technologies: the promise and the peril; how bitcoin may be able to create the first sustainable business models for the development of free software; how privacy may rise from the dead yet; and why the revolution will not be centralized.

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: RaveJS - Spring Boot concepts for JavaScript applications

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 03, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: John Hann

Web / JavaScript Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/rave-js-springone-2gx-2014-41117770

Modern JavaScript frameworks have become quite sophisticated. Unfortunately, they have also become quite complicated. The demos and sample projects for these frameworks look deceptively simple. However, to build and deploy real applications, developers must scaffold, configure, and maintain a tremendous amount of intricate machinery. Until recently, the Java world wasn't very different. Spring Boot finally made it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring Applications that can you can "just run". Can we do the same for JavaScript? Yes, we can! Introducing RaveJS. Rave eliminates configuration, machinery, and complexity. Stop configuring and tweaking machinery such as file watchers, minifiers, and transpilers just to get to a runnable app. Instead, go from zero to "hello world" in 30 seconds. In the next 30 seconds, easily add capabilities and frameworks to your application simply by installing *Rave Extensions* and *Rave Starter* packages from npm and Bower, the leading JavaScript package managers. Finally, install additional *Rave Extension* packages to apply your favorite build, deploy, and testing patterns.

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Resource Handling in Spring MVC 4.1

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | March 03, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Brian Clozel, Rossen Stoyanchev

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/resource-handling-spring-framework-41-41088162

Web / JavaScript Track

As the complexity of web and mobile apps increases, so does the importance of ensuring that your client-side resources load and execute in an optimal and efficient manner. Differences in resource loading, transforming, and fingerprinting techniques can have a dramatic impact on performance and caching. These techniques can dictate whether your users have a joyful or frustrating experience. Attend this talk to learn the SpringMVC performance techniques aimed at keeping your users happy.

This Week in Spring - March 3, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | March 03, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Kansas City, Kansas, hanging out with my pal and Spring Security lead Rob Winch. This week, I'm speaking at the local User Group and the Spring User Group, and I'll be talking to Cerner and a few other large businesses about Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

As usual, we've got a lot of great stuff to talk about, so let's go to it!

  1. Spring Boot co-lead Phil Webb just announced Spring Boot 1.2.2 and Spring Boot 1.1.11. Both releases are recommended upgrades, and Spring Boot 1.2.2 even includes new support for the Mustache templating library. Nice!
  2. Check out John Hann's SpringOne2GX 2014 talk, introducing Rave.js, which brings Spring Boot-concepts to JavaScript
  3. I put together a blog on building applications that use the Servlet HTTP session in a scalable manner and in a portable way - from application server, web server, and cloud - with ease.
  4. Chris Beams's SpringOne2GX 2014 talk, The Revolution will not be Centralized

The Portable, Cloud-Ready HTTP Session

Engineering | Josh Long | March 01, 2015 | ...

A Framework for all Seasons (and Architectures)

Spring walks an interesting line. It provides a lot of value no matter where you run it, and - because it's built on dependency injection layer - it offers a natural piece of indirection between the underlying layer and the applications that run on top of it. This indirection promotes code portability through decoupling: your application code is ignorant of where the javax.sql.DataSource (or whatever) handle it's using comes from, be it a JNDI lookup, environment variables, or a simple new'd-up bean provided by Spring. This decoupling and the…

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