This Week in Spring ( SpringOne2GX replay / Pieter Humphrey edition!) - October 21, 2015
Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week is the first week (of many) where the crazy awesome [](Pieter Humphrey) has released scores of SpringOne2GX 2015 videos for our binge watching enjoyment! Most of this week's bountiful roundup is thanks to Pieter's meticulous transcoding, uploading and posting videos from SpringOne2GX 2015 - thanks Pieter! So without further ado, let's take a look at some of this week's selection including a LOT of content from SpringOne2GX, including..
- ..Juergen Holler and Stephane Nicoll's talk presenting the updates to Spring framework 4.2
- ..the SpringOne2GX day 1 keynote featuring James Watters, Dr. David Syer, Scott Frederick, Juergen Hoeller and yours truly
- ..the SpringOne2GX day 2 keynote featuring Guillaume LaForge, Graeme Rocher, Dr. David Syer, Mark Fisher, Scott Frederick and yours truly
- ..the talk that Spring Boot and Spring Cloud co-founder Dr. Dave Syer and I, aided by a VERY gracious guest appearance by Spring creator and hero Dr. Rod Johnson, gave introducing Spring Cloud (I've never been so privileged as I was to be a part of this talk and I truly…