Spring Integration 4.3 M1 is Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | February 17, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Integration team I’m happy to announce the First Milestone of the Spring Integration 4.3 release.

4.3 is planned to be only a minor release with a few new features and improvements over 4.2 and will close out the 4.x line. Meanwhile we are looking forward to embrace the Reactive Foundation for the JVM in Spring Integration 5.0. We have yet to determine exactly what that means, so stay tuned! In addition, 5.0 (2017) will include the (currently separate) Spring Integration Java DSL.

We plan on finalizing 4.3 over the next few months before switching our attention full-time to 5.0 so, if there is some must have feature you need before next year…

Spring AMQP 1.6.0 Milestone 1 (and 1.5.4) Available

Engineering | Gary Russell | February 16, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of the first milestone of the 1.6 version of Spring AMQP.

Some highlights of this release:

  • A new jar spring-rabbit-test containing a test harness to help with testing @RabbitListener methods; see the testing chapter.

  • Multiple @RabbitListener annotations on a method (when using Java 8) and the @RabbitListeners annotation (for pre-Java 8), each allowing the same method to be the listener method for multiple listener containers.

  • Full support for the Delayed Message Exchange RabbitMQ plugin.

  • An AsyncRabbitTemplate returning ListenableFuture<?> for request/reply messaging.

  • An option to publish ApplicationEvents when listener containers go idle.

Spring REST Docs 1.1.0.M1

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | February 16, 2016 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that the first milestone of Spring REST Docs 1.1 has been released. 1.1.0.M1 is available from https://repo.spring.io/milestone/.

What's new?

REST Assured

As an alternative to the lightweight server-less documentation generation offered by Spring Framework's MockMvc, you can now use REST Assured to test and document your RESTful services. This opens up Spring REST Docs to all four corners of the JVM and beyond, allowing you to document anything that you can access via HTTP.


Support has been added for generating Markdown snippets. On its own, Markdown isn't as capable as Asciidoctor, but can work very well when combined with existing documentation toolchains such as Slate

This Week in Spring - February 16th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | February 16, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been a busy week for all of us on the Spring team, as you're about to see! I've just finished my presentation at the epic DevNexus show and now I'm off to visit customers in Hartford and Los Angeles before making my way to the epic ConFoo conference in Montreal, Canada. If you're in the area, be sure to ping me and say hi!

We've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Behind the OSS curtain - How we manage Spring

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 16, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenters: Baruch Sadogursky & Phil Webb Core Spring Track Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/behind-the-oss-curtain-how-we-manage-spring

How is the open source you use published actually managed? What techniques and tools do successful open source projects use? How are open source projects able to lever the community that they build? This talk will take you behind the scenes of the Spring Framework to show you how we manage code, issues and releases. We'll talk about the tools that we use, how we keep code clean and consistent, and how we use…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Intro to Spring Boot for the Web Teir

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 16, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX Presenters: Stephané Nicoll & Brian Clozel Web / Javascript Track Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-boot-for-the-web-tier-53204645

Only 2 years after its inception, Spring Boot is already very popular amongst Spring developers. If you’re familiar with Spring MVC, you may wonder how Spring Boot can improve your web development experience and how its internals work.

First we’ll go over the basics of a REST service powered by Boot. We’ll then gradually add more features that are typical to modern web applications. Along the way, we’ll see how Boot…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Federated Queries with HAWQ - SQL on Hadoop and Beyond

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 16, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Christian Tzolov Big Data Track Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/federated-queries-with-hawq-sql-on-hadoop-and-beyond-53208753

In the space of Big Data, Pivotal offers two powerful data processing tools namely HAWQ and GemFire. HAWQ is a scalable OLAP SQL-on-Hadoop system, while GemFire is OLTP like, in-memory data grid and event processing system. This presentation will show different integration approaches that allow integration and data exchange between HAWQ and GemFire. The practical experience in applying Spring Boot and Spring XD…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Developing cloud-native applications with the Spring Tool Suite

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 16, 2016 | ...

Recorded At SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenters: Kris De Volder & Martin Lippert Core Spring Track Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/developing-cloud-native-applications-with-the-spring-tool-suite

In this session we will demonstrate how to work effectively with Spring projects in Eclipse and the Spring Tool Suite (STS). We will demo all the latest enhancements in the tools including features like much smarter property file editing. We will also demonstrate new features in the Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) platform. Going beyond basic application development we will look at how to build and work…

Webinar: Spring Boot Authentication... and More!

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 16, 2016 | ...

Guest Speaker: Micah Silverman, Java Developer Evangelist, Stormpath

Join Stormpath Java Developer Evangelist Micah Silverman for a technical overview of the common pain points with Java authentication. We'll cover how to solve them with Stormpath in a Spring Boot application, and demonstrate how to quickly add a complete user management system to your Spring Boot app.

By the end of this webinar, you’ll be on your way to a fully functioning Spring Boot app backed by Stormpath.

Topics Covered:

Authentication Pain Points in Java Stormpath, Spring Boot, and Your Architecture Demo: Auth in Spring Boot, with these features: A complete user registration and login system Pre-built login screens Password reset workflows Group-based authorization Advanced user features: API authentication, Single Sign-On, social login, and more Technical Q&A

Thursday, Feb 18th, 2016 3:00PM London GMT Register

Thursday, Feb 18th, 2016 10:00AM PST (San Francisco GMT-08:00) Register

Reactor 2.5 : A Second Generation Reactive Foundation for the JVM

Releases | Stephane Maldini | February 16, 2016 | ...

Entering Reactive Streams Era

Reactor 2.0 development started by the end of 2014, around the same time as Reactive Streams. We were keen on joining the effort and early adopt a backpressure protocol to mitigate our main message-passing limitation: bounded capacity. We delivered in Reactor 2.0 the first attempt to make Reactive Streams implementations of RingBuffer-based schedulers and derived an increasingly popular reactive pattern: Reactive Extensions.

Meanwhile, Reactive Streams started getting traction and an entire ecosystem of libraries discussed this transition. The regular concern ? Implementing Reactive Streams semantics is all but an easy task. We observed an increasing need for a reactive foundation to solve message-passing and implement common streaming operators. We therefore created a dedicated project space for Reactor Core and started a focused effort with Spring Framework team

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