Hi Spring fans! in this installment, we'll look at different ways to register beans with Spring, culminating in the new programmatic bean registration functionality in Spring 5.
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it! My friend Kenny Bastani and I will be doing a training for O'Reilly on the first and second of March introducing all things Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Cloud Foundry - join us!
Eric Bottard has just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.1.1 which includes stability improvements, better error handling, network call optimizations and better load performance characteristics
This is the last milestone before we enter the release candidate phase. Our feature-complete RC1 is planned for early April, initiating a series of release candidates up until June. With this timeline, against near-final releases of OpenJDK 9 and several EE 8 specifications, our 5.0 generation covers early JDK 9 support as well as Servlet 4.0 and Bean Validation 2.0 already.
On another front, 5.0 M5 finally introduces a dedicated name for our reactive web framework: It is my pleasure to publicly announce Spring WebFlux, with the spring-web-reactive module renamed to spring-webflux…
An update on the 5th and last milestone of Spring Framework 5.0...
Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux
The name *Spring MVC* is both well known and widely used but it may surprise a few there is no actual project or independent distribution with that name. Rather it is a module within the Spring Framework distribution called `spring-webmvc`. Here is another trivia question. Did you know that the top-level package in the module does not feature "mvc"? Rather it is called `org.springframework.web.servlet`. Practically speaking those are details that we don't have to remember. What matters is that we have a short and memorable name to refer to *Spring's Servlet stack based* web framework.
Spring's reactive stack web framework, new in 5.0, is fully reactive and non-blocking. It is suitable for event-loop style processing with a small number of threads. It is supported on Servlet containers (Tomcat, Jetty, Servlet 3.1+) but also non-Servlet runtimes (Netty, Undertow) since the common foundation for this stack is not the Servlet API but a non-blocking alternative built on Reactive Streams and the Reactor project. In case you're wondering, isn't Servlet 3.1 capable of non-blocking I/O…
An important quality update with new features including predicated-based windows and the checkpoint operator, fixes, test coverage and for the first time in 3.0.x line, a draft reference guide.
We are now working on 3.0.6.RELEASE which is going to be our last major 3.0 content update before 3.1.0.RELEASE. We encourage our Spring Community to just follow deprecated instructions if they hit any of the @Deprecated API, thus simply preparing for a quick, painless, upgrade when time comes. Have a look at our issues backlog…
The 1.1.1.RELEASE maintenance release of Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry is now available and includes a variety of stability and performance improvements. Following are the highlights:
Stability Improvements The instability problems when using SCDF’s 1.1.0.RELEASE on PCF manifested to the users in the following forms.
stream list operation would hang and eventually time out with “IllegalStateException: 503 Bad Gateway” or “IllegalStateException: Timeout on block read” exceptions. This is addressed in the cf-java-client library.
With SCDF server sitting cold/idle for a period of time and with OAUTH token refresh routine happening in the background, any new operation to the server would never complete. The OAUTH refresh token routine had a bug in successfully negotiating for new tokens. This is addressed in the cf-java-client library.
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Atlanta, GA for the incredible DevNexus event and then it's off to Geneva, Switzerland for the Voxxed CERN event. As usual, don't hesitate to say "Hi" if you're around!