This Week in Spring - September 26th, 2017 (Java 9 Edition)
Hi Spring fans! What a crazy wonderful week it's been! I'm back in San Francisco talking to customers and local partners about all things Pivotal and, also, just enjoying some fun in the San Francisco Sun while playing with Java 9 . There's so much to like in this new release and so much to look forward to and, of course, Spring Framework 5 is Java 9 ready out of the box.
- Spring IO Platform lead Andy Wilkinson just announced Spring IO Platform Brussels SR5. The new release includes Spring AMQP 1.7.4, Spring Boot 1.5.7, Spring Data Ingalls SR7, Spring Framework 4.3.11, Spring Integration 4.3.12, Spring Loaded 1.2.8, and Spring Web Flow 2.4.6. Lots to like in this new release so get the bits now!
- Spring Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert just posted on how to overcome some issues when running STS on macOS High Sierra 10.13.
- Spring Cloud Task lead Michael Minella just announced Spring Cloud Task 1.2.2.RELEASE…