How Welcoming is the Spring Community for Apprentice Developers? A Recent Survey Says We Can Do Better.

Engineering | Diógenes Rettori | October 18, 2018 | ...

Just starting your dev career? Check out this last report on the JVM ecosystem. Simon Maple, Andrew Binstock, and many others have done developers of all skill levels a great service with this data.

I'm a long-time Spring developer, and I've advocated for it for the last 10 years. It's no surprise how widely adopted it is. Spring Boot dominates the Cloud Native Java ecosystem. Download numbers keep growing at unseen rates. In fact, according to the survey, there are more people developing using Spring technologies than not. It's a great time to be a Java developer!

I could be happier though…

Spring Cloud Edgware.SR5 Has Been Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | October 17, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 5 (SR5) of the Spring Cloud Edgware Release Train is available today. You can find the release in Maven Central. You can also check out the Edgware release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Edgware Release Train

Spring Cloud Commons

Spring Cloud Config

Spring Cloud Contract

Via #707 we've a test listener that handles issues with closing and starting WireMock servers. Thanks to this change you no longer need to set the @DirtiesContext on your tests…

Spring Boot 2.1.0 RC1 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | October 17, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the team, it is my pleasure to announce that Spring Boot 2.1.0.RC1 has been released and is now available from our milestone repository.

This release closes over 100 issues and pull requests, and is our first release candidate. At this point we're not anticipating that any major API changes or new features will be added before our final 2.1 GA release.

We've refined a number of items from previous milestone, and provide a number of notable new features including:

  • Auto-configuration for additional Micrometer registries: AppOptics, Humio and KairosDB
  • Support for Jersey metrics (Thread pool and HTTP request)
  • Integration with Hibernate's BeanContainer API

Spring Project Vulnerability Reports Published (10/2018)

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | October 16, 2018 | ...

The following CVEs have been published today:

  1. CVE-2018-15756 for Spring Framework 5.1.1, 5.0.10, and 4.3.20.
  2. CVE-2018-15758 for Spring Security OAuth 2.3.4, 2.2.3, 2.1.3, and 2.0.16.

Please, review the information, including affected project versions, in the CVE reports and upgrade immediately.

Spring Boot Users: Spring Boot 2.0.6 and 1.5.17, released earlier today, contain the fixes for the above vulnerabilities.

Spring Security 5.1.1, 5.0.9, and 4.2.9 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | October 16, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that Spring Security 5.1.1 (changelog) Spring Security 5.0.9 (changelog) and 4.2.9 (changelog) have been released. The releases primarily deliver bug fixes and dependency version updates along with some minor improvements. The releases will be found in the upcoming Spring Boot maintenance releases coming this week.

Project Site | Reference | Help

Spring Noticias en Español, 16 de octubre 2018

Engineering | Mark Heckler | October 16, 2018 | ...

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Bienvenidos a todos a la segunda edición de Spring Noticias en Español!!

Como siempre, envíame noticias de tus logros en @mkheck en Twitter, [email protected], o [email protected] y los compartiré con la comunidad.

Para esta edición, aquí tienes unos artículos muy interesantes:

Spring Boot 1.5.17

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | October 16, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone that contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.5.17 has been released and is is now available from and Maven Central.

Spring Boot 1.5.17 includes 19 fixes, improvements, and dependency updates as well as 2 CVE reports. Thanks to all that have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter

Spring Boot 2.0.6

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | October 16, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone that contributed, it is my pleasure to announce that Spring Boot 2.0.6 has been released and is is now available from and Maven Central.

Spring Boot 2.0.6 includes 97 fixes, improvements, and dependency updates as well as a Spring Framework CVE report. Thanks to all that have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter

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