Spring CredHub 2.0.0.RC1 released

Engineering | Scott Frederick | December 14, 2018 | ...

I’m pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring CredHub 2.0.0, available now in the Spring milestone repository. A GA release of Spring CredHub 2.0.0 will be available in a few weeks.


CredHub provides centralized credential management to the Cloud Foundry platform. CredHub implements an HTTP API to securely store, generate, retrieve, and delete credentials of various types.

Spring CredHub provides a Java binding for the CredHub API, making it easy to integrate Spring applications with CredHub.

What’s New

The 2.0.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Supports CredHub server versions 1.x and 2.x, and the CredHub v1 and v2 APIs

  • Provides compatibility with Spring Framework 5.1 and Spring Boot 2.1

  • Addition of a reactive interface using Reactor

Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 M1 released

Releases | Mark Paluch | December 12, 2018 | ...

It’s my pleasure to announce the first milestone of Spring Data R2DBC. Spring Data R2DBC is Spring's client project for R2DBC. With Spring Data R2DBC you get end to end reactive ad-hoc query execution and Spring Data repositories for relational databases.

Spring Data R2DBC embraces functional-reactive integration of relational databases by providing DatabaseClient as its central abstraction. The following example shows how to bootstrap DatabaseClient without spinning up a Spring context:

PostgresqlConnectionFactory connFactory = new PostgresqlConnectionFactory…

How Fast is Spring?

Engineering | Dave Syer | December 12, 2018 | ...

Performance has always been one of the top priorities of the Spring Engineering team, and we are continually monitoring and responding to changes and to feedback. Some fairly intense and precise work has been done recently (in the last 2-3 years) and this article is here to help you to find the results of that work and to learn how to measure and improve performance in your own applications. The headline is that Spring Boot 2.1 and Spring 5.1 have some quite nice optimizations for startup time and heap usage. Here’s a graph made by measuring startup time for heap constrained apps:


As you…

Spring Cloud Greenwich.RC1 available now

Releases | Spencer Gibb | December 12, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of the Spring Cloud Greenwich Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the Greenwich release notes for more information.

End of Life (EOL) Reminder

The Dalston release train will reach EOL status at the end of 2018.

Notable Changes in the Greenwich Release Train

This milestone is compatible with Spring Boot 2.1.1.RELEASE. Updates were made across the projects for Java 11 compatibility.

Go to the Greenwich.RC1 github project to see all…

Spring Data Moore M1 released

Releases | Christoph Strobl | December 11, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I’m pleased to announce the availability of the first milestone of the Moore release train.

Notable changes include:

Please find a high-level overview of what has been added in our release wiki

This Week in Spring - December 11, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | December 11, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I've been in Seattle, WA and now I'm off to Toronto, Canada for the epic SpringOne Tour Toronto edition, the last SpringOne Tour for the year, too! (Can you believe we're now less than 22 days from 2019? Time sure flies when you're having fun!)

Spring REST Docs 1.2.6.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | December 10, 2018 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring REST Docs 1.2.6.RELEASE is available from Maven Central, JCenter, and our release repository. My thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by reporting bugs and opening pull requests.

This maintenance release includes a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. It is a recommend upgrade for all Spring REST Docs 1.x users.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Twitter | Gitter | Stack Overflow

Spring REST Docs 2.0.3.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | December 10, 2018 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring REST Docs 2.0.3.RELEASE is available from Maven Central, JCenter, and our release repository. My thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by reporting bugs and opening pull requests.

This maintenance release includes a small number of fixes and documentation improvements. It is a recommend upgrade for all Spring REST Docs 2.x users.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Twitter | Gitter | Stack Overflow

Reactive Programming and Relational Databases

Engineering | Mark Paluch | December 07, 2018 | ...

Imperative code eats threads at the pace of incoming requests while Software is eating the world. This post discusses the assumptions for reactive programming on the JVM and what this means for integrations – in particular, relational databases.

The motivation to come up with a post is the constant increase in reactive programming adoption while some major building blocks are not yet available – in particular, the question: What about relational databases?

What is Reactive Programming

There are a lot of answers about what Reactive Programming is and how this compares to Reactive Systems. I see Reactive Programming as a programming model that facilitates scalability and stability by creating event-driven non-blocking functional pipelines that react to availability and processability of resources. Deferred execution, concurrency and asynchronicity

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