Spring Session for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 2.0.9.RELEASE & 2.1.3.RELEASE Available
I am pleased to announce the release of Spring Session for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (SSDG), 2.0.9.RELEASE and 2.1.3.RELEASE.
Both of these releases focus on dependency updates to align with the rest of the Spring portfolio in their respective release lines.
SSDG 2.0.9.RELEASE builds on:
Spring Framework 5.0.13.RELEASE
Spring Data Kay-SR14
Spring Session 2.0.10.RELEASE (Apple-SR9)
And is targeted for use in Spring Boot 2.0.9.RELEASE.
SSDG 2.1.3.RELEASE builds on:
Spring Framework 5.1.6.RELESE
Spring Data Lovelace-SR6
Spring Session 2.1.5.RELEASE (Bean-SR4)
And is targeted for use in Spring Boot 2.1.4.RELEASE