Spring Data Moore SR1 and Lovelace SR12 released

Releases | Jens Schauder | November 05, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team, I’m pleased to announce Spring Data releases Moore SR1, and Lovelace SR12. All releases pick up the most recent Spring Framework releases and will be picked up by Spring Boot 2.2.1, and 2.1.10 respectively.

Moore SR1

This Week in Spring - November 5, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | November 05, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Antwerp, Belgium for the epic Devoxx event. I was in Singapore for Devoxx Belgium 2018, and so I missed this event. I am so happy to be here this year.

I finished a "deep dive" session this morning with an amazing crowd of people who hung out with me for 3 hours to talk about Reactive Spring. I've got two more one-hour talks on Thursday, "Bootiful Testing," and "Bootiful Kotlin." I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone for those talks as well.

We've got a ton of things to get to this week so let's!

Spring Cloud Stream - Composed Functions or EIP

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | November 04, 2019 | ...

In preparation for the upcoming releases of Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt) 3.0.0 - Horsham and Spring Cloud Function (SCF) 3.0.0, we’ve been publishing a series of posts discussing and showcasing new features and enhancements. We provided motivation and justification for moving away from the annotation-based programming model to the functional model, and then we provided more details on the functional approach, as well as reactive functions. In another post, which is relevant to what we're going to be discussing here, Artem demonstrated the benefits of combining functional approaches with the

Spring Framework 5.2.1 and 5.1.11 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | November 04, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 5.2.1 and 5.1.11 are available now.

The first maintenance release of the 5.2 line includes over 35 fixes and improvements. Spring Framework 5.1.11 includes 7 selected fixes and improvements.

As usual, we'll follow up shortly with corresponding Spring Boot releases (2.2.1 and 2.1.10).

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Azure Spring Cloud Is Now In Public Preview

Engineering | Josh Long | November 04, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Today we're excited to announce that Azure Spring Cloud, the runtime for Spring Boot-based applications and Spring Cloud-based microservices jointly developed by Microsoft and Pivotal, is now in public beta. Anybody can try it out now!

As customers have moved their workloads to the cloud, we’ve seen a growth in the use of cloud-native architectures, particularly microservices. Microservice-based architectures help improve scalability and velocity, but implementing them can pose challenges. For many Java developers, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud have helped address these…

Spring Cloud Stream - Event Routing

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | October 31, 2019 | ...

Welcome to another post in a series of posts showcasing the new features of Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt). In previous posts (available here, here and here), we tried to provide justification for our shift to a functional programming model in Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt). It is less code and less configuration, and your code remains completely decoupled from the internals of SCSt.

Today, we'll talk about routing with functions. Routing, in the context of SCSt, is the ability to either a) route events to a particular event subscriber or b) route an event produced by an event subscriber to a particular destination. To help more with the context, let's quickly look at how things work in the annotation-based programming model. In this post, we'll refer to it as route 'TO…

This Week in Spring - October 29th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | October 29, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe we're already staring down November? I can't! (We're just two months away from the new year!) This week I'm in Chicago for meetings, and then - finally - I'm off to San Francisco and see the family. Then, it's off to Europe for the Devoxx Ukraine and Devoxx Belgium events. I can't wait to see everyone there!

I'm particularly looking forward to spending Halloween (on the 31st of October) in San Francisco with my kid. The entire family, including the dog, have Halloween costumes. We're ready! (I'm going…

Announcing Spring Cloud Stream Horsham.RC1 (3.0.0.RC1)

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | October 28, 2019 | ...

We are pleased to announce the first Release Candidate of the Spring Cloud Stream Horsham.RC1 (3.0.0.RC1).

Spring Cloud Stream Horsham.RC1 (3.0.0.RC1) modules are available for use in the Spring Milestone repository.

Quick highlights:

  • Spring Boot 2.2.x
  • Spring Cloud Function 3.0.0.RC1

Notable features and enhancements for this milestone:

Emphasis on functional programming model

As mentioned in the previous release blogs, with this release we are shifting to a simpler functional programming model.

In the nutshell a simple spring-boot application with at least one function bean is also a spring…

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