Spring Security 5.3.0.M1 Released

Releases | Eleftheria Stein-Kousathana | January 08, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 5.3.0.M1! You can find the complete details in the release notes and the highlights below:


gh-7654 - Allow configuration of AuthenticationManager in saml2Login()
gh-7681 - Make Saml2Authentication serializable

OAuth 2.0

gh-5385 - Resource server support for multiple trusted JWT access token issuers
gh-7569 - Reactive implementation of AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
gh-7592 - Add OidcIdToken.Builder
gh-7593 - Add OidcUserInfo.Builder


gh-7785 - Idiomatic Kotlin DSL for configuring…

This Week in Spring - 9th Anniversary Edition - January 7, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | January 07, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This is also the 9th anniversary of the This Week in Spring blog series. I started it the first Tuesday after the new year in January 2011. NINE years is a long time, and it's been - and continues to be - a ton of fun.

I've never missed an installment - every Tuesday for almost a decade, come heck or high water - I get this done. It's always on Tuesday, my time - whatever time that is. If I'm in Tokyo or Shanghai or Sydney then the installment may very well post sometime in most people's Monday, or if I'm in California or…

A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Boot and Spring Cloud co-founder Dr. Dave Syer

Engineering | Josh Long | January 03, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, Josh Long talks to the one, the only, the inimitable, the amazing, his hero, the good Dr. Dave Syer, Spring Framework committer, former Spring Batch lead, former Spring Security OAuth lead, co-founder of both Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, etc. Statistically, if you're using Spring today, you're probably using code he wrote. This episode was recorded at SpringOne Platform 2019. Happy new year, and enjoy!

This Decade in Spring - Happy New Year Edition - December 31, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | December 31, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to another, extra-special installment of This Week in Spring. Normally, when writing the first post after or before the new year, I chronicle the most important moments in the last year. This year, seeing as we're about to tip the scales and embark upon not just a new year but a new decade, I'm going to do my level headed best to distill the biggest and the best for the Spring ecosystem in the last decade. The problem I face in writing this isn't in coming up with things to mention, it's in limiting the number of things I mention!

Where does one even start? It's hard to believe we've come this far, as a community. Remember, the earliest pages of code in Spring date back to 2001, almost 19 years ago. Rod Johnson, the original creator of Spring, talked about Spring's progression over the last almost two decades in this blog post - 18 Years of Spring

This Week in Spring - December 24th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | December 24, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe it's the 24th of December already? We're already two days into Chanukah, and one day away from Christmas, one day away from Kwanza, and two days away from Boxing Day, among other holidays. And just a week away from the brand new year, the first year of the new decade! I can't believe it! By the end of 2020, I'll have been (officially) part of the Spring team for 10 years and I'll have been doing these This Week in Spring roundups for 10 years too. What a privilege it's been to be a part of the team.

I love this time of year. It represents a time for me to be with my family, to celebrate, to rekindle my energies, and to gather for the new year. I am so excited to see what's coming in 2020! I'm also excited because next week, this column - like every year before it - will be a special This Year in Spring

Spring Cloud Roadmap and Hoxton and Greenwich Maintenance and EOL Announcements

Releases | Spencer Gibb | December 23, 2019 | ...

With the recent Spring Framework and Spring Boot maintenance and roadmap posts, the Spring Cloud team is taking the opportunity to provide some insight to our future roadmap as well as the lifetimes of the Greenwich and Hoxton release trains.

Spring Cloud Ilford

We would like to announce our next major release, Spring Cloud Ilford. This will be the first major release since the release of Spring Cloud Finchley, which provided support for Spring Boot 2.x and Spring Framework 5.x. By making Ilford a major release, it will allow us to remove modules that have entered maintenance mode and to complete the simplification of the release train announced earlier this year. It will also…

Spring for Apache Kafka 2.4 is Available

Releases | Gary Russell | December 23, 2019 | ...

To support last week’s Apache Kafka 2.4.0 release, I am pleased to announce that the Spring for Apache Kafka 2.4 - 2.4.0.RELEASE - is available in maven central.

This version is essentially functionally equivalent to 2.3.x, but is compiled against the 2.4.0 kafka-clients and supports the new incremental rebalancing protocol.

The 2.4.0 kafka-clients are not binary compatible with Spring for Apache Kafka 2.3 so if you wish to use the 2.4.0 clients, you must upgrade to this version. See the appendix in the reference manual for how to override the jar versions, especially if you are using Spring…

Spring Cloud Hoxton Service Release 1 (SR1) is available.

Releases | Spencer Gibb | December 21, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 1 (SR1) of the Spring Cloud Hoxton Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the Hoxton release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Hoxton Release Train

This milestone was primarily a bugfix release.

Please see the Hoxton.SR1 Github Project for all issues closed.

This milestone release is built with Spring Boot 2.2.2.RELEASE.

Spring Cloud Config

Besides bug fixes, Vault authentication was changed to use the Spring Vault project providing more options…

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