A Bootiful Podcast: Tanzu Wavefront co-founder and VMware Principal Engineer Clement Pang
Hi Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Wavefront co-founder and VMware Principal Engineer Clement Pang (@panghy).
Hi Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Wavefront co-founder and VMware Principal Engineer Clement Pang (@panghy).
Hi, Spring fans! What a week it's been! Tomorrow I'll be presenting a webinar on the easy integration between Spring Boot and Tanzu Wavefront. Wavefront is an all-in-one, integrated distributed tracing metrics analytics observability platform. Join us tomorrow to learn about observability, about Wavefront, and their integration in the Spring ecosystem with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Micrometer, among other things.
We've so many great things to look at this week so let's get to it!
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Nisha Kumar and Rose Judge who work on the Linux Foundation's project Tern.
Dear Spring Community,
I am happy to announce the 4.7.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.
Highlights from this release include:
Speaker: Phil Webb (@phillip_webb)
Use the timecodes below if you want to jump to a specific part of the presentation:
The following links are referenced in the presentation:
Reading time: about 6 minutes Coding time: about 20 minutes
If you've been following my series on RSocket, you've already learned how to build client-server applications with Spring Boot. In today's exercise, you're going to learn how to add security to your RSocket applications.
The task of securing RSocket applications is greatly simplified when you use Spring Security. Spring Security is a must-have module for any production application. It allows you to easily plugin many different authentication providers and restricts each user's access to your application based on their identity and…
On behalf of the Spring, Apache Geode and VMware GemFire communities, it is my pleasure to announce the release of Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SBDG) 1.1.8.RELEASE
and 1.2.8.RELEASE
is based on Spring Boot 2.1.15.RELEASE
and SBDG 1.2.8.RELEASE
is based on Spring Boot 2.2.8.RELEASE
. Bits for both releases are available in Maven Central.
As a friendly reminder, please refer to the Version Compatibility Matrix to see how SBDG aligns with Spring, Apache Geode and VMware GemFire versions.
SBDG 1.1.x
is fixed on Spring Data Lovelace, which is in support until October 2020. However, given SBDG 1.1.x
is based on Spring Data Lovelace, which is based on Apache Geode 1.6.0 and VMware GemFire 9.5.4, both of which have reached their EOL, the SBDG 1.1.x
release line will effectively only pick up dependency updates until October when SD Lovelace reaches EOL. No new development is happening SBDG 1.1.x
. You are therefore encouraged to upgrade to SBDG 1.2.8.RELEASE
or 1.3.0.RELEASE
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another jam-packed weekly roundup of This Week in Spring.
I've got a few upcoming speaking engagements you might be interested in. I'll be speaking (virtually) at the San Francisco JUG on June 24th at 6:30 PM. Join me!
Can't make it to the (virtual) SF JUG appearance? On June 30th, VMware Tanzu (where the Spring team lives) will be hosting one of my workshops, also on Reactive Spring. I'm going to cover tons of stuff: R2DBC, Reactor, Spring WebFlux, Spring WebFn, reactive Spring Data for SQL and NoSQL, RSocket, reactive security, reactive service orchestration, and composition patterns, and more. This is going to be at an ideal time for EU timezones, so please register now…
speaker: Josh Long (@starbuxman)
Hi Spring fans! Welcome to a very special, interregnum episode of Spring Tips where we revisit Spring and GraalVM native images. I wanted to get this video out in light of the recent Spring Graal 0.7.1 release which drastically simplifies things even compared to the last time we looked at Spring and Graal waaay back in April 2020.
TL;DR: GraalVm is a JIT replacement that you can use with a stock-standard JVM, and that's worth looking into in its own right. GraalVM also offers a separate feature supporting native image compilation. This native-image
builder takes bytecode and turns it into an architecture-specific binary that sheds the JVM and embeds something called SubstrateVM. Native images are fast to startup and they take way…
On behalf of the Spring, Apache Geode and VMware GemFire communities, it is my pleasure to announce the release of Spring Boot for Apache Geode and VMware GemFire (SBDG) 1.3.0.RELEASE
This release builds on Spring Boot 2.3.0.RELEASE
along with the latest Spring Framework (5.2.6), Spring Data (Neumann-GA/2.3.0) and Spring Session (Dragonfruit-GA/2.3.0) bits. In addition, SBDG 1.3.0.RELEASE
pulls in Spring Test for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (STDG) 0.0.16.RELEASE
giving users more fine-grained control for resource and mock object cleanup.
You can start a new Spring Boot project using Apache Geode from start.spring.io using Spring Initializer…