This Week in Spring - June 8th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | June 09, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! What's shaking? It's one of those weeks where, even though the thing I wanted to happen - a vacation with the family - didn't happen, what did happen - accidentally lots of free time with no meetings - has turned out wonderfully. It was all I could do to pry myself from the IDE to pull together this week's roundup, but I am glad I did! There's a ton of great stuff there. Let's dive into it.

Spring Integration AWS 2.5.1 and Spring Cloud Stream Kinesis Binder 2.2.0 Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | June 04, 2021 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

Today it’s my pleasure to announce releases of Spring Integration for Amazon Web Services extension versions 2.5.1 and Spring Cloud Stream Binder for AWS Kinesis 2.2.0.

These releases can be downloaded from Maven Central:

compile 'org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-aws:2.5.1'

If you don’t use Kinesis Binder. Or via Binder dependency:

compile ''

Spring Integration for AWS extension of 2.5.1 has some minor bug fixes after the previous 2.5.0 announcement.

The Spring Cloud Stream Binder for AWS Kinesis 2.2.0 is the first release in the project generation which is based on a new independent Spring Cloud for AWS artifact. It also was upgraded to the latest Spring Cloud 2020.0.3

"Wiremock" for RSocket

Engineering | Dave Syer | June 02, 2021 | ...

If you have an application that connects to an RSocket server at runtime, how do you test it? We need a way for a test to start a server and tell us where it is listening, and then we need to be able to register request and response examples (a.k.a. "contracts"). That’s what this project provides - it’s like Wiremock but for RSocket.

Getting Started

The easiest way to use the project is as a JUnit (Jupiter) extension, e.g:

class SocketsApplicationTests {

With this extension installed the Spring Boot tests will run with an RSocket server listening on a port given by test.rsocket.server.port, so the test can connect directly to it, or (more likely) the code that it is testing will connect to it. You might need to tell it where to connect via the @SpringBootTest annotation, e.g. if the application is looking for a property at runtime called rsocket.port

This Week in Spring - June 1st, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | June 01, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doing? I'm doing well! I hope you're doing well, too. Can you believe we've just entered the month of June 2021? WHERE HAS THIS YEAR GONE ALREADY! It's insane. But, the march of Spring continues, and with each passing week a ton of new stuff to talk about arrives. Let's get into it!

Spring Cloud 2020.0.3 (aka Ilford) Is Available

Releases | Marcin Grzejszczak | May 28, 2021 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that Service Release 3 of the Spring Cloud 2020.0 Release Train (2020.0.3) is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the 2020.0 release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the 2020.0.3 Release Train

The biggest change in this release was support for Spring Boot 2.5. Besides that, this release is primarily for bug fixes and dependency upgrades.

See all of the included issues and pull requests at the Github project.

Spring Cloud Commons

  • Added the possibility to disable load-balancing by property (#940)

This Week in Spring - May 25th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | May 25, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doing? I'm still fresh off my little vacation last week, feeling fantastic. I've spent the last several days working with Spring Boot and Spring Native and I have to tell you, they're epic.

It's gotten to the point where I sometimes spend time working on enabling Spring Native integrations for other projects - it really makes some third party abstractions come alive! It's hard to know what the right comparison is. There's not much you can do in this life that results in such an instantaneous, night-and-day difference in performance and memory profile with so few (user-visibile) changes. Imagine snapping your fingers and having your luxury hypercar (Spring Boot in this metaphor) transform into an equally capable, and very

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