Spring IO Platform Cairo-RC1
It's my pleasure to announce that Spring IO Platform Cairo-RC1 is now available from the Spring milestone repository. The Cairo generation of the Platform builds on top of Spring Framework 5.0 and Spring Boot 2.0 and requires Java 8.
Cairo includes the following projects:
- AspectJ 1.8.13
- Reactor Bismuth-SR7
- Spring AMQP 2.0.2
- Spring Batch 4.0.0
- Spring Boot 2.0.0
- Spring Cloud Connectors 2.0.1
- Spring Data Kay-SR5
- Spring Framework 5.0.4
- Spring HATEOAS 0.24.0
- Spring Integration 5.0.3
- Spring Kafka 2.1.4
- Spring LDAP 2.3.2
- Spring Plugin 1.2.0
- Spring REST Docs 2.0.0
- Spring Retry 1.2.2
- Spring Security 5.0.3
- Spring Security JWT 1.0.9
- Spring Security OAuth 2.2.1
- Spring Session Apple-SR1
- Spring Social 1.1.6
- Spring Social Twitter 1.1.2
- Spring Web Flow 2.5.0
- Spring Web Services 3.0.0 …