We are glad to announce that we will host a FREE conference about Spring and Hadoop on Friday August 30th in downtown Singapore from 6 to 8 PM.
Spring best practices: from Spring Petclinic to Spring Data Hadoop
Michael Isvy joined SpringSource (the company behind Spring, now part of Pivotal) in 2008. He has, since then, taught Spring to more than 1000 students in 10 different countries. He has presented on Spring at numerous conferences and is an active technical blogger on the SpringSource blog. Michael holds the position of Education Manager for the Asia-Pacific region at SpringSource…
If you are a Java developer looking to increase your Spring knowledge, Spring Training by Pivotal is the place to start. We are providing several Spring trainings across the globe closely connected to your needs as a professional developer. This month we provide the new 4-day Groovy & Grails class in Boston, MA. SpringSource has also started offering new Hibernate with Spring Classes in the Bay Area, Germany, London (GB) and the United States (Online Courses)
The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below:
Learn how Spring and Cucumber integrate to make test automation easier. Cucumber is a framework for Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD), a refinement of TDD (Test-Driven-Development). Its intent is to enable developers to write high-level use cases in plain text that can be verified by non-technical stakeholders, and turn them into executable tests, written in a language called Gherkin. Using Spring, Cucumber, WebDriver2, Hemant Joshi will show you how to use Spring & Cucumber to do BDD with elegance and joy.
About the speaker
Hemant Joshi
Hemant currently works at Visa Europe on automation framework technical arhcitect. Spring, Cucumber, Java for Visa worldwide.
Speakers: Mattias Severson & Johan Haleby, Jayway Inc You've probably heard the buzz about functional programming and you may have glanced at the new Lambda features in Java 8. What is less known is that it's actually possible to leverage some of the functional-style techniques even in older Java versions. This means that you can program in a functional style, even if your organization has not updated to Java 8. In this session, you'll learn about real-world experiences with functional frameworks such as LamdaJ, Functional Java and Guava. What should you consider before adopting them? How do they compare against one another? If you are stuck with a legacy Java version and want to be prepared for the functional future of Java 8, make sure to attend this session.
About the speakers
Mattias Severson, Jayway, Inc
With a background in the hardware and embedded area, Mattias has shifted his focus to Java and the enterprise domain. He is a clean code proponent who appreciates Test Driven Development and Agile methodologies. Mattias has experience from many different environments, including everything between big server solutions for multinational companies down to flashing LEDs by using small micro controllers. He is curious, open-minded and believes in continuous improvement on all levels.
Johan Haleby, Jayway, Inc
Johan Haleby is a Swedish developer, speaker, and writer with a profound interest in software engineering and testability in particular. He has founded and contributed to numerous open source projects such as PowerMock, REST Assured and Awaitility and has spoken at several conferences and user groups such as Öredev and Devoxx.
Sure the new features coming out in Spring Framework 4.0 are super exciting, but what about those of us that are still explaining dependency injection to our junior developers? And while Spock, Geb, and spring-test-mvc are revolutionizing our ability to test applications, what about the senior developers that are still justifying the value of unit testing to their managers. Strong technical leadership can overcome the organizational inertia that often resists your team's adoption of Spring technologies. Improve your leadership skills by drawing from lessons that were learned during the process of migrating Liberty University's software development department from "cut-and-paste coding" in ColdFusion to enterprise grade application development on the Spring Framework. Learn to plan an effective technology adoption strategy that avoids "new technology overload" and balances the pace of technology improvement with the necessity to continue production. Relationships with managers, junior developers, and production system administrators will all be important. Gain a better xtunderstanding of nontechnical managers and explore strategies for providing the conte they need to make the right decisions. Examine ways to build mentoring plans for your junior developers that include but extend beyond training and certifications from SpringSource University so that you can spend less time teaching and more time coding.
About the speaker
Tony Erksine, Liberty University
Designed and developed Java web applications using Spring, Hibernate, and Oracle. Coached teams of developers during every stage of the SDLC. Supervised the vetting, hiring, and training of new software developers. Helped transition the organization to agile software development using Scrum. Pioneered the adoption of new technologies and methodologies at Liberty (i.e. Spring, TDD) Participated in various interdepartmental efforts for architecture, crisis resolution, etc. More About Tony
The sheer volume of non-human-generated data in modern applications can easily overtake a traditional single-threaded, blocking design model. Reactor aims to address this volume, by providing a foundational framework for JVM applications -- applications that need high throughput when performing reasonably small chunks of stateless, asynchronous processing. Join Jon Brisbin as he discusses the motivations behind the project, the design patterns and existing technology that inspired the project, and how it fits in the asynchronous ecosystem today, as a teaser to his upcoming session at SpringOne 2GX 2013.
About the speaker
Jon Brisbin
Jon works with the Spring Data, Grails, RabbitMQ, and other teams to provide next-generation data and messaging capabilities for modern Ajax and mobile applications. He's been working with Spring Data to provide mapping capabilities for NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Riak and he's working with RabbitMQ and NoSQL to provide modern evented and message-driven data utilities. He authored the Grails support for Riak as well as contributes Erlang-based utilities for the Riak and RabbitMQ communities. Prior to SpringSource, Jon developed private cloud architectures at the world's largest Pizza Hut franchisee, developed Lotus Domino, J2EE, PHP and even Perl CGI applications in BBEdit on an aged Mac, and got his start in web-based development 15 years ago, as an intelligence analyst for the US Air Force, when NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was cool
Today's applications don't exist in isolation. REST applications and web services are a great way to connect applications together. REST is a design principle that imposes no constraints on the client except basic HTTP support, which all platforms provide. Designing REST services, however, is still as much art as it is science, as standards are emerging. Join Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long as he introduces some of the ins-and-outs of REST API design with Spring, building on Spring MVC, Spring HATEOAS and answers some commonly- asked questions like how to secure REST-ful services, and how…
Head over to the Pivotal Blog for a short primer on Hadoop programming, which walks you through a simple word count program. Learn some basics about Apache Hadoop via four coding approaches:
using the native Hadoop library
alternate libraries such as Pig, Hive and Cascading
Stay tuned for the next blog entry in the series, where Spring for Apache Hadoop is introduced for a beginning audience, providing a unified, consistent alternative to the four different methods discussed in this blog post.
Virtualizing and Tuning Large Scale Java Applications
This session shares many of the production proven methods of running Java on vSphere. Covering how to size JVMs, and VMs for large scale deployments. The session will have a special section on GC tuning and show how a wide range of JVMs can be tuned using a GC recipe developed over the past 15 years of actual field experience in tuning JVMs.
Three key trends and associated tuning techniques are discussed in this session. The key trends are: Consolidation, Elasticity and Flexibility, and Performance
Consolidation Many of our customers find that their middleware deployments have proliferated and are becoming an administrative challenge associated with higher costs. We see a trend across customers who look to virtualization as a way of reducing the number of server instances. At the same time, customers are taking the consolidation opportunity to rationalize the number of middleware components needed to service a particular load. Middleware components most commonly run within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with an observed scale of 100 to 1000s of JVM instances and provide many opportunities for JVM instance consolidation. Hence, middleware virtualization provides an opportunity to consolidate twice once to consolidate server instances, and, secondly, to consolidate JVM instances. This trend is far-reaching, because every IT shop on the planet is considering the cost savings of consolidation. One customer in the hospitality sector went through the process of consolidating their server footprint and at the same time consolidated many smaller JVMs that were less than 1GB heap. They consolidated many of these smaller 1GB JVMs into 2 categories, those that were 4GB, and others that were 6GB. They performed the consolidation in such manner that the net total amount of RAM available to the application was equal to the original amount of RAM, but with fewer JVM instances. They did all of this while improving performance and maintaining good SLAs. They also reduced the cost of administration considerably due to the reduced number of JVM instances they had to manage, and refined environment that helped easily achieve SLA.
Another customer, in the insurance industry, was able to achieve the same as the above customer, but additionally was able to over-commit CPU in development and QA environments in order to save on third party software license costs. On the other hand, sometimes we come across customers that have a legitimate business requirement to maintain one JVM for an application, and/or one JVM per a line of business. In these cases, you cannot really consolidate the JVM instances, as that would cause intermixing of the lifecycle of one application from one line of business with another. However, while such customers don’t benefit from eliminating additional JVM instances through JVM consolidation, they do benefit from more fully utilizing the available compute resource on the server hardware, that otherwise would have been underutilized in a non virtualized environment
Elasticity and Flexibility It is increasingly common to find applications with seasonal demands. For example, many of our customers run various marketing campaigns that drive seasonal traffic towards their application. With VMware, you can handle this kind of traffic burst, by automatically provisioning new virtual machines and middleware components when needed, and then automatically tear down these VMs when the load subsides. In addition, the ability to change updating/patching hardware without causing outage is paramount for middleware that supports the cloud era scale and uptime. VMware VMotion gives you the ability to move VMs around without needing to stop applicators and or the VM. This flexibility alone makes virtualization of middleware worthwhile when managing large-scale middleware deployments. One customer in the financial space, handling millions of transactions per day, used VMotion quite often to schedule their hardware upgrades without any time downtime. What otherwise would be a costly scheduled downtime to their business.
Performance Customers often report improved middleware platform performance when virtualizing. Performance improvements are partly due to the updated hardware that customers will typically refresh during a virtualization project. There is also some performance improvement due to the robust VMware hypervisor. A recent customer that reported a great level of performance provided the following testimony
“With our OrderExpress project we upgraded our Middleware Services, Commerce, Portal, WCM, Service Layer, DB2 Database; migrated from AIX to Linux; virtualized on VMware; moved the application into a three-tier DMZ; increased our transactions by over 150 percent; and added significant new capabilities that greatly improved the customer experience. Changing such a wide range of technology components at once was a huge challenge. However using VMware vSphere and additional architectural changes we were successful in improving performance by over 300 percent; lowered costs in the millions; improved security, availability, and scalability; and how we plan to continue evolving this application to maintain greater than 30 percent yearly growth.”
Jeff Battisti, Senior Enterprise Architect at Cardinal Health
In this session, I will show some actual JVM and VM sizes for middleware components both small and large JVMs. Will also detail out GC tuning recipe that I have developed over the years,that has been shown to handle JVM heap sizes form 4GB to 88GB+, and higher. Of course the introduction of in-memory databases has driven the trend to have these larger JVMs and hence why we will discuss what is the best way to tune the JVM, VM, and the hardware platform they are deployed on.
I see the sizing question as the most commonly asked question with our customer base,and as a result I plan to focus on it during the session.
About the speaker
Emad Benjamin
Emad Benjamin has been in the IT industry for the past twenty years. He graduated with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong. Earlier in his career, he was a C++ software engineer, then in 1997, he switched to programming with Java, and has been focusing on Java ever since. For the past seven years, his focus has been Java on VMware vSphere, vFabric GemFire and SQLFire. Emad has been at VMware since 2005, and is the author of the Enterprise Java Applications Architecture on VMware book. Emad has previously presented at VMworld, SpringOne, and Open World on the subject of Java virtualization.
From Spring + Java to Spring + Akka - A Journey of Discovery
Actor based concurrency model is a paradigm shift. What is paradigm shift?
A change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. A paradigm shift makes simple ideas hard to grok. Even though Actor model is a simple and revolutionary idea it becomes hard for programmers to see practical benefits and usage. Similarly, the Scala programming language brings a lot to the table in simplifying actor-based design, but comes with a new style of coding. One possible solution to this problem is to evaluate the new paradigm in terms of old paradigm. In this presentation we will take a working Spring based web application and gradually implement it using actors and Scala. We will be skeptical and suspicious of new ideas but at the same time we will be open minded. We will learn about actor based concurrency model using the knowledge of spring. At the same time, we'll learn best practices behind Actors, Scala and combining these with the Spring Framework.
About the speakers
Nilanjan Raychaudhuri
Nilanjan is a consultant and trainer for Typesafe. He started his professional career as a software developer in 2000 using object oriented programming languages. Nilanjan has previously worked with IBM, ThoughtWorks and LivingSocial where he gained a lot of experience in managing and developing software solutions in Java/JEE, Ruby, Groovy and also in Scala. He is zealous about programming in Scala ever since he got introduced to this beautiful language. Currently he spends his spare time working on the scala-webmachine open source project (restful resource framework). In the past Nilanjan worked on other open source projects and libraries. At Typesafe he is mainly teaching and designing Scala and Play courses and helping customers to adopt these technologies. Nilanjan enjoys sharing his experience via talks at various conferences. He is also the author of the "Scala in Action" book.
Josh Suereth is a Senior Software Engineer at Typesafe and the author of "Scala In Depth.” He has been a Scala enthusiast ever since he came to know this beautiful language in 2007. He started his professional career as a software developer in 2004, cutting his teeth with C++, STL, and Boost. Around the same time, Java fever was spreading and his interest was migrating to web-hosted distributed Java-delivered solutions to aide health departments discover the outbreaks of disease - everything from EJB to Hibernate/Spring and even some Applets. He introduced Scala into his company code base first in 2007, and soon after he was infected by Scala fever, contributing to the Scala IDE, maven-Scala-plugin, and Scala itself. In 2009, he began writing the book "Scala In Depth" which provides practical support for using Scala in everyday applications. Today, Josh is the author of several open source Scala projects, including the Scala automated resource management library, the PGP sbt plugin, as well as contributing to key components in the Scala ecosystem, like the maven-Scala-plugin. His current work at Typesafe Inc. has him doing anything from building MSIs to profiling performance issues. Josh regularly shares his expertise in articles and talks.
Join David Turanski (SpringSource) and Damien Dallimore (Splunk) as they discuss and demonstrate Splunk and Spring Integration. Spring Integration provides a number of adapters out of the box to support various transports, such as JMS, File, HTTP, Web Services, and Mail. They will introduce the Splunk channel adapter, a new entry to the out of the box adapters available for Spring Integration, which allows data to flow through Spring Integration to interact with data being ingested or queried by Splunk.
For those who may be unfamiliar, Splunk collects, indexes and harnesses machine-generated big data so you can monitor, search, analyze, visualize and act on large streams of real-time and historical machine data.
Demo Source is located at:
About the speakers
Damien Dallimore
Damien is the first Developer Evangelist at Splunk where he engages with the developer community to build big data applications on top of Splunk using Splunk's SDKs and Application framework. A fervent JVM fan, he has a particular interest in the new breed of alternate JVM languages and actually thinks that logging is cool. Prior to joining Splunk, Damien paid his mortgage wearing many different technical hats coding,hacking,engineering and architecting software and solutions around the globe in a variety of industries, primarily in the Enterprise Java space. He is a fanatical All Black's rugby supporter, loves scuba diving and golf and can hold his own on guitar in a blues jam.
David Turanski is a Senior Software Engineer with SpringSource, a division of VMWare. David is a member of the Spring Data team and lead of the Spring Data GemFire project. He is also a committer on the Spring Integration project. David has extensive experience as a developer, architect and consultant serving a variety of industries. In addition he has trained hundreds of developers how to use the Spring Framework effectively.