Webinar: Data-Driven Applications with Spring and Neo4j
Speakers: Michael Hunger (Neo Technology) and Josh Long (Pivotal)
Spring Data Neo4j 3.0 is here and it supports Neo4j 2.0. Neo4j is a tiny graph database with a big punch. Graph databases are imminently suited to asking interesting questions, and doing analysis. Want to load the Facebook friend graph? Build a recommendation engine? Neo4j's just the ticket. Join Spring Data Neo4j lead Michael Hunger (@mesirii) and Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) for a look at how to build smart, graph-driven applications with Spring Data Neo4j and Spring Boot.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:00 pm BST Time (London, UTC+1) Register
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 10:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, UTC-07:00) Register