In this talk, Grails project lead Graeme Rocher will demonstrate some less known, advanced features of GORM and explore the possibilities offered going beyond the relational database.
The dynamic runtime nature of Groovy is one of the things that sets it apart from standard Java and makes it a fantastic language for building dynamic applications for the Java Platform. The metaprogramming capabilities offered by the language provide everything that an application development team needs to build systems that are far more capable than their all Java counterparts.
Building an Enterprise Application Stack means the necessity to have a service tier that can scale to the demands of business. This talk will discuss the approach to developing a scalable enterprise architecture, and will demonstrate implementations based on the variety of technologies available from the Groovy ecosystem, including Grails, Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring Integration.
Groovy has a very easy learning curve for Java developers, so many people become Groovy users without realizing all it can do. This presentation will examine features of Groovy that can make your life easier once you're past the initial adoption stage. Prerequisite: Some Groovy knowledge
Polymer is the latest web framework out of Google. Designed completely around the emerging Web Components standards, it has the lofty goal of making it easy to build apps based on these low level primitives. Along with Polymer comes a new set of Elements (buttons, dialog boxes and such) based on the ideas of "Material Design". These technologies together make it easy to build responsive, componentized "Single Page" web applications that work for browsers on PCs or mobile devices. But what about the backend, and how do we make these apps secure? In this talk Scott Deeg will take you through an introduction to Polmyer and its related technologies, and then through the build out of a full blown cloud based app with a secure, RESTful backend based on Spring REST, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security and using Thymeleaf for backend rendering jobs. At the end he will show the principles applied in a tool he's currently building. The talk will be mainly code walk through and demo, and assumes familiarity with Java/Spring and JavaScript.
JHipster focuses on generating a high quality application with a Java back-end using an extensive set of Spring technologies; Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring MVC (providing a framework for websockets, REST and MVC), etc. an Angular.js front-end and a suite of pre-configured development tools like Yeoman, Maven, Gradle, Grunt, Gulp.js and Bower. JHipster creates a fully configured Spring Boot application with a set of pre-defined screens for user management, monitoring, and logging. The generated Spring Boot application is specifically tailored to make working with Angular.js a smoother experience. Join Julien for a quick-live coding session to build a simple application, and deploy it to Cloud Foundry.
OK so everyone’s into big data but they’re usually talking about persistence, disk or more recently SSD, how about memory? We could simply add a few terabytes of RAM but even at $100 per GB that’s going to cost a LOT. What if we could reduce the size of the data by 50 fold and effectively bring the cost RAM down towards cost of disk? Keep Spring Integration, Spring Batch, GemFire in-memory cache, RabbitMQ messaging but reduce your data down to binary, yes bits and bytes rather than objects. Less garbage, less network overhead, same APIs but big-data in memory. John will show a Spring work-flow consuming 7.4kB XML messages, binding them to 25kB Java but storing them in just 450 bytes each, 10 million derivative contracts in-memory on a laptop.