SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Securing Microservices with Spring Cloud Security

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Speaker: Will Tran Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/securing-microservices-with-spring-cloud-security-53170178 This talk will walk through the authentication and authorization scenarios that you may encounter once you start building out microservices. We'll go over OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and how to leverage those standards with Spring Cloud Security, so you can build out secure services that can be easily consumed by both Spring and non-Spring clients.

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: A How to Guide to Security in the PAAS Cloud

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Speaker: John Field, Shawn McKinney Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/a-how-to-guide-to-security-in-the-paas-cloud Most developers still deal with application security issues in isolation, without understanding the security of the ""full stack"". As a result, security is sometimes inconsistent, and can be seen as a barrier to moving applications to the cloud. The session will examine the security of a typical Java Web application in an enterprise deployment. We will then look at what needs to change when that secure Java application is “forklifted…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Spring Cloud *: Exploring Alternative Spring Cloud Implementations

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Speaker: Spencer Gibb Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-cloud-alternative-implementations-of-discovery-config-bus In this session we will discuss the Spring Cloud abstractions and interfaces that an implementation might choose to implement: DiscoveryClient, LoadBalancerClient, Configuration and Bus. We will compare and contrast some target technologies and discus the tradeoffs and nuances of each, such as: netflix, consul, etcd, zookeeper and lattice. We will then show and demonstrate Spring Cloud implementations of those technologies.

SpringOne2GX 2015 Replay: Spring Cloud at Netflix

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Jon Schneider, Taylor Wicksell - Netflix

Web / JavaScript Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-cloud-at-netflix

Cloud Native Track Spring Cloud Netflix allows you to quickly take your existing Spring Boot application and transform it into a fully cloud-ready service (even if you are operating out of a private data center). This talk will be largely live coded, taking a simple Spring Boot app and progressively augmenting it with more and more production-ready features. 1. Service discovery -- how we have extended Spring Cloud to integrate more seamlessly with Eureka. 2. Real-time Metrics -- Spectator/Atlas integration, including how we fold Spring Boot Actuator metrics into Spectator. We will show you how to use the Atlas stack language to generate real-time metrics graphics. 3. Inter-service Communication/Loading Balancing - When should you choose client-side load balancing (Ribbon) over traditional server-side load balancing? We will explain how Netflix OSS can contain both a client side load balancer in Ribbon and a software router in Zuul and when to use each. 4. Managing Failure - Provide a demo of Hystrix/Spring integration with Turbine. 5. Analytics - How Spring Cloud Netflix makes Spring XD an even more powerful real-time analytics platform with real-time operational insights.

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Grails 3.x update

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Graeme Rocher

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/whats-new-in-grails-3

In this talk, Grails project lead Graeme Rocher, will update you on the latest release of Grails and what is coming up during the course of the next year.

Covering all the new features of Grails 3 including the new plugin model, Gradle build and profiles support, this talk promise to be packed full of information for those interested in the latest and greatest from the Grails community.

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Microservice Architecture with Grails

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Jeff Brown, OCI Web

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/microservice-architecture-with-grails-3

For some web applications it does not make sense to have 1 monolithing process which handles all of the requirements of the application. More and more often Grails is showing up in microservice architectures where instead of building 1 monolithing web application which is responsible for all of the pieces of the application puzzle, microservice applications are being assembled which collectively solve the requirements of the larger application. Grails is very well suited for this type of architecture. A microservice based architecture can result in applications which are easier to build…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Restful Grails 3

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Jeff Brown, OCI Web

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/restful-grails3

Grails 3 includes a lot of features and functionality related to building RESTful services. These include an entirely new and more flexibile data binding system, runtime and compile time metaprogramming which greatly reduce the amount of code required in your RESTful services, a rich set of content negotiation tools and more.

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Bringing javax.cache'ing to your application

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Alex Snaps, Chris Dennis - Terracotta / Software AG

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/bringing-javaxcacheing-to-your-app

10 years in the making and finally JSR-107 has been finalized. We now have a standardized Caching API for the Java Platform. And that's all ready for you to use in your Spring apps. But what does it really enable for you? What's with these optional features? No transaction support? How do you efficiently make use of this new API to solve real world problems in your application today? We'll look into how get you best started introducing caching into your Spring application to solve real world problems. And, as we explore the javax.cache API in much more details, we'll see how to push the specifications to its limits and... beyond. Whether implicitly through frameworks (like Spring and Hibernate), or explicitly (cache-aside, cache-through, ...). And how to abstract yourself from a given provider when you require more than what the specifications cover (e.g. transactional caches). We'll also cover some implementer specifics you might want to account for when choosing an implementation, especially if you plan to push the spec to the extreme, like when going distributed and caching terabytes of data.

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