This Week in Spring - February 9th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | February 09, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

I'm just about to give a 2h presentation for the OOP conference. It's live. It'll be fun. Join us?

How've you been? You realize it's already the second week of February? Chinese New Year, a holiday celebrated by more than two billion people, begins on the 12th of February. So, seeing as how we won't get to talk again until after, let me wish everyone who celebrates: 新年快乐!

Making the most of available resources for Spring Boot

Engineering | Madhura Bhave | February 05, 2021 | ...

Whether you’re a long time user of Spring Boot or just getting started with it, there are numerous resources out there that you can leverage. Knowing what’s available for your specific need is not always obvious and this blog post is aimed toward helping you to navigate through these resources.


Reference Documentation

As a software developer, you probably already know that reading any project’s documentation can help you save a lot of time and effort. The Spring Boot reference documentation is a comprehensive document containing everything you need to know about Spring Boot. It is available in multiple formats, multi-page HTML, single-page HTML, and PDF. You can choose the one that suits your needs. The documentation is versioned, with current pointing to the latest GA release. Be sure…

Demystifying Spring Cloud Stream producers with Apache Kafka partitions

Engineering | Soby Chacko | February 03, 2021 | ...

In this blog, we are taking a deeper look at writing a Spring Cloud Stream producer with Apache Kafka and how it handles native partitions in Kafka.

Spring Cloud Stream has a middleware agnostic concept of partitions. Whenever possible, Spring Cloud Stream leverages the native partitioning capabilities of the middleware if it has such capabilities as in the case of Apache Kafka. This blog looks at how a Spring Cloud Stream developer handles partitions when writing a producer application that publishes data to Kafka. In a subsequent article, we will look at how consumers handle partitions in a…

This Week in Spring - February 2nd, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | February 03, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe we're already square into the second month of 2021? We're 1/12th of the way through the year already! IT'S ALL GOING SO QUICK! So, I won't waste any further time, let's get to the roundup!

YMNNALFT: A lightweight SQL data mapper with the JdbcTemplate

Engineering | Josh Long | February 01, 2021 | ...

Welcome to another installment of You May Not Need Another Library For That (YMNNALFT)! I've spent a lot of time since 2016 illuminating (or trying to, anyway!) some of the more enormous opportunities in the Spring ecosystem in my Spring Tips videos. Today, however, I come to you in a different spirit, wanting to focus on the little, sometimes hidden, gems that do fantastic things and that might spare you an additional third-party dependency and its implied complexity.

I think the first use I had for Spring, more than 15 years ago, was the JdbcTemplate, which eliminated the eye-watering and…

Spring Batch on Kubernetes: Efficient batch processing at scale

Engineering | Mahmoud Ben Hassine | January 28, 2021 | ...


Batch processing has been a challenging area of computer science since its inception in the early days of punch cards and magnetic tapes. Nowadays, the modern cloud computing era comes with a whole new set of challenges for how to develop and operate batch workload efficiently in a cloud environment. In this blog post, I introduce some of the challenges a batch developer or architect may face when designing and running batch applications at scale and show how Spring Batch, Spring Boot and Kubernetes can tremendously simplify this task.

Challenges of Designing and Running Batch…

YMNNALFT: The Spring *Utils Classes

Engineering | Josh Long | January 27, 2021 | ...

Welcome to another installment of You May Not Need Another Library For That (YMNNALFT)! I've spent a lot of time since 2016 illuminating (or trying to, anyway!) some of the more enormous opportunities in the Spring ecosystem in my Spring Tips videos. Today, however, I come to you in a different spirit, wanting to focus on the little, sometimes hidden, gems that do fantastic things and that might spare you an additional third-party dependency and its implied complexity.

We've all been there. There's some everyday string-manipulation routine you want, so you extract it out into a separate abstract class and expose it as a static method. Then, there's some factory method for building a java.util.Collection<T>, so you extract it out into a separate class and expose it as a static method. And eventually, you've got a whole collection of these things scoured about your codebase, and there's little to no cohesion across them. After all, there's just not that much to it, right? These are, essentially, only global functions, not really methods on stateful objects,

What's New in Azure Spring Cloud after GA?

Engineering | Josh Long | January 26, 2021 | ...

This post was written by our friend on the Azure Spring Cloud team, the amazing Kylie Liang (@liangkylie). I interviewed her for the Bootiful Podcast in April 2019, too! -Josh

2020 was a busy year for Azure Spring Cloud service. Microsoft and VMware co-announced Azure Spring Cloud General Availability (GA). We were excited to see how Azure Spring Cloud helped customers focus on code and let us take care of the underlying infrastructure management, operation, and maintenance. We continue to prioritize our work according to customers’ requests and feedback. For example, 7 more regions were enabled, and Azure Spring Cloud service is now available in 18 regions of Asia Pacific, Australia, Canada, China, Europe, India, Korea, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States. In this blog, I’ll…

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