This Week in Spring - June 7th, 2016
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's already June! Where. Does. The. Time. GO?? This week I'm in Chicago, IL, for the Chicago Coder Conference, Boston and New Hampshire for customer visits, London, England for Devoxx UK and Talin, Estonia for Geekout EE. If you're around be sure to say hi! Now then, we've got a lot to cover this week so let's get to it!
- Spring Cloud Services ninja Scott Frederick just announced the Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry Service Broker, which is a nice framework for building service brokers for the Cloud Foundry platform
- Spring Boot and Spring Cloud co-founder (the good) Dr. Dave Syer just put published the first post in a series on the reactive programming landscape
- Spring Integration ninja Artem Bilan just announced that Spring Integration Kafka 2.0.0.RC1 is now available
- not one to rest on his laurels, Artem also announced the Spring for Apache Kafka 1.0. RC1
- Spring Cloud Streams lead Marius Bogoevici has just announced Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.1.RELEASE…