Hi Spring fans! In this tip, we'll look at deploying to, and integrating with, embedded (like Apache Tomcat, Eclipse Jetty, and RedHat's Undertow) and standalone Servlet containers (like the Wildfly application server) in a Spring Boot application.
Hi Spring fans! in this installment, we'll look at the reactive WebClient and WebTestClient in Spring Web Flux, the reactive web stack in Spring framework 5, due this summer.
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Chicago on business and preparing for next week, where I'll be at the first Devoxx US event, ever!. I hope to see you there!
Last week, Pivotal and Google announced Kubo, the ability to run and manage Kubernetes, on top of BOSH, alongside Cloud Foundry. This means that it's now possible to get support for both Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes deployments, supporting cloud native applications and low-level container orchestration equally.
Hi Spring fans! in this installment, we'll look at server sent events as implemented with Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux, the reactive web stack in the coming Spring Framework 5.
Spring Security ninja Joe Grandja just announced Spring Security OAuth 2.1.0 and 2.0.13. This release includes new features supporting JSON Web Signature (JWS) verification using JSON Web Key (JWK). This feature provides support for authorization servers and have implemented key rollover/rotation.
On behalf of Disid Corp, we're pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring Roo 2.0. This is the first release candidate, from now on we’re going to work in the improvements and bug fixes that the community detects until we'll be able to publish the final release. We encourage you all to participate in this process testing the 2.0.0.RC1 version and reporting the possible bugs and improvements in our JIRA.
RC1 version includes some improvements and bugs fixes detected in the Spring Roo 2.0.0.M3 version. Also, it includes some significant new features:
Included some improvements on existing commands:
Improved data-on-demand generation to use it in test commands.
Improved test unit command which now creates fully functional tests for JPA entities.
Improved test integration command which now allows to create integration tests for JPA repositories and JSON/Thymeleaf controllers.
Improved field commands readability, removing unnecessary options and make other dynamically visible.
Improved push-in --method command, allowing to distinguish between methods with same name but different arguments.
Improved repository command to allows developers to use projections as default return type.
Hi Spring fans! in this installment, we'll look at different ways to register beans with Spring, culminating in the new programmatic bean registration functionality in Spring 5.
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it! My friend Kenny Bastani and I will be doing a training for O'Reilly on the first and second of March introducing all things Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Cloud Foundry - join us!
Eric Bottard has just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.1.1 which includes stability improvements, better error handling, network call optimizations and better load performance characteristics
An update on the 5th and last milestone of Spring Framework 5.0...
Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux
The name *Spring MVC* is both well known and widely used but it may surprise a few there is no actual project or independent distribution with that name. Rather it is a module within the Spring Framework distribution called `spring-webmvc`. Here is another trivia question. Did you know that the top-level package in the module does not feature "mvc"? Rather it is called `org.springframework.web.servlet`. Practically speaking those are details that we don't have to remember. What matters is that we have a short and memorable name to refer to *Spring's Servlet stack based* web framework.
Spring's reactive stack web framework, new in 5.0, is fully reactive and non-blocking. It is suitable for event-loop style processing with a small number of threads. It is supported on Servlet containers (Tomcat, Jetty, Servlet 3.1+) but also non-Servlet runtimes (Netty, Undertow) since the common foundation for this stack is not the Servlet API but a non-blocking alternative built on Reactive Streams and the Reactor project. In case you're wondering, isn't Servlet 3.1 capable of non-blocking I/O…